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Ace of Harbor Bay

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Everything posted by Ace of Harbor Bay

  1. I like the way ye think thar Redd! Even though we can't get away with it this time. We've GOT ta get ye juggling mate! there's tons of great bits we could do if'n ye could juggle a bit. Now ta just plunder a wee bit of time away from our respective scalliwags..err... fine work establishments.
  2. YOWSERS! Err...uh..I mean Arrrr!!! Nicely done!
  3. I've been thinking on that I have standard juggling clubs i can bring, but they're not very theme at all and quite boring to watch I'm thinking of bringing my spinning bowl and stuff and doing some balancing of stuff on my face along the way maybe
  4. I'll be waitin' yer arrival on the dock with the Mighty Quill when'ere it may be And having had plenty'o experience with pyro in me past, I'm all for helping with the guns or anything else ya might need
  5. About the fireworks and the Royaliste! http://www.redwoodcityport.com/html/July4_2004.html Fireworks location: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?count...arch=++Search++ Festival location: http://www.parade.org/map.htm
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