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Ace of Harbor Bay

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Everything posted by Ace of Harbor Bay

  1. Aye Patrick I do like your idea! Unfortunately it does seem that some DO have "chips on their shoulders" and are going to berate any idea that might work unless there is some way that everything that gets posted comes with a certificate of authenticity. I used to enjoy coming in here to check out what Plunder people had posted. It's one of the only topics I read habitually. Why? Because I enjoy looking at what people are selling out there. AUTHENTIC or not. I also like to see posts that are warning folks of bogus "authentic film props" Why is it that the authenticity police HAVE to be the first to post after someone posts about a "great pirate coat"? Why can't people here be treated as intelligent enough (granted , not NEARLY as intelligent as those clever authentic pirates obviously) to make up our their minds. The question really is...who says it can't be a great pirate coat if it's not authentic. Unfortunately Patrick, I think to make it useful to all there would need to be another rating added. You would need the QUALITY rating, the AUTHENTICITY rating, and a COOLNESS rating. Because there ARE some of us that don't care about how accurate something is but do care if folks think is might be a good pirate coat for oh, the majority of the hundreds of people on here. The histroy police, it seems, are always going to have to chime in to "protect" us idiots that don't know better though, so maybe the rating thing wouldn't really work. By the way Patrick, you're one heck of an historical pirate, yet can go to a faire or event and have a blast. I have also never seen you jump on anyone for posting about an item that THEY thought was a "great pirate coat" It's a shame all the historical folks aren't the same.
  2. I will not comment on the comments about whether they should or should not be worn. I WILL say that the CAboots are very nicely made and fit well. HOWEVER! You WILL need to take care of them and have them re-soled, etc. if you sail on a tall ship that heels over frequently and drenches you in salt water on a daily basis. Although it was a great way of distessing them I must say. Another good thing about nice tall boots...they keep your lower legs from getting black powder burns when firing cannons.
  3. Kinda narrow if you go by the picture with the quarter in it. Looks like it's maybe 3 quarters wide and only 9 feet long. Barely enough to wrap once, let alone do a proper fold. Mine is about a foot wide and 19 feet long. That's what it took to make it look proper. And, not for historical accuracy obviously but for accuracey to the film's, these stripes are all wrong and WAY to narrow. Just my 2 dubloons worth.
  4. Hey Foxe, as you said, don't take it so personally. It's a two way street mate. I even put a little laughy guy after it so no one would think I was serious. Sorry if I offended. However, I HAVE been berated, time and again by people here. It always starts this way. Now, did you actually read the eBay post? Where did it claim to be acurate? I tried to point that out. Then hear comes everybody stating that there's "nothing wrong with being historical" or "persuing education". WHO said there was? The point is, that IMMEDIATELY people were posting about removing the post because it was claiming to be something it wasn't. Apparently those who want to be so accurate about some things have decided NOT to be accurate about others. Such as the heading on the eBay post that says: Firefly Pirate Vampire Frock Coat Black Denim How could ANYONE mistake that for anything other than what it is? I enjoy reading all the posts from the historical types, it educational. But jumping all over a post for no reason? I am not being defensive, I'm not selling the thing. And I don't give a RATS ass what anyone thinks about me. I have to put up with that crap at every single event I go to in my COSTUME (that IS what it is ya know). Some people take this stuff WAY too seriously. Jeesh.
  5. Seems to me all the historical wankers are getting a bit hysterical again. Common' folks. No where in the eBay ad does it say ANYTHING about historical or even Golden age of pyracy or ANYTHING remotely close. It even states it would be good for wearing out to CLUBS for cripes sake. Besides, we have several pirate ladies that wear coats made by this person in Tales of the Seven Seas. Maybe we should kick them out! Maybe they shouldn't be allowed to be seen outside in one! FOR SHAME! Oh the humanity!
  6. Then I just got one question fer ya. What the hell ya go ter Tracy fer? I like it Pat!
  7. It's true for sure. I have many friends and fellow animators that work for Pixney and they would know. Not to mention that Iron Bess would know as she works for Disnar. This will sure be interesting.
  8. Hey there Ben! Funny stuff! We miss ya here in the Bay area!
  9. At the age of 6 a couple of things started it. My grandmother reading Treasure Island with me and then a trip to Disneyland and the POTC ride. The rest was easy.
  10. Also, seems to me I remember Bess saying something about the poster being a little inaccurate as there's no voodoo in the film That article also mentions Tia Dalma being a witch doctor not a voodoo queen
  11. The wife bought me Redrum and the dvd of The Shining for Christmas this year.
  12. Reminds me of a french restaurant I worked back in the early 80s called Le Pirate. Everyone dressed as pirates and I did table side magic and and a pirate themed stage show on weekends. Oh yes, did I mention we were also all on rollerskates!? Quite a fun job!
  13. As far as DJ'S crew goes, I had heard that the idea is that the longer ago they had been killed (sent to DJ's Locker), the more they take on qualities of the sea. More barnacles and sea weed and various types of squid/crab/etc. they become. So a freshly sent pirate would still look fairly human. Sounds fair to me!
  14. I know it's not entirely pirate related but the Dickens' Fair is in full swing at the Cow Palace in San Francisco and has 3 more weekends to go. There IS a pirate shop (same one that frequents Nothern Faire) and the Sea Dogs are there performing wonderful music and song. Also there are several pirates working the fair old Redd Oktober is playing a character from David Copperfield and I am playing Fagin from Oliver Twist. Both two notorious villains of course! It's very much street style theatre and quite interactive and fun. Dickens fair site
  15. My guess is that that marked man thing would be none other than Davey Jones version of the Black Spot. Times up!
  16. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! HEHEHEHE Ok..... Where are the real prices holy XXXX
  17. I made my own baldric buckle by sculpting it in plasticine then molding and casting it in resin. It's a "cold cast" bronze which means there is actual metal powder mixed with the resin. It can be polished to a shine and looks like brass. I added a very strong wire form to it to add strength as resin is not that strong. It's still not strong enough to use as an actual buckle but then again...I'm not. It's mostly an ornament. I've also made my own leather tricorn and have pretty much sewn the rest of the costume myself. Except the shirt which I already had. No one had boots that were quite right , so I bought the caboots and modified/added my own buckets. Jack's baldric buckle is used in another pirate movie as well, the name of which escapes me at the moment. But, all this is a moot point eventually as the baldric buckle changes greatly in a future film. Not gonna be an easy one to make out of resin Oh well, maybe old Cap't Jack Spareribs will keep the old look.
  18. Now THAT's one scary looking Jack clone
  19. Must we start this again? Besides lets get real. I have NEVER seen an original pirate outfit YET! They are ALL copies of someone's idea of what pirates looked like. Copies of artowrk or descriptions. So unless you lived back then or ride the seas in a dingy with automatic weapons... you're still just copying someone. Jeeze
  20. Here's ta all o' ye going to the faire! Have fun and don't get into...a screw it! I'll see ya down the way a bit someday soon I hope.
  21. Yes, nice indeed. And cheap at twice the price. Good luck to ye, I hope ya git what it's truly worth for an original. Considering you could make a small fortune selling prints of it.
  22. Nice work there Skot! I did see Mr. Salmagundi's.
  23. AAhhh, who am I ta talk. I'm the one what wears eyeliner various other assorted makeup Yeah, workin' pockets is a useful thing, no lining don't bother me
  24. Hey Black Skot... Seriously, what's the material it's made out of?
  25. Look at you JoshuaRed ...hangin' out in the make up section. Everyone knows it's a firefighter's coat
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