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  1. And for $250, I can't imagine wanting to really settle for 'kind of close.' The one thing I've noticed (and this includes the aforementioned suggestion of going with a somewhat customized hat from Excalibur) is that the brim of the actual Jack hat is squared off at the edges (though 'triangled' off may be more accurate, the edges are clipped straight), which changes the overall silhouette quite a bit from most offerings. It's subtle, but I've found it's very significant. Of all the hats I've seen, I think Captain Jack's the only one who gets it right. There are, of course, a lot of other little differences with how the brim is actually shaped, folded up, and tied. I take it this is somewhat managable with hats with a wired brim, though apparently not all have this, and I'm not even sure if it's preferable (or what alternatives there are for shaping leather). Of all the leather hats I've seen, I think I've liked the Excalibur the most, despite inaccuracies from the original (well, the $400 replica was nice, but it was also, you know, $400, and not incredible enough to justify that), but I am surprised at how many seem to be fairly off from what they're intended to be. And kind of a shame, too, as this thread's ironically convinced me that I want an accurate (or slightly customized) replica.
  2. Now I am really confused. Honestly, I didn't, initially. Seeing other variations on the theme has just pushed me in that direction. There's nothing wrong, obviously with Captain Jack's felt hat. I like it. Hell, at some point, I'd like to get it. I'm just interested in one made of leather— or, at least, I thought I was. Given what you said about blocking destroying the leather, I'm not so sure, now. As for visual differences, I think the most noticable is actually not the taping around the brim (which I think the original has anyway, though it's much less pronounced than on the leather replicas I've seen) but the size and shape of the panels that get folded up (I sorry, I'm probably using all the wrong terminologoy here). They're larger and squared off at the top unlike the other hats. That, I can't do so much about with shaping it (though thank you for pointing out that they're a little more flexible than I thought).
  3. Alright, changing things around a bit, let's say I definitely did want a Jack Sparrow hat (as it seems the only ones I'm liking are the ones that get closest to his anyway). I've only seem one that actually gets the shape right. For comparison: And that would of course be Captain Jack's Pirate Hats. But, as noted, he doesn't do leather, so are there any hatmakers who do work in leather that get it right?
  4. Yeah, the one I posted is a Jack Sparrow hat. I'm not looking to get this for reenactment or historical accuracy, and all the designs that suit what I'm looking for seem to be based on PotC in some way. I'm not opposed to getting a Jack Sparrow hat— it's just not specifically or exclusively what I'm looking for. Shame that Brotherhood of the Wolf never got such attention. The hat I posted is waxed felt, and as Petee noted, it's from [yrl=http://www.captjackspiratehats.com/]Captain Jack's Pirate Hats[/url]. As I said, I emailed him and he said he doesn't have any interest in working in leather, hence the continuing search.
  5. Yeep. Wish I could disagree. I sort of like the antiquing, though it's really way over the top, and, yeah, shape's off too. And those prices are insane.
  6. No, I know where it's from. I actually emailed him today and asked if he'd be willing to offer waxed leather, and he said he only wanted to stick to period authentic materials (I'm not sure if cashmere felt is really any more appropriate than leather, if at all, but). Which is a shame, really, because I rather liked that hat, aside from the material (which, to be fair, I also like, but I am more interested in the aforementioned leather, at the moment).
  7. I just ran across that link poking through some older threads, actually. It doesn't look bad at all, but the shape seems a bit off from what I'd be looking for, and the leather's not waxed (and brighter than I'd prefer, though I don't know if they can do anything about that). I know I said I'm not looking for a reproduction, but are there any hatmakers out there that offer something more or less like this, but in a dark brown, antiqued waxed leather? [edit] I should clarify that I'm not absolutely adamant about the leather being waxed, but I am fairly sure I am at least looking for a relatively subdued shape and a dark, antiqued color.
  8. Hey, this is my first post. I'm looking for a leather tricorn (not necessarily a repoduction from Pirates of the Caribbean or Brotherhood of the Wolf, but I'm not opposed to that, depending on the price and the quality of the hat). I've looked for a while, but the few good hatmakers I've found only work in felt, which I realize is period specific, but not what I'm looking for at the moment. Are there any good hatmakers out there that would work in waxed leather? Thanks in advance.
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