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Everything posted by Charity

  1. BarbossaFanfic NOTE, the first chapter is Forget not, live now, then A Pirate's Life: The Aftermath and final chapter sofar: Live and Let Go . The very bottom one is only a poem.
  2. Sounds good to me, but no brother or anything, the real thing PLEASE!
  3. They said the canon was tied to his bootstraps, and since he cannot die and doesn't have to worry about breathing under water, i'm convinced he will have taken his shoes off on the way down!
  4. LOL, those things make beautyful collectables though. I have a small model ship, but nothing too special. It's supposed to be the Bounty, but whatever it is, it's nice :) My golen Aztec coin will go nicely with it.
  5. I just saw this, let's just hope it's right. Johnny Depp filmography
  6. I do know he said he couldn't feel the warmth of a woman's flesh..but this, does this mean he'll eat her raw?
  7. Oh yes....my own Barbossa doll...when when when? (Not at al impatient me is)
  8. Oh WHAT on eart could beat that? I'd rather be here any time
  9. Only if he's the spitting image...like a clone He's too cool, too sexy, too sensual, too..GOOD IN ALL WAYS LOL... No one, not even a "brother"could match his greatness.... UhOh..me's got to learn to behave
  10. That's cool! The first Shrek was pretty cool already, the second one having pirates will be giving it a little extra (good) flavour me thinks...
  11. I'm sad to say i only know two It's POTC, and Cutthroat Island! POTC being nr1 ofcourse Does anyone out there have a good tip on good movies? Not black and white, cannot stand it much.
  12. I'll be ****** i didn't know they didn't do the fighting scene themselves...waht a dissapointment! They did get lessons, we saw that in the extra's. I must say though, whoever did the scene, they deserved the price :)
  13. Isn't that cool? Did you all see the clips? ( I know, we've all got the dvd's but as REAL fans we'll never tur down a chance to see'm not? Anyways, i voted a whole lot of times for our Barbossa MTV movie awards
  14. WOW that's brilliant! Thanks for sharing this
  15. Oh..... being a little smarter then that little spoilet brat virgin...he would have to have his "way" with me..i'd be all to willing
  16. I haven't read all of the thread, but i can savely say i'm a POTC addict ! Take my DVD's away and i'll get some serious widrawl symptoms LOL I don't know if anyone knows about this, but here's a place i just ordered a "gold Aztec coin" from :) Aztec Cursed Coins
  17. He might want to go to Greenwich for ye! It's a great old town, wich lots of seafairing history andgreat nautical shops
  18. Oh yeah..just emagine it...commandeering a fine ship, with some people, while the crewe is on shore for a little stroll... And away we are, sailing straight out of the midst of all the others, quickly follow the river and onto the sea...we're on our way! Oh...nice thought..aye, nice thought indeed...
  19. OH that's no good, watch out not to loose the balance! Wouldn't want to tip over now..
  20. That's great Black Hearted Pearl! Nothing like owning yer own ship is there? Me's got a little model too, until me's got me own again! Models are nice lookin' at but so hard to get onto
  21. Ahhh matey, no worries, we all started small! Me's started with a rubber boat, but it sank too quickly with loot in it The same indeed! Who ye be? Nice to see another "Geoffrey fan" here
  22. Ye never know :) Ye be more then welcome, and hopefully ye gets to see that tour yer hopin'for! Those ships makes me feel good just to look at, but me thinks it will be too hard to commandeer one with all those people around us...
  23. Ye lovers of ships (aint we all? ), here be an event not to miss: Sail Amsterdam 2005! Me's posting just a few bits of info here: And: Here be a flyer about the event: Flyer Sail Amsterdam 2005 Ye can't miss it lasses and gents, it be the event no ship lover WANTS te miss ... Come and have fun in Amsterdam
  24. Avast! Here be a fine ship being build, it be far away, overhere in the Netherlands, but this be a good place to follow the progression. Aye, a fine ship she be, we's proud to have it being build right in the place it originates: Delfshaven. If ye ever comes to Holland, be shure to check it out, it be in Rotterdam! 18th Century ship "De Delft"
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