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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Salmagundi those are absolutely awesome!! :) I have a card up, although i'm not a weathered pirate re-enactor as you all This is it: (Nice seeing you here "King's pirate" and cool cards!) And Rummy, guys cool pics all
  2. That sounds like interesting to listen too Kids really can be fun to listen too indeed, i love kids
  3. Oh that sucks..i can imagine that not accactly making your day. I feel fine, chatting with friends, sunny day and i feel good, just the day didn't stárt that way but it's ok now :) I have to vacuum yet..that is less fun
  4. Pirate choir the Waterlanders, they're a good chanty choir and some of the tunes are Dutch so that's extra fun to sing our own but many famous ones too like Blow the man down, South Australia, All for me grog etc. :)
  5. Worn and back and shoulder blades etc aching and stiff. Night after night i have one dream after another, i go from nightmares into happy dreams into night mares and one is supposed to go into a lighter sleep before waking up but i wake from dreaming all the time. ..and feel exhausted. I don't know what causes it but it makes me to tired to do anything..even be online
  6. Good luck Captain! I will keep ye in my thoughts, i hope it's not to painful and will bring much relief. :)
  7. All the best of luck for her new life in new York and nothing but happiness to the both of you :) Cheers mate!
  8. Ofcourse, it is so kind of you to even bother. I can only speak for myself but i truly appreciate what ever you share :) Yes, it is getting us more and more interested, not just the poster but everything we see and hear and i'm sure however much i see (just speaking for myself) i will go WOW a lot of times during the movie anyway
  9. HAHAHA and probably having a good time laughing at us dummies who love to believe rumours It's the kind of thing i can see Jack wear in his hair though and the poster rocks :)
  10. Thanks, the silver one is now my official logo on my domain. Your brothers flag sounds very cool! You should be able to save it as other file, you open it and then simply resave it. It would be great to see it :) I make everything in paint shop pro, just as good but soooooo much easyer, and have you noticed EVERYWHERE on internet there's free tubes, sparkles, filters etc etc etc and tutorials but for photoshop there isn't too much. I love psp!
  11. That's what i said, it's a clear pointer in the direction of them using voodoo..i think.
  12. Have you guys seen the poster for the new movie? Thanks to Toby who passed the link to Nat who passed it to me Teaser Poster POTC 2
  13. Hänsel and Grethel
  14. Just tonight i made a jr on the pc for myself with tubes i made myself (for psp) out of pics of Barbossa, and my own dagger. It's not cotton but it's a jolly roger just the same Well, with a little imagination..
  15. aye for more pirate events in Holland
  16. LOL poor Johnny but it doesn't make sense.. Has anyone ever seen Geoffrey's hands? They're so long and slim his fingers, i always found his hands kinda thin for a pirate who leads a heavy life or is it me? I can see Johnny having a laugh about it though..oh well, it's Hollywood
  17. Me neither, it's taking too long..but we will just have to be patient
  18. That's so sweet, thank you Cool Christine, Disneyland..i'd love to go again! How was the ride?
  19. Type O Negative
  20. Thanks Captain :) I did see the doctor and he said he could see why it bled so much as it wasn't a regular cutt but what he called a crater wound, very broad and open (but less deep then i though thank god i'd hate stitching) but because it had stopped bleeding and looked good he said no stitching was needed. Yesterday it bled yet sometimes but today it didn't just hurts a lot sometimes. It was nice and blue but even that's not so bad anymore..seems my guardian angel helped me again i swear i've had accidents with electricity etc...makes me think i'm protected Incidently, i hurt more inside then out today..my mum died the 27th a year back Thanks for asking
  21. I am so sorry Corsair! That is no fun to have to go through, i hope you will be able to continue living without too much pain soon. All the best to you! I'm still single too, ofcourse having been in the house a lot doesn't help and when i dó meet someone he's married, i always run into married people..bummer Oh well..single means i can have Barbossa pics on the wall
  22. I know you're a Taoist, (I hope i wrote that right), sorry for the mix up :) Diego, sorry to hear that mate/ It sounds like someone told them some crap and they just believed it, such people aren't worth too much anyhow but i know you were hoping to join their fishing trip. I hope things will look up soon. Bonny, i am so sorry to hear that! Your situation sounds harder then one should have to take..i know words cannot help but i wish you all the strength in the world to get through this and your in my thoughts.
  23. Auch, my toe hurts. I am going to the doctor in half an hour to let him have a look at it.
  24. From a discussion at Imdb: I find that a rather interestong move actually, that would make sense :) Oh yeah..that would be fun! Our Barbossa is moving up in the world..or should i say down? From cursed pirates to squid like demons of the ocean..
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