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Everything posted by Charity

  1. I can't believe ANYONE would go for this! They're selling what's suppost to be Geoffrey's Barbossa hat. 1) there's not as many bulletholes, only one and Barbossa's in the movie had more. 2) IT'S GREY i don't buy it..it's not even like it..i'm shure! Barbossas/Geoffrey's hat was black, i have many daytime pics and it's black as can be. I think it's a sham. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW
  2. LOL, well, maybe parts of the ship
  3. If the friends you have kept it up for 22 years i'd say it's time to move on but others..but i can emagine what you mean :)
  4. I agree and it could be an attraction in the Disneypark after the film's finished. I would like it to see do a tour of the world, one year it would be in the USA, the other in Europe. They do that with the light parade wagens, it rotates, so i'm shure it could be done with a ship.
  5. I will gladly suffer the jokes to have THAT last name I must say, i know just what you mean, there's a story out there about Barbossa and Elisabeth Seriously though...Elisabeth and Barbossa..now THAT'S a nightmare if anything is....
  6. I agree, Tim Currey was great and oh god..was he yummy alright!
  7. Oh matey, i asure you he'd be beyond help
  8. Well, in the USA anyways Boring Holland...
  9. But those are often the most fun! I love silly humor, like mr Bean, no brains there are all but it's hilarious Oki Doki, i will
  10. Could you here me singing along? Now that's a cool pirate song if there is one not?
  11. You serious? WOW, that's awsome, lucky you Geoffrey? I am not sorry for him as he is coming back, i meant i'm sorry if Marty wasn't coming back. Marty had said he hadn't heard anything about the old crew coming back, and when i showed him the article where Geoffrey said HE was coming back Marty said it put a smile on his face but he hadn't heard anything yet..but was hoping he would. THAT SUCKS... Oh gosh, well then..we'll have to be glad he's back in #2, but it's a mega disapointment, i thought he'd said he was back for both OH WAIT..i'm not reading right i thought you were saying he's NOT coming to the third due to prior committments..but you're saying he will carry on in the third..now THAT's what me wants to hear OH...that sounds so cool...and this time Geoffrey will probably be there ...god i want to come to the premiere..but there's no way in H*LL i can get overthere...unless i win big in the lottery finally SOON...
  12. So true, although..did all their kids become pirates too? Looking at Will Turner in POTC...ofcourse..he'll be a pirate some day won't he? I'd love to see him go off with Jack Sparrow and leave the "Civilized "(yeah right) world behind...ROTFLMAO
  13. Yes, kinda sarcastic in a funny way too! I'll be looking out for more of this from now on.
  14. Uhm...i'm not aware of what MONK is *blush* Is it a movie or American series?
  15. In a thread of mine posting to Marty, i gave him the link to the article of GR where he said he'd be coming back. Marty said that put a smile on his face but he had not heard anything yet, but he seems to really hope he would. I hope so too, he was fun and he seems like a nice guy, i'd feel sorry for him if he was passed.
  16. I love A Muppet Christmas carol too, it's so funny and touching :) But then, i love all "Christmas Carol" movies, i've also got the one with Patrick Steward, he playes the role very good . I love"the song Hey ho we'll go..etc of Muppet Treasure Island, i have it in my head all the time :)
  17. Thanks Bess, i'll be passing it on then Have a ncie Sunday, all ! :)
  18. I read in some article in which Geoffrey said he'd told them he thought it'ld be cool if he and Jack were after the same love and he would getit, leaving Jack going d*mn hahahaha Typicle Rush humour, sounds great to me :)
  19. I saw the DVD and it was only 10 Euro, so i thought ok..one last little things (yeah yeah...there's the proverbial hole in the hand again... ), anyways, i am laughing from beginning to end! I can recommend it, it's a real pirate movie, lots of stereo types but heck, most movies have them with lots of humor.
  20. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR That be the news we be waiting fer! Thanks a whole lot, that made me day :)
  21. Hi bess That be me who asked :) I was trying to find out, thanks so much for getting this information. Would it be a problem if i passed this news on? I don't want to get you into trouble but i know this subject is a regular one amongst Pirates of the Caribbean fans! :) Sorry being late responding *blush*, i'm stressed and tired, and i am not posting as much as usually, but i'll be around :)
  22. ROTFLMAO that's a funny one LOL. I didn't even stop to think they ARE online comics LOL, thanks for the tip. HAHAHA..i started searching and came across this...i wonder if he's pointing in some direction.... [http://www.nekonekonekoyamayamayama.netfirms.com/botschner_comics.htm This one's pretty cool http://www.signalstation.com/archives/000076.html
  23. I've got several good pirate books, but i haven't come around to any real reading, i want to try and do it more but i'm too restless. I would say from the looks of it my favorite would be Eyewitness:Pirates. It's a kinda small soft cover, but it has some of the best illustrations i've seen. I love those books, easy to read and lots to look at, but Life amongst the pirates by David Cordingly is also great!
  24. RIGHT ON! 'Guess there were moment those tough ol' men needed them women eh?
  25. I think it will :) I hope so, let me know ok?
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