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Ace of Harbor Bay

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Everything posted by Ace of Harbor Bay

  1. Aye, the Pirates of Harbor Bay have struck a similar accord with a theatre in SF Bay area.
  2. Ah but my costume is finally complete and vary accurate now. Yes, I do a spoof for my shows as Spareribs, but for a new car... I would be ALL Captain Jack. :angry: I didn't have the cash to jump on a plane and had only heard about it a week in advance. Had shows booked and stuff. Someday I have to meet Jack2 This is my latest gear:
  3. Aye Lady Barbossa, I have been adding. :) Learning to cast pewter and such. The coat and the hat are both made by Toby hisself. His coat pattern is taken directly from a screen used coat as well as the hat. He also found a good supply of a fairly accurate material. However as you may have noticed it looks quite brown Sparrows does indeed have a lot of browns in it but what with all the processing that film goes through and the various lighting, it many times looks much more grey and sometimes a bluish tint as well. So, I took a little acrylic paint to it and dry brushed a light coating of grey/blue over it and then wiped it down. It ended up being exactly what I was looking for. In some shots at a recent shoot we did for the Pirates of Harbor Bay, the coat looks blue/grey like this shot and in others it looks quite brown with hints of grey. After all, i am going for the look that most people remember seeing Sparrow as, even though i am not Jack Sparrow but rather...Jack Spareribs. :) I also modified the hat by rubbing it down with mink oil to soften it a bit. Toby's hat is quite stiff as it's a very thin vegetable tanned leather. He soaks it to shape it and lets it dry in the proper shape. Now it keeps the shape fairly well but also gives when squished (which you can see in the film as Jack presses it against his chest in the first few shots of Jack in the film. That should also answer your question Francois. I am a true Hollywood pirate and will use any means to create the look I'm going for. Thanks for the comment. :) By the way the recent shots of you are fantastic!
  4. Finally got my new coat and hat. This is for all you Sparrow haters out there...
  5. I'll be heading down for the re-opening of the ride. Sounds like it'll be great.
  6. HAHAHA! It's you again! I just figured it out.
  7. Not sure if it is really happening, as the last update to the site was in 2004. But it was supposed to be near Ponce, Puerto Rico
  8. Aye Capt'n be safe and sound. If I can find the time and $ I will try to make it out during one of the legs to help crew. And thanks for the fine years of sailing up in the Bay.
  9. Isn't this one more Ren than pirate? I thougt the pirate fest was the one in Sept. Just curious. I can't make it as I just went down to the Bakersfield event. Have fun!
  10. To be really picky Petee... it's not really very acurate. It's one of the closest I have seen (other than Christine's friend Toby's which is not perfect but damn close!). I have seen this hat on MANY Sparrows out there and it ALWAYS looks goofy from certain angles. He's very careful about the pictures angels. The actual Sparrow hat is really quite thin leather and squashes very easily. The crown of the hat is a seperate part from the brim as well. That's how I've made mine. I've made 3 now and I am still not happy with the shape or the color as far as being spot on. However I do a spoof when performing so it doesn't matter at all. I would like to make a fully accurate Sparrow hat someday just to have. I do understand why many of them out there are so expensive as a lot of time goes into them.
  11. A few months away? I don't remember the time fer playin' pirate ending!
  12. Well, it's funny. Everyone says there are a ton of Sparrowish folks out there. Yet I was the only one at that con with the troopers. And I have only seen a couple of other female Sparrows at faires. I know there are those out there like Christine's friend Toby (who has a great kit) and our friend here in the pub from Florida but I don't see as many as everyone else. Weird. Btw, our little band of pirates was a huge hit at WOndercon. I thought we'd be out of place but MAN we couldn't move 3 feet without posing for a pic. I even had the "celebs" asking if I would pose with them! I think my favorite was a shot with me and "Timmy" from Lassie fame! At least we know pirates aint dead
  13. True enough Patrick! I'll be crewing next weekend on her and won't be wearing my baldric or guns. Hard to squat down behind the rail and belay a line with that stuff stabbing yer gut. Also when the battle begins I will be hanging over the side of the ship loading charges as fast as I can and that sort of thing would end up overboard for sure. I will however be wearing my BOOTS! (and a knife on the belt) They do tend to protect one's lower legs from nasty powder burns and they don't get in the way at all (contrary to popular belief). Heaven help me if I went overboard, but with more than a couple of years experience climbing all over her, I'm not that concerned. Oh yeah...and what do you load the cannons with? A BIG STICK!
  14. Can't find the one with Elvis-Trooper... But I did find Pirates vs troopers
  15. hehehe I posed in my Spareribs gear at Wondercon with him! Great stuff. I need to find out who took that pic!
  16. AYE! Give 'em bloody 'eck this weekend Capt'n!! It's still lookin' good fer me ta be crewin' the followin' weekend! I signed on to a new game company up here in S.F. but I'm going to try to make it clear that I had previous plans. Nice thing about the new job is that I commute by ferry across the Bay and work right down by the ballpark and pier 40. Now I just need to get myself a fast boat and commute myself across the bay!
