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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. A hug, a hug that makes neither one want to let go and says, "no matter what love, you are my heart, my dearest friend and my life is yours till the sweet bitter end!"

    Then a long kiss that lingers for days after its end!

  2. It is so nice to see you both finally even thought it is not in person yet!

    you both look wonderful.

    I have tried to up load my vids but it won't take am I doing somethin wrong on is under 5mins

    or is it because I am still on dial up

  3. Well . . .The ones with Lance are interesting. I get tickets to his show, and take a friend. We end up in the balcony He comes on stage dose a few tricks, then he gets ready to "disappear" he dose and then I hear this voice from behind and on my left say, " I am so glad you could come," I was about to turn around when he said "no don't turn around I only have a few moments and I am not suppose to be up here any way. We exchange flirtive banter then he says, I have to go. "Is'nt this interesting now for the rest of the show you'll never if I am her or not." Then I woke up

    I am in the process of writing a romance story, which is something I have never attempted and its a modren piece as well. I guess you could say that it is slightly autobiographical

  4. For the past week I have dreamt about magicians, and I don't know why. And before anyone asks, no I am not a "mind freak" although I do think chris Angels tricks are cool. Anyway the theme (if you want to call it that) is always the same. It is romantic in nature but it is not a "fantasy " type dream.

    Last week it the dream had lance burton, and this week it is Teller of Pen & teller can someone tell me what it means?

  5. Just wanted to give a heartfelt thanks for one and all here. Your kind words brought more than one tear to my eye.

    My Father is now home. He has to keep his arm elevated for a while (it looks like he has one of Popeye's arms right now) The doctors still don't know how it all happen.

    Thanks again

    Blessings and Love To You

  6. At 10 am my Dad went to the VA Hospital today. His arm was all swelled up and red. turns out he has an infection. Don't know how it happened. He will probably come home monday. I know my Sis on the board is reading this saying "Now tell them about you." Well on Thurs I was getting ready to go out with a friend, and I decided to get out of my wheelchair for a little while before she came and got me and as I did my "Pivit turn to sit, I heard and felt "POP"…thats right my right kneew popped which sent me to the floor. I am alright it is abit bruised, but I am no worse for the wear. I just ask that you keep me and my family in your prayers this has not been the best week for us!


  7. That was Great Kendra my lil Sea Sis...have not seen you around as much, so I hope all is well with you. And please do add more shows..Oh and Ill bring the popcorn...

    I will if that is what you wish, one day I will have a video disk recorder and be a director!!

    Dose anyone have one they want to get rid of or an extra one just lying around some where…?

    Guess not well it never hurts to ask :unsure:

  8. :lol:B)B) The dead Parrot! Ye have a Woman's hands me Lord...

    I knew that would tickle your fancy. I am adding that, and a few others from the series to my "Blackadder tribute page" on my website If you haven't seen the whole series it is definatly worth renting or checking out at your local library. They realy could do a whole series on "Blackadder Pirate Hunter now that would be funny! B)B)

  9. Kendra those are wonderful i applaud you! I so wish to learn to weave, I hate crocheting though and Im wondering if I would get bored with that as well. But truly that is wonderful...Good for you Lass..and keep writing and looking for the Dark Prince of Plunder :unsure:B)B)

    Knifty Knitters Kit

    This is what I used I really like using my looms, because I am knitting only with out all the needles.

    I have to be honest I am not that cordinated. This is something you and your daughter can do Siren. and it comes with instructions on how to make a hat, ( I haven't mastered that yet). You just wrap the yarn around the circle once and as you start to go round a gain you take your pick and lift the "Bottom yarn" over the top of the first peg and pull down on the yarn to secure. Then you just repeat the process all the way round!

    Can't be any simpler!!

    I am still writing, in fact I am planing a romace novel (it is non peroid but very much me) . And as for the Dark Prince Of Plunder I am still looking… ;)

  10. Jenny.jpg

    This picture was taken in Alaska, some good friends of mine took a curise for their anniversery

    anyway the pink scarf around her neck was hand made by me!! It is my second scarf, and was done on a round knitting loom,(the smallest one). You can find the set of looms at your local craft store I have seen them at Michales as well. I am working on another scarf, eventually I will be making a pirate sash!

    I am so glad I can make gifts for my friends!! If anyone is intrested in a scarf or sash pm me and let me know I should say it dose take me awhile to get one done!!

    And yes I still make my own cards too!!

  11. Ahhhh Jacky Tar a pirate with a heart of gold.  Truly the richest one here!

    I think  these next few months are the toughest for alot of people.  I myself have had the "Loss Of Friends."  The one thing have  seen, and find rather amusing is people don't like it when you say no.

    Then when you tell them, you want to move on and see what else there is the once clear, cool and refreashing spring called; "Friendship" dries up!

    Kendra, sorry I missed this post earlier. Thank ye fer yer kind words.

    I hope the spring is flowin', again. If not, a little rain may need t' still fall...

    Fer Kendra...

    "Bring on the Rain" by Jo Dee Messina.

    Thats ok I have misread alot of things lately lol. still need that rain!!


  12. Sometimes we have bad days, weeks, or longer. Mayhaps we celebrate or suffer things alone. I call many here friend, and would like to think I can offer them some solace or support.

    So, I humbly offer this thread as a place to post dedications to those who may need it. Despite the bravado, posturing and brave faces shown here, life can be taxing.

    I dedicate this first post to everyone here...

    "Life is Beautiful" by Vega4

    Ahhhh Jacky Tar a pirate with a heart of gold. Truly the richest one here!

    I think these next few months are the toughest for alot of people. I myself have had the "Loss Of Friends." The one thing have seen, and find rather amusing is people don't like it when you say no.

    Then when you tell them, you want to move on and see what else there is the once clear, cool and refreashing spring called; "Friendship" dries up! So with this in mind I dedicate:

    A Rose Is A Rose By: Susan Ashton


  13. Pardon the randomness...I promise it all really does relate to the subject at hand.

    As another of the past-the-mid-40's crowd, can I just say it drives me up the wall to see so many feature film remakes of old TV shows that weren't that great to begin with? Can we please see some REAL creativity instead of just recycling tired old ideas?

    Now that THAT'S off my chest...


    I aggree, and not to worry my friend. I am working on it!! B)

  14. Yes Skippy was from the 60's otherwise how else would I have watched it in the 60'S!!!! :P

    One of my fav's as well was The Man From Uncle...I loved that blondie boy...lol :huh:

    Oh and also Woody Woodpecker


    You and my Mom! :huh:

    I Love Loony tunes, laugh in, flip wilson, benny hill, blackadder.

    There is this new show you all have to see on fx:

    The Riches

    10 pm Monday Nights It can also be found on ITunes! It is A must see!!

  15. Kendra's back!!!! Hi Kendra!

    unrelated..but a quote

    I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.


    Sir Winston Churchill , on the eve of his 75th birthday

    Hello luv! like the quote very much!

    "Cake or death?"~Eddie Izzard

    If you would like to here more from this very funny man go here:

    Dressed to Kill

    Not for young listeners!

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