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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Well i'd have to say i like it most due to the certain pirate character.. LOL, but..i started watching it as it's Pirate movie like i did Privates of the Caribbean and compared to that one it's a heck of a lot better..even the adult scenes.. For a porn i guess (from what i've seen sofar ) the acting isn't too bad..most adult stars just don't seem to be that wonderful actually acting LOL..
  2. Listening to some news program while being here and on chat programs.
  3. shit is going to happen in POTC2
  4. pirate men are frequent visitors in my fantasy
  5. COOL! There can't be enough fun groups
  6. undead (Pirates... )
  7. If ye say woman can fool a man any time in our own way (Muaahahahahaha..) maybe you'll find me agreeing.
  8. I'm so sorry to hear you are worse again I hope it's a passing things and you'll soon feel better! *Big hugs* As for me, i feel a lot better but since i've been better and worse all through the year, i say this with caution. I must say my two days upto today have worn me out..but it was good to be out again and seeing people, and Friday i'm going to my friend, staying for dinner etc, so that's going to be fun too
  9. Well..since then i miraculously felt a LOT better and have been doing shoppings for dad, stayed over for dinner..went to visit mum's urn yesterday and on a mini shopping spree all afternoon after that..i guess it did cure me ROTFLMAO!
  10. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Someone at Martin Klebba.com posted a "This is for Marjon" thread for me in which everyone posted Geoff pics because i have been sick for most of this year ánd had weeks and weeks of tooth aches.. and then Marty said: And then..this came......................... HAPPY WOOHOOOOOOO!!! :bounce: I had one already from Geoff..and hand written letter..true..but who says it's not fun to get another AND...it's..BARBOSSA Oh yeah., the real one is wider and better colors but this is the best copy i could produce with my silly digital camera Marty rocks..what a sweet guy!
  11. I am and proud to be Sorry for posting late, i've been sick as a dog and in bed but i'm not gone yet I'm sorry to say, the most about it is in Dutch. I just searched my butt off but Piet Heyn is most mentioned but nothing else interesting, sofar. Our country isn't too well on history, i am just beginning to learn all about it myself *shame* So, i am sorry, i will keep looking and if i find anything i'll let you know but i was just going to thank you for finding that book for me
  12. WARNING BEFORE READING ON..SPOILER LINK!!! I'll just say this..I LOVE IT WOOHOO.. :ph34r: potc3 facts
  13. Sorry, i've been in bed more then online and didn't see, sorry for the double post guys!
  14. Sadly the 50 year old Richard Snell, make up artist of Pirates of the Caribbean sequels was found dead on his bed after not showing up for his work. He was 50 year old and leaves behind a.o 5 month old twins. My sympathy and condolences to his family and loved ones, they are in my thoughts. Love&hugs, Charity />Richard Snell 1955-2006
  15. CONGRATS! Lots of luck to ya mate As for me..toothache..one was treated and somehow it's made two other's go nuts..i can see nerve treatments ahead..
  16. Well..just a fan coming across stuff, i found out others knew about this blog sooner but thanks anyway and big hugs Jack You always manage to put a smile on my face.. even with a killing tooth ache
  17. I'm struggling with my health a whole lot lately which is why i am not around much I had to share this though, it's so cool. To view it you have to register at myspace.com but it takes a few minutes and it free, Terry drops a few nice little spoilers here and there and i'm glad to know Jack the Monkey is alive and back His blog (when signed on in myspace.com) blog/myspace.com/terryrosio
  18. Real pirate action such as in Cutthroat Island..and authenticity :) With real pirate action i mean i don't mind it being a litttle rough, as much as i like Captain Sparrow and the bunch (as POTC addict..obviously i do ) it's a little unrealistic..they weren't nice blokes
  19. http://www.cnn.com/video/player/player.htm....hollywood.affl YOOHOOOOOOOO
  20. RFO Return From Overseas
  21. Thanks Captain! It was awesome as always but i can tell i'm not worth much. I always went two days, this time i was beat after one and everything hurt from the smoke..imagine ten thousants of people and many of them smoking, inside I will have pics in a small week or less, when i do i'll show some :) There were Zuni dancers, god i love those dances so much!
  22. Now that was the best laugh i've had in a long time!
  23. ROTFLMAO!!! That's a good one LOL.. Took their time realizing the bones were a little old.. thanks for the laugh mate LOL
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