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Ace of Harbor Bay

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Everything posted by Ace of Harbor Bay

  1. I went the cheap route. I ordered the import version and not only that but even less expensive due to slight imperfections in the leather. HAHAH! Perfect actually. I then added my own buckets that were the proper Sparrow size and added extra shaft so that they could really sag yet remain fairly high up the calf.
  2. It's hard to tell in these pics...does it have the smaller skulls on the sides of the stone above the finger?
  3. The cool part about Johhny's ring in the film is it was a personal ring of his which he has had for many years.
  4. Oh and speaking of finding folks to help out for the promise of credits... You could always try to find someone to do the tail in 3D animation. That's what I do by day and I can tell ya, it wouldn't be too tough at all (if planned properly).
  5. Aye what Gunner be sayin' is smart talk fer yer budget! It truly is all about planning your shots well. Heck you could get creative and keep it a thing of mystery and have your mermaid never fully revealed, but hinted at. Showing a flip of the tail before she vanishes into the deep. Smoke and mirrors sez I!
  6. Aye but on the other hand...pyrates were a superstitous bunch! Maybe they knew something we don't...not takin' me chances, sez I!
  7. Alright, I'll play too. Here's my current Non-Jack garb with baldric, boots and sash stolen from my Jack kit. I use this when crewing on the Royaliste as the high winds are not exactly nice to the Jack hair. I guess if I had my own hair and make up crew it wouldn't be so bad.
  8. Hmm. The mermaid tail depends on how close your shots will get and your budget I would personally go for a combination of cloth/foam core for the tail. Then is covered in many seperate layers of latex. The latex could be molded easily into the individual scales and easily colored a base color by adding acrylic based paint to the latex before brushing into the mold. Then painted or airbrushed to add the details. These seperate chunks of scales could then be applied in an overlapping fashion like shingles on a roof and would be extremely flexible. It could be attached with more liquid latex to glue it all together and to the base. This either wraps the legs or (depending on your shots/action) is basically a "puppet" tail and the legs are hidden in or behind the set. Of course this is just my demented mind at work. You could probably get away with a lot less.
  9. Thanks mates. Pynch, I thought long and hard about your prior advice. It held me off for a few months, but I decided that my time spent paying tribute to the character (which I assume will be another few years) will be something I would want to remember and this will mark that time. I also have plans for another that will signify the time when I was 6 and fell in love with all things piratical. It of course was the POTC ride in Disneyland.
  10. Well, I finally did it. After the whole Sparrow Clone topic, I can hardly wait to see the posts about THIS!
  11. This is one of me circa 1978. Dressed and "performed" 214 times. Then I grew up.
  12. That is GREAT! :)
  13. Impossible to choose a favorite. Guy, however, still wins for best line: "Hey! Don't open that!! It's an alien planet!!! Is there AIR?!? YOU don't know!!!!!" Ah, but don't forget the subtle but well delivered line ... "That was a hell of a thing"
  14. It does me heart good to know thar be folks out thar what's got the kinda dubloons ter spend on these! Now I say we go and take it from 'em! After all, who's more deserving of a pirate ship hideout than pirates? Ter hell and back with the kids!
  15. Anyone here in the SF Bay area who's heard Skip and the crew performing will tell ya that it's a mighty fine disc o' tunes! And worth every dubloon :)
  16. Aye, but his will seat 6 and I believe the price was more like over 20,000
  17. Funny, I did that same one about a year and a half ago for the fun of it. It gave me Captain Jack Flint. Not the most original sez I. So I stuck with Captain Jack Spareribs.
  18. HAHAHAHA!! Good on you Cap'n Pete! And I was half expecting you to say you ended up picking up all the parts and placing them back in the box for another weekend! Here's to your new firearm
  19. Here's another interesting one http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...7326775245&rd=1
  20. That would be From Russia With Love It's pretty wild animating Sean Connery's young body to his older voice.
  21. It's not as difficult as one might think to make your own. I cheated and didn't sew a stitch on mine. the brim and the crown are seperate parts and I used contact cement to join them. The crown was soaked and then stretched over a form (I used a plastic construction helmet). That way you don't end up with one of the ones that's shaped from a cowbow hat. You can make a pattern out of paper for the brim to get the exact shape you want first, then cut the leather. There's an ok shot of mine from the top here: my tricorn It's not perfect but I was in a hurry or drunk I can't remember which, maybe both
  22. Aye! Fair winds to the mighty Royaliste and her crew today! Only wishin' I could be on the foredeck helping today but fate finds me already booked. Now kick some arse!!!
  23. Aye! I would kill to be working on that game. Alas, I am stuck in Northern California though working on the Sean Connerey James Bond game.
  24. ARRR! I would KILL to be there! I certainly don't have the money...so that's where the killing would have to come into it.
  25. Aye Patrick, I was stopped going back to the parking up the hill after a day of sailing on the Royaliste, smelling like rum and gunpoweder. You'd think with all the pirates the last couple of years trudging through Sausalito, that they would'a got the idea.
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