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Everything posted by Charity

  1. W for the Wench's dream to come true..(guess... )
  2. I'm happpy for him. I got a video tape from Australia from a pal with interviews with him, and at some point he says something like "It's happening to all actors sometimes, it's non active" or something like that. He said he had nothing to do at that time but he was sure the phone would start to ring soon. I think it was just, or some time after he finished working on Peter Sellers, he had nothing at that point, which is never good for an actor, so i'm glad he's got lots to do again :) COOL! More movies for us to watch
  3. OH NO ...Liz will marry Norrington, Will will turn pirate and Barbossa will be with numerous woman..slaking his lust that build over ten years LOL..
  4. Q for quite sexy (A dangerous pirate ..dangerous men are so sexy LOL..)
  5. Looks good :) Thanks for the link, i'll check it out.
  6. N for "Naught but humble pirates" O
  7. That's true :) But, i think in this case we won't have to worry, it's amazing what they came up with sofar! I just saw the dvd's spoken comments with the writers last night and with Johnny today, and there's was so much they changed, and how.. No, i don't think we have to worry, it will be great :)
  8. Oh yeah Christine, i am thinking about that litterally every day to see Jack's face when he sees Barbossa..oh god... he'll be not a happy camper at all, or a happy pirate in this case Okkkkk..the same ol' discussion. I'll get into it once more (after doing so only about a million times on two other boards) WHY would it be awkward, this is a movie about CURSED pirates.. I mean common' they were walking around the moonlight as skeletons, and in such a movie someone coming back to life would not be possible? I just think we should have faith in Disney's writers, i mean why is the first moie so good? For a big part the actors but hey, without a good story it wouldn't have worked nomather which actor played in it! They even rewrote as they went, during shoots etc, they're fantastic writers, give them some credit guys, they'll come up with something great, just wait and see :)
  9. G for GASPING at the site of a fine ship..
  10. Diamonds and rubies in me loot
  11. Thanks Steele :) I meant on a pirate ship, so that's just the explanation i needed. I was kinda confused, because it seems on the Black Pearl the guy playing Bosun had the rank of both Bosun and Quartermaster. Very confusing.
  12. Isee young people going to sea to have many a dangerous adventure.
  13. I have often trouble with the language as English nautical terms aren't so easy at times, and somehow i have trouble knowing the difference between a Bos'un and a Quartermaster. Is there anyone who can explain?
  14. WOWO, that's cool Thanks for that cool tip/link! :)
  15. Yeah..would be nice wouldn't it? It's getting a long wait with so many rumours, but i'm sure as soon as things are out officially we'll hear it from Bess.
  16. I wonder if they know there's fans in Europe too..who'd love to do this...
  17. Cool, thanks for the tip! I love bagpipes :)
  18. Do tell me which movie you saw, 'cause the two dvd set most of us had he was lying backwards on a pile of gold, face up. And, i still say, no one knows just how dead he was, fact is when the monkey climbed the pile he was gone
  19. You won't regret it! It's a brilliant movie, fun and even though most of the pirate crew are (pu)muppets, it's as real a pirate movie as any. I love Tim Curry as the handsome rogue pirate..yes i do, but in the beginning us Barbossa lovers get something nice to drool over as there's this captain, and maybe i'm nuts but he makes me think of Barbossa a whole lot :) All in all a great movie !
  20. Right on Christine! Aint that the truth Barbossa Rules!
  21. Gaelic storm!! I love them, they're kickin'some serious *ass too":) For those who don't know, they're the irish band in the movie Titanic, playing at the "real party"Jack's taking his first class missy to.
  22. Sounds a much like Charlotte deBerry Yeah, she was tough too, i respect them, i really do :)
  23. And what if they make up and become the most fiersome Pirate Duo to sail the seven seas?
  24. Piracy patrol up at Disney I'm none too happy about this, i wonder if screenshots are amongst them, but i have no doubt it is. If so, and they start taking action there won't be no making a cool page/website about Pirates of the Caribbean and many of the cool sites that are up might as well close down
  25. Sorry, but ive been going through all that what was going on..i must have missed it :)' I'm sure i missed a lot more I agree :) The bad guys always do seem to be the goodlooking ones too I always fell for the bad guys LOL.
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