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Ace of Harbor Bay

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Everything posted by Ace of Harbor Bay

  1. Hmm. I have had nothing but great service from them. I've bought two differetn sets of "Sparrow" boots. The second par were overstock from potc 2&3 and are identicle to the ones in the film. As far as being able to only wear them turned down... That's the style you asked for. It's the way they were worn in the film and the ones that are of that style are left over stock from the films which were never meant to be worn any other way. Not sure about the mails and such as mine were nothing but comforatable and a darn good fit for being "off the shelf" as the potc2$3 boots are premade and not custom sizes like the rest of their boots. Hope you get what you are after.
  2. I was so busy trying to meet everyone and run the booth that I kept forgetting to get pictures WITH folks. At least most have pictures out there but i would have loved to pose with the likes of many of you. Rumba did get a nice on of the two of us though and I got a good one of me with the notorious Cascabel!! And might I add that I absolutely LOVED your performance Cascabel!
  3. Definately take Jill up on the rum cake! I missed out on that and everything else that Tales did... that's the price for being a vendor I guess.
  4. Aye Rumba! I agree about the best Jack ever! Wasn't he wonderful? I couldn't help me self, I presented him with his very own jar of dirt and other swag from my booth just because he was so good. His parents took a ton of pics of the two of us. Wish I had a copy!
  5. Well, well.... Another fine faire sez I! Finally met so many of you in person!!!! Petee, Leather Neck, Cascabel, Oderlesseye, Billy Bones... and the list goes on and on! Of course, then there's Iron Bess. What can I say. My whole family thanks you from the deepest recesses of their black little hearts. That goes for little CowBoy too. What a wonderful experience Monday was!!! The studios are such a magical place and I'm sure much of that magic comes from someone like you being there. Thanks for sharing. :) And to all who I got to meet up with again...Here's to a grand time! I'll post pics soon. And the Voodoo shack was an unexpected success!
  6. NOT a RAIN dance!! That's as bad as fire as far as wrecking a good faire. Think of something middle of the road Petee!
  7. Well, there are folks on site and they want the word passed that it's clear and beautiful and the FAIRE IS ON!!!! I'll see you all there. And as RumbaRue said... now to find my booth.
  8. I been watchin' the satellite images and today it is looking mighty good for the faire! You best show up Petee or yer liable ta get keel hauled!
  9. I took the day off work. I was hired to deliver a chest of pirate goodies to someone's new girlfriend who is a lover of all thing pirate. This was in downtown San Francisco. I parked blocks away and walk through the financial district. More Yarrs and ARRRGHS than you can imagine. Older gents in full business attire getting into it. I even got a chorus of a Pirate's Life For Me from out of a passing taxi!
  10. And I agree with the idea of meeting in front of my "VooDoo Shack" Since most likely I'll be stuck there
  11. Hard to tell in this map fire closure area But Lake Casitas is the spec of blue at the bottom JUST outside of the fire closure area. Let's get that sucker contained CDF!!! They been fighting that thing for 2 weeks.
  12. I was just wondering that myself. Here's what I have found so far: Incident: Day Wildland Fire Released: 2006-09-18 00:30:00 ET USDA Forest Service Los Padres National Forest Date: September 17, 2006 Los Padres National Forest FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 6755 Hollister Ave., Suite 150 Goleta, CA 93117 CONTACT: Kathy Good, 805-961-5770 www.fs.fed.us/r5/lospadres Joe Pasinato, 805-961-5770 Emergency Fire Closure Expanded in Los Padres National Forest GOLETA, CA…Out of concern for public safety during the current wildfire emergency, the Forest Service has closed a large area of Los Padres National Forest in Ventura County, Kern County and eastern Santa Barbara County. The closure prohibits all public entry to forest lands, trails, roads and recreation sites. The expanded closure encompasses the entire Ojai Ranger District, the portion of the Mt. Pinos Ranger District east of Santa Barbara Canyon in Kern and Ventura counties, and the Santa Barbara Ranger District northward from the Romero Canyon area through the backcountry to Santa Barbara Canyon. A map and detailed description of the closed area will be available Monday from Forest Service offices and online at www.fs.fed.us/r5/lospadres. “The decision to prohibit public entry in this area is out of concern for public and firefighter safety,” said Forest Supervisor Gloria Brown. “As we have seen over the past two days, this is a dangerous fire with potential to spread very quickly.” For more information about the Day Fire visit http://www.inciweb.org/ or contact the Forest Service Fire Information Center in Goleta at (805) 961-5770.
