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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Welcome back Aye..those buggers should be keelhauled.. Whatever is the fun of such.. keelhaul'm i say!
  2. WB christine Your pc is fixed so soon, lucky you, i'm glad for you! Cool amusement park..will you let pyracy pub members in for free?
  3. HAHAHAHA yer back! I missed yer sense of humor
  4. Those two..ha! Known to miss tons of virusses..best best is an online scan like Panda or better still trend micro, and don't forget to turn of system restore before doing so.
  5. these pics were on the net months and in the bottom one's case year ago! Great to see them again though..not that i haven't got them burned on cd LOL.. Barbs looks so good on them.. Old pics..but the samurai ones.. There's more then that close up, further away and..the rings? Many pics (yes even the official Disney ones, they screwed up BIG time with pics of Barbs with the ring on the left and and the glove on the right soo...) are mirrored, and since there's so many..i am sorry, not to say Bess is lying or anything..i just cannot imagine they're fake..if so, maybe i'm stupid..so be it Jack pics
  6. Dang that sucks..THANK GOD..i thought forum attantion..the last word got me esp. i never thought there'd be that big a mistake in an official message..thank god i deleted it So sorry Christine..i hope you can fix it
  7. Sorry about the copy and paste error, i have now inserted the link to the latest Dutch crew statement in my original article above.
  8. This is so sad Tragedy in Ocean Volvo Race I offer all the crew my condolences and wish them strength in dealing with this.. SORRY correct link has been inserted now!
  9. Hey Captain Mac, long time no see.. :) Thanks for all this info! Mega interesting
  10. Sounds awesome..i wonder if History Channel Europe will show it too. Thanks for the tip!
  11. Brilliant! Would be the firworks for the POTC2 premiere me thinks..
  12. Pretty depressed Just hurting..old issues and new..
  13. Charity will go to jail for biting someone's nipple off.. Fits the mood right now alright
  14. That's one awesome looking chatroom! I'll log in right now and see who shows up..
  15. That must've been so cool Man..that must've rocked to have been there! Thanks for the account, and a Massai warrior..awesome indeed! Pirates rule
  16. Aye, i like that..sort of inspired here and there but still your own look. Nice ones..it's always great to see all the costumes people wear here :)
  17. I'm to about to eat (no calories at all..OOPS.. ) creamy sauce with meat, parika, courgette and onion in fusilini pasta
  18. Happy pirate day mate! We can't have too many occassions ta celebrate being a pirate!
  19. I thought so :) So Portsmouth is a big city eh? Never would've guessed, i only just know about the old dockyards. I can imagine what you mean as i am from Rotterdam originally, and i've moved to the countryside in '94 and will never go back. I do miss the sea though..i hope you can see the sea often because its a big miss if you can't. I'll give it some time yet and see if they write yet. About a couple of weeks and then i'll write again, get some info :) Thanks for the heads up!
  20. It seems to have been worse then innitially thought..
  21. Hey Foxe :) I'm in Britain from the 14th of July and leaving the 3rd of August. Thanks for your offer but i'm staying with a friend from Worthing who knows the area really well. Where are you moving to? It would be cool to meet up if possible :) Are you a member of the UK piratebrotherhood? Sorry i know someone wrote me about the Dutch re-enactment group from there but i forgot the name *shame on me*
  22. Actually..if that is a valid explanation it sounds more like Dutch, precisely like Dutch actually.. Hoi is the precise same as Hi, just in Dutch :) Still very much used.
  23. Thanks Fox :) I'm always having fun even on internet and just thinking of wearing the costume to my visit of the HMS Victory and Portsmouth Historical Dockyard is making it clear to me i have it in me..i love re-enacting and dressing up the parts, it's fun and i take it serious. Most important would be the issue of do you have to come to every event..problem is i have no card and trains are expensive, if they would agree to let me come join whenever i can..that would make chances a lot better :) I'll contact them for sure, did once but got no reply yet..it's been a weeks and weeks so..wish me luck..
  24. OK, I'll write this in English so all can read, is a little more polight :) There's really a pirate re-enactment group here! YESSS..but, it's VERY professional, like the ones in the USA which is good but finances dictate i cannot buy a pistol..sword etc just yet but i will try and become a member next year for sure. I just have to get my costume in better order, get more items added etc..and ofcourse there's the travel costs to consider, but this is me future i hope mates (If they'll have me..) I'll post the link here for you guys to check out, form they mean as far as i know is contact form on the "contact" page. Allemansend.com Check it out!
  25. My condolences Merrydeath. I wish you and his other friends and family strength, that he may rest in peace,
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