Oh yeah Christine, i am thinking about that litterally every day to see Jack's face when he sees Barbossa..oh god... he'll be not a happy camper at all, or a happy pirate in this case
Okkkkk..the same ol' discussion.
I'll get into it once more (after doing so only about a million times on two other boards)
WHY would it be awkward, this is a movie about CURSED pirates..
I mean common' they were walking around the moonlight as skeletons, and in such a movie someone coming back to life would not be possible?
I just think we should have faith in Disney's writers, i mean why is the first moie so good?
For a big part the actors but hey, without a good story it wouldn't have worked nomather which actor played in it!
They even rewrote as they went, during shoots etc, they're fantastic writers, give them some credit guys, they'll come up with something great, just wait and see :)