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Everything posted by Charity

  1. I am a cat lover, on the Crossing Blades i am called "Cat"CharityBarbossa. I would have a black cat with me most likely
  2. I'm definitely going to be there when the premiere is in London but i doubt i could get tickets for it LOL..unless i'll win a million and have the ability to bribe someone into giving me his/her ticket As if LOL but i hope to get some good tickets, let alone an autograph that would be nice but most of all i'm looking forward to seeing the movie itself! I find Davy Jones is very cool, not surprising, has anyone noticed the way he comes down the stairs reminds of Barbossa? Or is it just me..
  3. I'm no big artist, i'm just learning really (although lately i've not done it, since my mum got sick but i intend to continue again some time soon i hope..) but i draw faces sometimes, sofar from pictures. This is a little something i made recently..just a bit of fun. The drawing of Eric Schweig i made about 4 years back.
  4. My point precisely..that is behaving like the one who did it, then how can you say you are better? Giving the right excample devides the animals from the beasts... Before my head is shot off, no i am NOT calling anyone here a beast..just giving an excample.
  5. No offense meant or arguement saught for but i feel you are talking about..well anything but people. Call me an idiot, maybe i am..but to me they are people and people you don't tread badly or i say..who do you accuse if you do the same? To me death penalty is wrong, doesn't mean anyone has to agree. One get's killed for killing someone..but you're doing the same...kinda weird to me but again, as someone wrote me just now..it's ok to agree to disagree
  6. Body Shop: White Musk Yves Rocher: Ming Shu Off topic, Capt. Keys, ------------------ user posted image COOL banner, awesome!!!! The shooting ships..is that the screencap from that new adult pirate movie?
  7. EEEKKKi can see "it" did it again...i was on some page but NOT the last one..sorry about that (Johnny Depp...eggs.. yeah right ) driver
  8. Think about the Barbossa fans..more then 19 months (That is if it's coming out the same time in 2007, i hope not..make it a christmas movie YEAH (But uhm...it's still a long time.. )
  9. against 100%! I think you just don't have the right to kill someone..(yes..even in wars..d*mn there shouldn't be any..) and killing in the name of justice is still killing. And let me say it before you do.."If your kid was murdered you wouldn't feel that way.." If my kid was murdered i wouldn't in any way be able to be objective so such people cannot be take in account for such reactions imo. Being objective because i have not lost anyone through murder or anything..to me it's wrong. Sounds great..if that's the only way you can pass judegement or punish is to kill..maybe we should start cutting off hands against theft and so on? Many thiefs never stop doing it either..
  10. nr1: It's been said Barbossa will show up in POTC2 and his role will be small like a cameo appearance but it's very important in the line of story nr2: I'm glad Bess told us, now i won't be excited over a dead fish so to say :) I've said ever since i heard the rumour that Davy Jones is asking Barbossa to go and get Jack Sparrow for him, i would love to see Barbossa as Captain of his ship (afterall he doesn't have his own) but..uhm..i'm not sure but i have a feeling he won't look more dead or different then in the first movie.......... Can't say more then that..i don't know more i've just..seen some stuff.. Who's to say there's backflashes or anything.. I think i'll stop speculating..it's just making the agony worse of having to wait until 2007 One thing is for sure..him being back will be cool no mather what he does
  11. BARBOSSA IS IN THE TRAILER!!!!!!! Mostly Mischief of Where'stherum.com said it and i disagreed, it's 6,40 am and i had no sleep yet.. I converted and burned it and played it on tv and this came out.. It's blurry but those with good eyes, see the beard and on the last pics, see Jack the monkey on his shoulder! If you go to this place and let it go step by step you can see it clearly, the beard and mostly..Jack sitting on his shoulder. This brings up many questions..what is he doing on the Pearl with Jack..or does Jack see a preminition of Barbossa and this is why he freaks out? But you clearly see Barbossa turn around and walk onto a staircase or just away..and he's holding something that looks like a skull..in his left hand.. Voodoo? Who knows..here are the pics, sorry for bad quality, they're zoomed in. If you go step by step you can see it yourself, better. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Bar...rl/PDVD_000.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Bar...rl/PDVD_001.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Bar...rl/PDVD_002.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Bar...ssasPearl/1.jpg
  12. Relieved to have a short break. I've been sick so much lately and nothing then tired but today i'm going on a five day break until Sunday in a vacation cottage with a bath (HEAVEN !!) and a swimming pool for free on the park..brilliant! I hope this will get my strength back up :)
  13. No no no, watch better His hand is turning black because "Time's up and he's a market man" like Davy Jones says Awwww Poor Jack..
  14. Yes here too and lots more to come they say! The fact that there's been accidents, trains stuck, busses stopped driving and 800 kilometres traffic jam...not good.. but HEY..i love the snow!!
  15. Ok, i think that would have to be (off the top of my head) that Hook guy..the handsome one. I love his hat, Barbossa would be jealous of his garb! That pic that adorns this page all over..too smooth for me, nothing about a pirate (captain) with a good beard
  16. Although we don't have it i talked and thought about it a lot and realised how lucky i was with whom and what i still have :) And today i went christmas shopping again, i'm in the mood esp now we have our first snow It's still wet and soggy but looks pretty anyway and more (dry) snow is promised over the weekend. I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday :)
  17. No you haven't.. Go here: Trailer download Hit WTR's Link and you get the download screen pop up for a wmv version :) Then convert it and put it on video cd along with other stuff like i did LOL.. Going to watch it on tv--------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  18. We don't have it here (In the Netherlands) but i'll be thinking about it :) Have a great time and charish your loves ones because you never know how long they're here
  19. Barbossas-pearl.net Screencaps! and Barbossas1Pearl Live Journal Screencaps! I've made my screencaps big so they are a little blurry but if you make them 75 of the size they are fine :) I loved every bit of the trailer, in particular Jack's ever optimism..hanging above a fire, trying to blow it out! And i was wondering what Pintel and Raggetti are doing with Jack and Will.. I hate the monkey's hand on his belt, that just plain sickens me and where the heck is Barbossa? It's said his role is small but very important in the line of story so they could've atleast have showed him to us if only once.. I am looking forward to it more then ever, i'm glad the rumours were true, it's mega cool!
  20. I didn't find it, just passing it on and no problem That's what we're here for and it made my year for me i think
  21. This has made my day, sorry for the new post but i thought it's too big a news flash it's finally out to put it in a long thread.. I won't say anything more then i did already..go see it for yourself! POTC2 trailer location (go for The Movie) Thanks to Mostly Mischief for finding it and allowing me to pass on the scoop
  22. Tired, dead tired. I've been too tired to do internet pc stuff in any way for ages now, i have been violently sick one night and have headaches almost daily, i would like to feel good just for one day..
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