  13. Ahoy there Petee! You best come by the Voodoo Shack before you get too drunk to find it (or too covered in black spots). I have yet ta meetcha in person! And they call ME a scallywag!
  14. Indeed Bess, indeed. I'll have to get my daughter "Mambo Melissa" to watch the shack for a bit so I can venture out. of course that'll have to be when she's not busy makin' mojo bags!
  15. I'll be there this year come hell or high water. Couldn't make it last year as the wifey went in the hospital. This year is our first year as vendors! So if'n yer plannin' ta be there... stop by Capt'n Jack's Voodoo Shack! Be sure to find old Jack Spareribs and let me know yer from the pub so we can share a bit o' rum.
  16. I will be there as well this weekend for the pirate invasion! hope to see some of you!
  17. I'll be riding the ferry into S.F. to work in in full garb. I'll be working all day then I am being paid to deliver a special pirate gift to some guy's girlfriend where she works. And of course talking like a pirate all day. Last year I took the day off and taught folks to talk like a pirate at the pirate store on Valencia in S.F. It's a shop that is a front for an after school reading organization. The kids were great and I wish I could do it again this year.
  18. Sorry mate, have to agree with all the comments of the Royaliste and others here. And then to add my own two dubloons... I worked for many years as an apprentice pyrotechnics and fx field. There are very many legal and not just dangerous but ILLEGAL methods of using theatrical flashpots. In most states now hand lit flashes are illegal. The squib fired methods must now have "keyed" control panels. The only one with the key to unlock the firing mechanism is the one with the permit from the Fire Marshall. Not sure where you are though and laws do vary...however most of them were put in place for the sake of safety. If this is for a Halloween event (as it sounds) and at a home where others children will be or worse a public event, I would check the local ordinances first. You don't have to injure anybody to end up with a fine or in jail. Just my humble advice. I no longer do that line of work because it became far too expensive to obtain said permits and the laws tightened up even further and I did not want the added expense of re-classifying. So I moved into CGI fx and blow crap up virtually now!
  19. Well Captain, if I could find a way to come help the with the old RR ya know I would. There's gonna be somebody out that way with salt water in their blood, gunpowder in their grog and the need to put their nose to the wind. Aye! D.P.'s got the right of it. And I think everyone should try it at least once, ya won't know if it's in ya until ya try.
  20. Yep. When I went on the opening weekend, the wheelchair access for my wife was 2-3 times longer than standing in a huge line out front. I miss the requirement they used to have for "handicapped" visitors. Now anyone can rent a chair (even at the park) and go get in the wheelchair lines. This makes it pointless for people who's ONLY way of enjoying the park is to access attractions trhough the wheelchair entrances. Some say it's not fair that they don't have to wait as long as everyone else. But the trouble is that when it's so crowded just "walking" through the park for a wheelchair takes 2-3 times longer because you can't just go with the flow and squeeze around people standing still.
  21. I would say it looks like foam core. Thats what I'd use... and probably will!
  22. Disney DID buy the rights to another of Skip Henderson's pieces to be used in the first film but it ended up not being used. I'm happy Skip's stuff ended up in the second film as it fit well with the silly bar fight atmosphere. Many here probably already know of Skip but for those that don't you can find some of his stuff here: Billy Bones and Other Ditties
  23. I wouldn't miss it for anything! Ok...last year I missed it because my wife went into the hospital... But this year we are gonna make it! Bringin' the little pyrat dawg along too.
  24. All 12 Pirates of Harbor Bay worked the Camera 12 Theatre in downtown San Jose. It was the only theatre in the SF Bay area that accepted our offer. The other major theatres all have corporate offices with lawyers that thought it was a bad idea for insurance reasons. As it turned out it was quite an event going on in S.J. A local Volvo dealer had a cool POTC2 SUV out front and had sponsored a ticket give-away on a KCBS which was also at the pre-party. We worked the midnight show and then starting at noon, every showing until 10:30 Friday evening. it was on 2 screens so we would start watching in one theatre and finish with another. The theatre announced us on the website as well as newspaper ads throughout the week prior. We passed out about 3,000 trading cards and posed for hundreds of pics. Between that and seeing the movie 6 times it was an amazing time. We would have done Saturday as well but we had a full stage show booked for the evening.
  25. Thanks GOF, The kit is close. My breeches are not proper at the moment and neither is my pistol. I don't have functional pockets on my waistcoat. Little junk like that is always being improved. As far as the most difficult aspect... That would have to be the hair/head sash. Getting it to all sit properly and achieve "the look" is not easy. And then getting it to stay that way while performing, playing, or just walking all day at a festival in the heat.
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