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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Wow, that's pretty cool, i wonder what we can espect of Mr. Sparrow, will he be the next to go after Barbossa?
  2. Beeing the kittyfriend i am...maybe i'll call it me "Kittygarb" Sounds to me everyone calls it what they like to, and rightfully so, in the end it's all for fun and what feels right to a person :)
  3. Bloody H*ll That's a lot, considering the ships were smaller then the ones we have now. That's mad, so many officicers..i wonder what good it did having that many?
  4. I'll get it at some point, but right now it's too much, i want that 3 dvd set! Cannot wait to see what's on the third disk :)
  5. Oh crap, it didn't work here either? Let me fix that http://laughingplacestore.com/SearchResults.asp?P=1 yes, it's the cd from the ride: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Pirates of the Caribbean The most complete compilation of music and dialog from The Pirates of the Caribbean ever released. Format: CD Price: $ 30.64 Please click for more info on our Shopping Service usually ships in about 1 week Low cost shipping is available on this item Sounds great but..$30.64
  6. This is absolutely brilliant, i hope they'll have it a few months to come. I'm being careful to be able to buy the 3 dvd set, any word on that yet? POTC attraction complete sound+dialoque cd set
  7. ROTFL..I loved that video I loved that the parret had an eye patch and apairently the monkey took something it wasn't suppost too LOL. Great little film :) I don't know which i prefer, i think the lego ones look more like real people.
  8. Thanks for all the tips :) I've been in amsterdam and i'm planning to go to Batavia yard soon! They're building a new ship now, still the Zeven Provinciƫn, and i cannot wait to see it :) I'm trying to get something going, we'll see if it works. Someone said an interactive is out but something else..who knows. Most Dutch fans are real young Jack'o fans though, but 'we'll have to live with that Trying to get Dutch crews or get togethers.
  9. LOL.. I guess..well never mind I'm getting to realise the boning will be quite a challenge...oh dear.. Nor me, nor my friend has every done this kind of thing so wish us luck
  10. OOPS *blush* my mistake. It's not going to be all as serious as you all with the reinactment and such. I wish, we don't have anything but pirate children things..it's always like they assume only children to be interested. I'm just doing it for the POTC2 premiere and POTC3, and oh yes..if i ever get to go to a costumed part :) I will have my first garb then, and IF there's ever reinactment forming in Holland i'll be able to wear it too
  11. When applying your eyelets, make sure you have some sort of tool for punching in the holes so the eyelets can be placed. The holes I had made were oddly-shaped (with scissors) and tore so that the eyelets fell out. I'm having a little english problem here, the eyelets, that's the metal thingies in a hole, the holes the laces go through? I could use all the tips i can, i'm a total newbie at this LOL, i'm trying to find out who to make a boned bodice, there's just no tips or info about that on the net it seems..
  12. I had a friend visiting today who makes clothes and when i told her i'd love to have a "wench's dress", she said she could help me make it, so i'm wondering around internet looking for a "wench dress pattern" and the first one i find is BINGO. It's just the one i love...that'll look cool for the premiƩre, with the POTC medallion It was $12.50 including postage by priority mail. 'could do worse.. Wench dress pattern I'll wait a little while making it, i want to loose some weight before i do..it's not going to be anywhere within the next five months anyways..and that's optimistic..isn't it...
  13. If it will be only half as good as the music in the first movie it will ROCK! It's fantastic :)
  14. Makes sense :) Thanks guys, in POTC there were just Barbossa and bosun giving orders, so i wasn't sure what would be the quarter master. It's a lot more clear now :)
  15. I found Charrrrmed, it's on Supernova.org.
  16. OK, i'll look out for that Was it a good episode? Foolish question..ofcourse it was..
  17. Uhm...anyone who can tell me what series it is (3rd or 4th etc) and which episode?
  18. L is for luv... Pirate way..
  19. HUH? Uhm..i don't get it here, i live in the Netherlands I'll probably get it this coming winter LOL, that's why i need to know which season and episode it is so i can make sure if it comes when i'm gone i can put the video on :)
  20. I don't know if any of you who have seen Muppet treasure island noticed, but this guy who plays Flint at the beginning could be someone who our Barbossa character in POTC was based upon. I'm pretty sure he was an influence, the way he walks, even the way he looks..he's so much alike. If you're not convinved, see when flint walks out the cave, how he shakes his head a little while walking, Barbossa does the same. I don't mean when he gives an order to take Liz away with his head but the way he moves it a little from left to right when he walks away, this Flint does it too. Very strong resemblence indeed. This guy is impossible to find on internet though, some mentions of movies but no sites no nothing except for the one imdb one.
  21. He Christine :) I love the series although currently we have repeats, but i assume they will soon start with the new series. That's mostly in the fall, i wonder if you could find out which number it was, the episode? Charmed is my favorite series but i do miss it sometimes, if i know when it is, which season and wich episode number i can make sure i don't :)
  22. H= Harbours to explore, all over the world... "Freedom that's what the Pearl really is you know"
  23. C is for charisma, which a lot of dashing rogues have
  24. Little Dutch for ye all Z voor Zeelui (seamen)
  25. ARRRRRRR....couldn't be better :hu <center><img src="http://lucid.lunacy.nu/quiz/captainbarbossa.gif"> <br><a href="http://lucid.lunacy.nu/quiz/pirates.html">Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?</a></center>
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