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Everything posted by Charity

  1. LOL Christine..i cannot help loving those tentacles! I love'm..how he's able to play piano..hand key's..wonder what more.. Alright i'll behave but honestly, this is one cool character! (Not Barbossa though.. )
  2. Thank ye Captain that is so kind of ye My first time, i'm honored
  3. I love this one i have on a postcard.. "Who doesn't move doesn't feel his chains"
  4. Well honesty says i have to nominate him them :)
  5. I want to nominate Capt. Bo of the WTF co. I noticed the banner right away, it's simply but just looks nice..
  6. I signed for you all and anyone out there! I gringe at the thought of us being told where to go and what to see..i told them i'm Dutch too and what i thought. It get's done in China too..doesn't that say enough? Good luck mates!
  7. WOW.. Uhm..more then impressive..me's almost ashamed to post what i've got but for now..i'm not unhappy.. it's growing just..so hard getting a good sword or let alone pistol.. Anyway..me "arsenal" sofar.. The tin is wholemarkt..so that's cool though one is a slight bit dented..
  8. Thank YOU Cascabel, your pictures are all the net for us to enjoy and you share so many of them! You are indeed legendary and it's always a pleasure to look through your and Izabel's pics :) Thank you for your generosity
  9. Well..not as bad as all parts in full working order (more then ever actually.. ) and not getting to..work Aye..fantasy..well that gets kinda boring at some point LOL..
  10. I am sorry mate, 'tis never ever to loose a mate. All the strength and big hugs!
  11. Is this for all the world? I might just go see that movie just to see that trailer..although now that the theatrical is out Thanks for telling Bess
  12. ROTFLMAO, i love that dress comment Somehow i see a vision of a bourgoundy dress..will she wear it?
  13. Greetin's all, Barbossa speaking here. I invite ye all ta join me in me new ship's Cabin..aye ye too Jack Come and talk about news..tales of the high seas or discuss that new movie..Pirates of the Caribbean dead Man's Chest. Looking forward meetin' some characters of that an' other pirate movies ye have in this here time of ye. I understand there's even some gents out there playin' me..come and show ya face..it'll be a pleasure ta meet me "other me" Rum's awaiting ye so come and join me mates! http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/Barbossas_Cabin/
  14. Have any of you seen the trailers for Kingdom Hearts 2, the game in which Jack and Barbossa are? Here are two pics of Jack: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Bar...meHearts2_2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Bar...domeHearts2.jpg One thing is freaky though..Barbossa is supposed to be in the trailer but i cannot find him anywhere :? And..i've got about six different trailers and tv adds Anyone who knows where the man hides in these trailers? It's getting frustrating searching but not finding .. :?
  15. HUGE PICS without watermarks!!! Some server problem i'm up to 100 now CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY WOOOHOOOOO!!! Go quickly before they're gone http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/imag...r=sfp&b=241
  16. Viagra in the old days could've been the end of piracy all together..
  17. i wouldn't know what lobbing is matey
  18. Better then none at all but hey..be happy ye didn't start to talk names of ladies in your sleep yet
  19. Yes, i misunderstood before, sorry guys
  20. I wish..i go to bed every night hoping to dream of Geoffrey Rush That's the kind of dream everyone would like to have but nope.. :angry:
  21. WOWWWWWWW well..do i need to say i love Geoff..he's such a brilliant actor..and more well... I may just have a chance to meet him..who knows... As you all know most film shoots take quite a few months, and.. Geoff will start to film Elizabeth the golden age soon, in..BRITAIN! You all know who'll be in Britain..don't ya..me! I'll be there the 14th of July to 3rd of August, so..i will do my upmost best to find out where they shoot and meet him. It's all new to me though so ANYTHING ANY of you know, about how to find out where the shoot is etc..please tell me! For the Britains, any news PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Oh god..the thought of maybe..just maybe meeting him..wow.. Anyway, the first step is made, i posted this at Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0414055/board/...852067#40852067 Wish me luck..this may be a dream come true.
  22. I can't say i have, it's more like weird situations with people i know or sometimes those that i haven't ever even met..
  23. It differs, sometimes i dream and remember them but they're usually really weird LOL.. I used to have dreamless sleep from which i would wake up crossing my arms in defence and see something "black" above me..and shake all over from fear for a time and at some point i saw the "black" by the door of my bedroom and then it was over. Last Saturday night i freaked out feeling a 'weight" on my bed..or imagining it and i was pretty spooked, after finally falling asleep i woke up sitting up straight in my bed shaking all over so i am kinda worried i'm going back to the scary stuff but i have been ok since.. I have never had a dream about people i like or something LOL..i wish
  24. An Aussie! Gday mate! I love Australia, i have some Aussie friends, and man do i want to go and visit them..one, esp the one in Melbourne (don't know if that is because Geoffrey Rush lives there... ) Nice having a pirate from Oz!
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