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Everything posted by Charity

  1. These are the pictures i took with normal camera, still disapointedly poor quality, why i don't know, but much clearer then the digicam ones. Letter Geoff sent. Picture of Quills that Geoff sent to me, signed.
  2. [/code]Okkkkkkk....learned something new here ..thanks for the interesting biologie/history lessons I have two books of David Cordingly now, but i'll defenitely get "Under the black flag" too yet. :)
  3. Sodomites? Never heard of them...maybe i should find out
  4. Oh? Well done, to be able to do it then :) You must be good in saving..me, i'm better in spending
  5. OH YEAH, you go girl Let's hope so! :)
  6. THAT'S COOL! You can have a look inside the book: Inside of the book And, it's a good price, i payed about the same. It looks smaller then it is, it's a good size book, and heavy too, pretty good paper, 397 pages!
  7. HI, this is awsome :) I love it, building your own ship! Good luck with it, god that will be so satisfying to sail your own! One day i hope to own one...but i'll have to win the jackpot in the lottery first
  8. Well, i haven't had the chance to read it all yet, but the things i did check, on Edward Teach etc, seemed ok. But, i guess there's mistakes everywhere because almost every site on pyracy has difference too. It shure makes a fine book to own :)
  9. I was looking on internet everywhere and sofar didn't find it but it does excist, so here is the ISBN nr etc for interested. Name: PIRATES! An a-z encyclopedia Brigands, Buccaneers, and Privateers in fact, fiction and legend. Author: Jan Rogozinski ISBN: 0-306-80722-x Publisher: Da Capo Press Inc. A subsidiary of Plenum Publishing Corperation 233 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. 10013
  10. I totally agree with all said. Not only is Geoffrey Rush a fine actor, Barbossa is the best villain i have seen ever, and he dida marvelous job. The guy that won the MTV Movie award...i mean...ARE THEY FOR REAL? WHAT A SUCKERS. Anyways, i am definitely not obvivious of the fact that Jack Sparrow is one heck of a sexy guy, with a cute smile but he's nothing next to Barbossa and there's loads of fans of Barbossa/Geoffrey Rush, and Barbossa was an important man in the movie, so why the heck is it just Depp and Bloom we seen everywhere we look? It's high time they start giving Geoff the credit he deserves!
  11. I've found some very good, interesting books the last weeks, one Dutch one, republished but originally written in the very time the pirates were in their high peak, and by someone who witnessed some of the "action". The other's i've got now are; Life among the pirates by David Cordingly. Pirates, also by David Cordingly. A dutch childrens book, but fantastic, very good accurate info and great artwork called "My first book about pirates". But, wich is really interesting, a Pirate encyclopedia! It's called Pirates! a-z encyclopedia by Jan Rogozinsky. It's a great book, lots of great info, and ofcourse all the well known and less known Pirates and all to do with the trade are in it, except the Barabossa brother, wich is weird as they are found all over internet. It's got fantastic pictures too. Aye, i've got some great books, but now i'm all bought out
  12. Thanks for the good tip! I will want to buy that someday, but for now i'm bought out LOL.
  13. I sadly found some little mistakes afterall, but i am 100% shure they're all gone now :)
  14. SO no mistakes. I need to redo my others, i know there are still some minor English mistakes. But, i proofread this story with an American friend who used to be an editor so. It's a seperate story that just came up in my head, but the sequel to the original story is coming soon too My fanfic I hope you all enjoy it
  15. Free pirate clibart links I'm in the first one and it they're the best i've ever found!
  16. WOW, i love those, the horses and black rose ones are awsome! :)
  17. WELL, sounds interesting, good luck! Will we see the brilliant end resault?
  18. I just watched a movie, the sequel on Treasure Island, it's a two feature dvd. I have to say, it's just too comic for me, i love the more rough&tough movies like Cutthroat Island. Anyone have a tip on more movies like that? :)
  19. This is my favorite, you can just see him think....GOTCHA!
  20. I've got a desktop theme of POTC with a desktop Barbossa collage i made, but this one's shure cool to check out!
  21. Each time i do it, i am Barbossa :)
  22. You make your own! I have one with Barbossa, just make a picture/collage you like the way it needs to be, go to the shop and have it made.
  23. OH WELL...no replie,doesn't work on this end..i guess no quizz then
  24. Pirate Forum I guess it's somewhere here, but i cannot find the quizz. , or is it this? What kind of pirate are you? My resault: The oldfashioned kind i be
  25. The url doesn't work, but i'd love to try it out
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