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Everything posted by Charity

  1. I don't know if this has been posted before but these be mighty good! (Ofcourse..it's Barbossa wisdom ) Captain Barbossa Fortune cookies
  2. Uhm...a happy month, year? Still on clouds here.. You worked with him? God you're lucky... :)
  3. Sorry responding late guys :) I feel AWSOME about it, still... And Barbossa, hon'if you'd written me a letter..i'd be up there in seventh heaven I have scanned them, I thought i'd shown them here already, sorry guys. This is the pic: Pic Geoff sent me. And this is the letter, unfortunitely not readable on pic: Letter Geoff sent. I'm in heaven..each time i look at them :)
  4. He has the character down so great, that's what makes him look like Jack, but his face is so different For one he doesn't even come close with the smile or other facial movements, but the nose is entirely different. Jack/Johnny's MUCH more handsome
  5. WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH????????? How nice to put this under our noses That is so cool!
  6. You save a pirate pic in my pictures, right click on the desktop, go to pictures, browse to the my pictures album and choose the pirate pic. But, how does one change the boot screen? I'd love to get something THERE, saying Welcome to the Black pearl or something cool LOL. How did you do that?
  7. Good luck :) I don't see one thing though, how could they not get new people? I mean, maybe for extra's they would. For excample, if they go to Asia, they're gonna need Asians, just to name one. Pitty i aint Asian..
  8. I think so too. I didn't quite mean the monkey is Bill I mean, someone came and opened the chest! I mean, it was slightly open and had an apple between the chest&lid, and then it was fully opened. That was when the monkey came, so, someone came and opened the lid and then the monkey came... I say it was Bill who opened it, and Barbossa wasn't quite dead. Bill then gave him the coin to curse him again maybe...don't know, or HE took one to make revenge easyer
  9. Abnout Malaysia, ofcourse but both are in Asia Anyways, No kidding? ROTFLMAO, that Disney makes such a mistake..my god how funny
  10. This calls for celebrations me matey's, for never there's been a finer thing made about us pirate then this movie!
  11. I don't think it's so strange to go to Thailand, because Jack makes that remark, after he's saved Elisabeth. That guy, the navy who can't swim , he sees Jack cutts the strings of the corset and says "i'd never thought of that", and Jack replies, "Clearly you've never been to Singapore. It would be so cool if they took the story about that to a new level, and show us just WHAT Jack did/experiences there :)
  12. Me too, it's a big dream and it will probably no more then that!
  13. Oh i didn't mean to say they're wrong, far from it! I have been thinking all along, some kids were going on saying they spoke with people etc, and it seemed very unlikely to say the least. I also posted on the Fandom, those people are trying to do their work, and if kids keep bothering them, and even be rude about it, then i can fully emagine they get ticked off. It is harsh in the way they tell it. Most people will go, "understandible" and brush it said, forget about it, but some people, esp. young ones, acting in good faith, they might have their feelings hurt. I guess it's just a case of the good suffering under the actings of the bad, so to say.
  14. It's still not the latest chapter to my first story, but it's finally in the works, coming soon, very soon. I have found out i like one chapter stories more so this is what i will mostly do from now on, and the writing in such is also totally different. Anyways, my new one: Writer, Marjon/BarbossasPearl A different dream. Rating; R for adult content Genre; Romance/ Adventure based upon Pirates of the Caribbean. I find out reality on board the Black Pearl is somewhat different then my phantasies... A different dream...
  15. Oh Bess, that is so bad. I am sorry, i feel bad Don't loose your job, it's not worth it! We can all wait a little longer :)
  16. Sounds good to me matey, me thinks Barbossa can get go after Jack for some revenge also Article, still works for me.
  17. I agree too, the sequals will be great, i'm shure :) I have to say the whole "Mutiny" thing was a little noncense though. The was no mutiny on pirate ships, only in the navy. If a captain wasn't liked, they simply choose another, or choose to go with someone else offering to be captain, or talk them into it, whatever be the case, but the marooning is right. That seemed the common practise for an ex captain those days. Well, whatever, i must say, i still hope Barbossa will indeed be brought back to life, as that will fit his dark caracter so well, will add to the attraction me says
  18. Harsh words about castings
  19. I think you all are forgetting something, let me refresh your memories :) Jack said that to that silly guy who said he'd never think about doing that, after Jack cutt Elisabeth's harnass (read : corsett). He says in the article, that the story will continue, well i think they're planning to let Jack go to Singapore! I wonder what he finds most attractive of that place.......
  20. BETTER AND BETTER Bruckheimer said...
  21. Oh yeah, he's special! I mean, how many "famous" people do this? I also think he's a dynamite actor! I just got Elisabeth and he's so great in that too. I used to not like beards, but he's shown me how handsome a man can be in beard, i love him with it!
  22. HERE IT IS Girls don't lie full length
  23. GOD, that's so cool I am going to get it, mark my word! I'll search all over internet Thanks for the tip!
  24. Ahhh, there should be no problem there, there's more then enough Jack, i should think. If they make new tshirts, it's most likely more Jack then anything :) I just hope they don't forget us... (That be the Barbossa clan )
  25. THANKS :) I'm still on a cloud due to this....
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