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Ace of Harbor Bay

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Everything posted by Ace of Harbor Bay

  1. Well, like the name sez, I currently reside on an island that they call Harbor Bay (in years past twas Bay Farm Island) This island is next to Alameda the island where they used to keep the nuclear wessels in the lovely San Francisco Bay. Born and raised in the SF Bay Area. Maybe someday I'll move across the bay to Treasure Island (seems somehow appropriate)
  2. Best wishes fer the day Rumba!!
  3. AYE! I'll second that Bess!! Here's to ya mate!
  4. Arrr! Nice find! Mine's long gone I'm affraid. As it was only cardboard covered with tin foil. (didn't want me cutting my sister down ta size). Of course that was almost 40 years ago. jeesh
  5. Aye Bess, hope ya have a grand day!
  6. Aye! That be the ticket! Thankee Pirate Queen. Makes me wish I'd learnt ta play an instrument asides the drums!
  7. Many happy returns Cap'n! I'm proud ta say I know ya. Yer a mighty fine salty old dawg! 'Ere's to ya and the day
  8. Can't wait ta hear some of yer tales of yer travels Ben!
  9. Ahoy! Any of you mangy, scabberous dogs know of any music on CD or otherwise that'd be suitable for powder monkeys? Lookin' fer music ta perform by that's pyratical, upbeat and fun. Lyrics or instrumental would work either way. thanks mates
  10. YaaaaRRRRR!!!!!! Present an accounted fer
  11. meanwhile...some of us were slaving away in a hot dressingroom full o' half naked wenches ok, so I didn't get there until most the dressing had been done and barely had time to catch me breath, let alone a peek.
  12. A co-worker of mine was there and has shots of the fireworks but said none of the ol' girl cam out due ter it being so dark. At we thought those lights were bright! Well they were when they were in yer face I guess. Oh well, maybe next year we cn get some big ol' lights and mount 'em someplace more suitable like
  13. Aye! Happy happy day Scarlett!!
  14. ARRRR! Just shoot me now an get it o'r with. Pyracy 'as taken a turn fer the worse.
  15. T'was good ta meet you indeed! Sorry I didn't get ta parlay much with ye but I ended up a wee bit busy.
  16. Aye! And I take personal offense to those who don't like to be poked yet slam "Hollywood" and films like Pirates of the Caribbean. Some of us ARE in it for the fun of it only! Others for the history and realism. As an entertainer of 25 years, I say if it's Hollywood's romantic twists and fun-loving swashbuckling that sparks the interest then eventually it may lead them to the historically accurate information and who knows, maybe even being as anal as others. An it's a damn shame the event was cancelled as the good Cap'n and many a crew member were lookin' forward to getting the Royaliste back to Bougainville.
  17. Ahoy Stitch! They don't seem to be showing up.
  18. I LLOOOOOOOVVVEE!!!! this song!
  19. I salute you on this day fer makin' it yet anohter year! 'eres to a 'appy day mate!
  20. DOH! I thought I had one in there Didn't get too many but I know there was at least one goodie I'll fix that tonight!
  21. There are a few on my site: www.pirate4hire.com Me daughter was takin'as many as she could while pushing my wife's wheelchair and manning the pirate dog! they are under the "more images" link on the main page
  22. Here's the link to where I got mine done http://www.48hourprint.com/pricing_postcards.html Though I might look into the place in Oakland to see how there turn-around is. Also interested in the quality too.
  23. Yep, I did mine through an internet joint for pretty cheap too 48 hour turn-around minus shipping went with twice the size (to get twice as many) for almost twice the price as far as printing them yourself, well I used to do that a bit but they are not glossy and cost about 25 time more for decent paper and then they are only inkjet and when little sweaty hands hold them with sticky ice cream... you get the picture as far as how many you'd pass out? well I know not everyone would need as many as I do but on the 4th I passed out almost 2000 and I wasn't trying and couldn't during the parade I was blown away but prepared :)
  24. Aye, might be good to have something available on the dock or somewhere's close by. Dang... Wish I had one of those new fangled portable, battery operated dvd combos, t'would be useful at the encampment at the festival downtown!. I do think I have a monitor I could bring if needed.
  25. ARRRR! If'n there was a way I coulda made this sail....!! Dang! But I have much work ta do at work and much work ta do in me home port ta prepare fer the festivities ta come! I say ya give the Bay hell on the way !!!!
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