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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. *As She made her way on deck, she sniffed the air giving her spirit a renewed hope and strengh with a dash of change. Yes change, for that is the best word in the King's English she could find to describe this complex feeling. This past year had been bittersweet. But as her father has alway told her, "It is part of growing up." And indeed this ship and its crew have taught her to grow up and fast.

    She sees the Captain and Mr. Pew are engagged in something. Mr. Pew turns and nods in greeting and she dose the same, before making her way to otherside of the ship to be alone , look to the heavens and pray.

  2. She is doing well, she is in a nursing home while she recouperates, and gets PT this is for a few weeks. Then she will be sent home, Her dog Casey (who is as big as Marmaduke, no joke) Will be put in a kennel for a time while getting around her home. Don't want him tp trip her while she is re learnig how to get around the house. As for me still waiting to hear from the guy about the tub lift. We and our little farm survived the storm today, we are all praying that the water receeds and that all the animals stay healthy.

    Oh also, my travling compaion, is getting married the 24th of this month to a wonderful man. So please pray that they always remain the best of friends as they are right now. And yes, Ciaran I too want prayer in the romance department as well. I know, I did not need to put that down, but I think I know you well enough to know you would have called me on it if I didn't :lol:

    Thanks again to one and all!

  3. My Dad tries to get my Mom and I a box of Chocolate. "For my two sweethearts."

    To be honest I kinda become "grumpy" I mean I do apperciate what my Dad dose for me, but lets face it its not romance. My idea of romance is a guy (pirate garb prefered. . .teasing, but it would be fun) brings me roses and we go out for lunch. Yes just lunch fellas, I am an old fashion sort of girl.

  4. *A new day had come, she refused anything Simon had suggested to eat,* "You must have a little something miss."

    " I know, but I could not keep it down even if I wanted." *The giant sighed heavily set the plate down beside her, folded his hands and closed his eyes. Just as he had seen the Monsignor had done many a time in the moment of need:

    Dear heavenly Father Creator of all that is seen and un seen,

    Please help Miss Kendra with the pain and grief she is now struggling with. Help her to gain strength, as each hour doth pass for she is a most valued member of this crew and it will be that one day, the strengh you give her now will be, a strengh that will be given to them when called upon by others.

    In You Blessed Son's Name


    *At that moment, Kendra felt a peace over her, like someone was wraping there arms around her and whispering, "Everything is going to be all right you will see. . .sarrow is for but a breif moment, but all the joy that comes in the morning!" *With that, a large smile spread across he countanance, she snuggled down into her pillow and before she fell fast a sleep she thank her friend, and he in reply kissed her cheek. Then taking then untouched food he crept silently out to the upper deck*

  5. I said it before, there is "the one" I know am a fish out of water here. Fall in love with yourself (and I don't mean in a conceaded way) Get to really know yourself flaws and all. I know that is not easy, but the more you love and accept yourself, more love and acceptance you will have for the other person. Keep your eyes open, and enjoy the journey till you find one another Look at what is inside a person, now I understand there is attraction, but there is more to a person than good looks. A soulmate (to me) is more than a lover, he is your best friend. He is out there Rummy I know it, because you are a strong woman, and you are asking yourself the right questions, thus you are gettin your spirit and heart prepared. Find out what you really want for you, and don't listen to anyone else, because God gave you the heart you have and He will never lead you astray.

    I also wnat you all to know that as I write this, that yes, I am taking my own medicine as we speak, and it is a some what bitter pill to swallow.

    I want to thank you for putting this subject here Rummy, it has really helped me to dicover more about myself, and I will be praying for you.

  6. *As the Captain gave his orders, Kendra had a vice grip around the giant's midddle for it was all she could do to hold herself up, starring that well know "blank stare" at her fallen funny friend. The Captain turned round again letting out a huge sigh, before seeing the little tailor and her giant sheild. Normalily, he would tell a member of the crew to "buck up there sailor, we have all lost a commrade or two." *But he knew this was cold comfort, especially for her. he had seen how close the two of then had become. He walked over. She removed herself from Simon and did her best to stand at attention. She wanted to say she was sorry for the spectical she had made. His eyes said all was well. * Large tears strolled down her cheek, she knew what he was asking and she nodded her head in reply. He then in a rare gesture of affection whiped the tears fron her eyes and kissed her cheeck. It was then that she was so over come with grief, and the Captain orderd her taken below

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