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Everything posted by Charity

  1. I'm watching an old movie i got on DVD, "Blackbeard the pirate". I must say, it's completely obvious out Barbossa was either by the Disney people, or by Geoffrey Rush made to look like this man (Blackbeard), although he's a bit weird, and Barbossa, he's funny but not weird The resemblences are amazing at some times.
  2. Oh yes, great movie! Geoff shure sends out "interesting"pics LOL.. I'm still at "positive shock" , it's incredible... :)
  3. AAAAAAAAARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HAVE A LETTER FROM GEOFFREY, AND A QUILLS PIC WITH: To Marjon, with best wishes, Geoffrey Rush. His letter says he thanks me for the kind things i said, and (thank god) Jane is alright now, so no more cancer. He also thanks me for the books. OMG...i'm trembling....CAN THIS BE TRUE...OMG OMG OMG.... What a birthday gift, maybe this is why he replied so sudden. Oh god, i've got to put them in frames!!!!!! Marjon. (HONOR SHOTS FOR THIS WONDERFUL MAN WHO WROTE BACK HIMSELF, SO SOON YYAYYYYYY THREE HURRAY'S FOR GEFFREY RUSH! (i'm not yelling, just very excited) WOW..what a fantastic man :) )
  4. I just found this, it's hilarious, Swashbunny stationary ROTFLMAO Swashbunny stationary
  5. Congratulations :) That's a good buy indeed. I'm sad to say i've never seen the series, i cannot remember ever hearing of this here in Holland. I've got some movies coming to myself though. Enjoy them :)
  6. Oh? Who says he was still under water at the time he threw the coin? If he was strapped by his BOOTSTRAPS to a canon and he doesn't have to breethe he could have taken his time to unstrap his straps or take his boots off etc. No one can be shure he was under water when Will threw the coin back. I say he's alive..who came to the chest in that clip after the credits, came from the water, and yeah, i believe they are hints. but that's just me
  7. I am just getting me own ones for the first time matey. Me's bought one that's a childrens book, and it's magnificiant! It be called "My first pirate book"(In Dutch), and it's info about all sorts of pirates, Privateers, Buckaneers etc, with the most beautyful illustrations such as ye only see in childrens books! Me can recommend childrens books matey, they be nice ones to have! Furthmore, i recommend Ebay, there be good books for good prices, don't be bidding from the beginning, it will just bring up the price, the trick be to bed on the last moment. Ofcourse this be a risk. Check this out! Piratebook links Goodluck matey
  8. This is going to be framed... POTC Oscar Add
  9. I've ordered and payed for several new ones, i will get them soon i hope :) The the devilship pirates, and a video tape with two films about Captain Kidd and Captain Long John Silver! Oh and let's not forget, Blackbeard the pirate I can't wait to see them, they're discribed as classics on internet!
  10. First, i 'm sorry for being away from the ship for a while. I cannot use my scanner, it's just not working since my upgrade, and i've got a new driver But, if and when i can i will post some cool pics here, also from the Pirate museum. That's awsome, wow, where did you find that?
  11. OH YES, i love them too much, i've gone way overboard the last few weeks, 4 pirate movies, three books, from wich one is an old one. It's written in the 17oo's by someone who's witnessed some of the famous pirates in action. It's an eyewitness book about for one Blackbeard. Yeah..Pirates...gotta love'm
  12. AND..here's the changed one. I think it's better, but i know it's not as good as many on internet, i enjoy it though :) BarbossaFanDesktop2
  13. I've made a desktop of my most favorite Barbossa moments of the movie, and/or hist most beautyful (to me) facial expressions. I've got it on my desktop right now and let me tell ye, i'm falling in love each time i start up my pc *drool*. Next i'm editing this one and putting in more other pics, like from the diner with Elisabeth etc. I just love THESE so much i wanted to work just with these, but i feel the itch, i need to make one with more "moments"so i'll post that soon. BarbossaDesktop
  14. Sorry if i sounded snappy I was so disapointed and i just can't stand Lucy Liu after seeing her in Ali McBeal..
  15. I'm glad he won an award atleast! VIDEO CLIP MTV MOVIE AWARDS 2004 'Still can't believe Geoffrey lost...
  16. GO HERE , and SEE the video for yourself, including Hohnny Depp accepting it! VIDEO CLIP MOVIE AWARDS 2004
  17. Apairently i got the message wrong... He's lost it, to LUCY LIU! The one person i couldn't stand from day one i saw here in that series on tv... Geoffrey Lost....dang, it should have been him!
  18. CHECK THIS OUT ME MATEY'S! 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' The Flick To Beat At 2004 MTV Movie Awards
  19. I couldn't resist, i JUST had the funds yet, so i got them, one two film DVD, "Pirates Double Feature: Long John Silver/ Captain Kidd (2001)", and "BLACKBEARD THE PIRATE"! I cannot wait to get then, both should be here within less then a week Let's go pirating..
  20. ROTFLMAO...Barbossa you bad guy....LOVE IT. Don't get too good like Jack, we like ye the way you are
  21. No mate, the FIRST time you wanted it... It's beautyful, i can just emagine the attraction of a whole chest full Christine, oh yes, they looked interesting, but i'd rather see them with their flesh, their faces are so interesting
  22. I wanted to see some pirate movies, so this friend sent me some over msn, to try out so to say LOL. Well, i saw Crimson Pirate, wich was funny, and Yellowbeard. I've usually a pretty good sense of humor, but god..what an awfully weird and boring movie this was. I'm trying to get Blackbeard, that should be better . But upto now, POTC rules, along with Cutthroat Island!
  23. What Christine and Lady Barbossa said is completely right, LB nailed it down well BUT...to me there's the sexy side..the side that makes you start to breathe a little heavyer, and if a man cannot see it (wich isn't so strange) i don't know how to explain it LOL It's so many things..he's awsome, he rules!
  24. BLAST me's too late.. That's a pitty..
  25. Aye, today an Aztec coin arrived.. I'm happy with it, and it looks mighty fine. Barbossa me mate, i cannot blame ye for wanting it!
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