  17. Pirate Mod is good people. I'm sure whatever it is will be worked out. They won't vanish on you or anything.
  18. Hey Foxe, the whole thing about the public and what they expect... I agree with you whole heartedly. I was trying to make a point to Hurricane. It was some of the "humor" that he said HE was trying to make in one of his posts. Hurricane keeps asking me why I am so "vicious in my attacks". I don't see anything I've said as vicious or attacks ( with the unintentional exception of the way you took the wanker comment I made in another topic). However watching Hurricane make comments to me on and on about things like medication for depression/ anxiety (which some people don't find funny I'm sure) is quite entertaining. So, as long as he feels that HE's the only right one about all this...I'll be right here to give him crap right back. Until his head explodes that is. (there Hurricane, ya happy? vicious enough? ) I've been saying all along that I agree with you Foxe, there's not one "right" way of having fun playing pirate (maybe a historically correct way) but as you said, not there's not just one way. And Capt'n MacNamara... glad you're enjoying the sideshow.
  19. Hold it there Foxe. I never said I wasn't arrogant and rude! Wow, you have no idea. And yeah, I keep calling it crap. I do that because somehow it's ok for some to be "humorously cynical" blah, blah, blah, and yet if someone makes a post and mentions an opinion that something is a nice pirate ___ (fill in the blank), they get a myriad of this type of comment from that side of the room. I think most of these posts about boots have been pretty well balanced. Going back and forth with various reason why some don't think they are appropriate and some posting why they like wearing them anyway. Then. Along comes Hurricane with his comments that could have gone with out being made EASILY. Sorry. That's crap. I could care less whether someone is wearing boots or shoes or nothing. But there is no reason for the historical types to keep up with the ridicule of those who don't feel like being historically accurate. Why can't you just get over it? Not everyone wants to play history. Some want to have fun (and look cool in big boots) doing it. It really seems that it's the historical ones with the big chips on the shoulders. Why? Is it because the majority of the public looks at a pirate in boots and thinks "WOW! That's a pirate!" then looks at someone wearing buckle shoes and thinks "What a shame, that pirate probably couldn't afford good boots"? See? I told you I was rude. Unfortunately it's probably true about the public. And I do think it's a shame. But...there it is.
  20. OK. See? This is where I DO NOT see "fantasy" types being arrogant and rude the way that the "history" types are. Yet all I hear is that the "play pirates" always hi-jack treads about historical crap. yet all I SEE is that when folks are having a discussion about finding a pair of boots BECAUSE THEY WANT THEM, the get this kind of response. And no Hurricane" your analogy (snide remark) is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the same thing. At least those of us that want to wear "inapproriate" footwear do it because A: it doesn't look stupid (unless you are a history type) and B: it's more that likely what the rest of the modern world EXPECTS a "pirate" to wear. You let me know when you do your WWII flip-flop thing so I can come laugh with the rest of the world at you. Funny no one laughs at someone playing pirate wearing boots. WTF is your problem? Grow up.
  21. Right. But isn't that what Twill's is for? In depth discussion of that sort of thing? And, if something IS accurate then whoever posted would probably point all the good info out. I'm just saying that if something doesn't happen to be historical or even close but to many might be a fun "piratey" thing. Maybe some people collect pirate bobble heads or the lego ships that don't REALLY look like ships at all, why would someone feel the need to point out that it doesn't look like a pirate but a bit of plastic. Unless someone is claiming something to be a replica, etc. and it's obviosly not then why the complaints from the historians? That's really my only point about any of this. I keep saying that I too enjoy hearing about the historical stuff. I really can't say anymore about this so I will do Foxe and GOF and the like a favor and shut the hell up. I'm off to play pyrate.
  22. The reason I like the rating system is that I think it could keep the bickering back and forth about stuff like this down a bit. If someone dissagreed with someone's opinion/rating of it they could just rate it themselves. The thing that seems to always set it all off are the snide remarks or pictures for comparison of how "unpirate-like" something is. I personally don't mind hearing other's thoughts on stuff as long as it isn't too degrading. It's all just opinions. And it seems to me that numbers help to keep it a little more sterile than everyone's various choice of words that can easily be taken wrong. But you might be right and it might not work like that. As Foxe said, we won't know until we try it.
  23. Hmmm, looks like it might even be dirty enough to suit my fancy. But I'm not a fan of the rust color is all. I do like the lived in look.
  24. Ah. There lies the real problem. To you GOF, that coat should not and could not be classified a pirate coat. (and then you post silly images to illustrate, which I'm sure many people here that do consider it a pirate coat to find as insulting as you find me to be a loud mouth ass). However, just because I personally wouldn't be caught dead in one and you MIGHT wear it only if you had nothing better (kidding!), doesn't mean that there aren't a lot folks here that would and in fact DO wear that same style as, indeed, a pirate coat. And so there's the rub. It's all about who gets to make up the proper definition of a pirate coat (as opposed to the definition of a proper pirate coat)
  25. First off, I don't have a "thin skin", I don't really give a crap what anyone thinks of me except the folks who pay me for my performances and those in the audience. So far GOF, Foxe and others have all kept saying the same thing...that apparently the big issue they all have is that the subject line said "great pirate coat". The ONLY reason I said anything at all to begin with, was becasue of the several posts prior to mine that started this whole thing. I have to disagree here Foxe, it seems to me that it IS the historical types that are always the ones starting this stuff. As soon as I see that starting, I admit I jump in with both feet. Why?... Because IF the subject had said "Great historically accurate pirate coat" THEN even I would have agreed with everyone bashing the coat and poster. But the subject didn't say that. It just said "great pirate coat". And to many, that's exactly what it is. I sure didn't see the post as trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. and if anyone went to the eBay site they would have seen the rest of the description that was quite clear. And as I said before Foxe, if I offended you with the name it wasn't meant to. I do tend have a mouth like a ...well...sailor (of course I have sailed under the Royaliste and so I've learned from the best ) Anyway, yes this subject has been beaten to death. No, I don't think this is the last time it will come up.
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