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Everything posted by Charity

  1. CJS, good luck on getting the stand! I payed, 5 euro more then most stores but got a free dvd and the official movie poster with it so that ended up a good deal anyway
  2. WOW that's brilliant Kass, thanks so much I love it and have bookmarked it.
  3. I know it's not period but..i think i got me something nice with the dvd.. I didn't just take the dvd, i took the whole dvd stand as well DMC dvd stand And, my Geoff movies look so good in it! Geoff movies in the dvd stand
  4. WOW, someone posted this on Crossing Blades (Thanks to Davy Jones WOOHOOOO ) Geoffrey Rush interview clip, LONG and Barboss/POTC talk in it :-D If you right click ad save as target it's yours
  5. It's in charting the making of, I'm making a soundclip right now as i write of the things they say about Barbossa and will upload and share it here ASAP. Here it is: Barbossa Spoiler WAV
  6. Which mac Donalds pirate commercials? Never heard of'm, I'm atleast lucky to see Marty but that's about it. This country has hardly any fun commercials but maybe one day? I sure hope to see them sometimes :) Oops, forgot to say, good news about Marty being home and doing well
  7. Oh i love Will in DMC, he's matured and a lot better as both a man and a pirates. But..there's only one Barbossa and after the disapointment ofnot seeing anything at all about Barbossa's return in the extra's on the dvd.. (AARGHHH..) i can't wait to see AWE :-D I hope the spoilers in the extra's from Jerry's mouth don't spell trouble for our beloved Captain though
  8. ROTFLMAO, that's so hilarious Cool vet, send him overhere Thanks for sharing!
  9. No thanksgiving here but i wish all of you (And yourself) a wonderful time filled with special moments and wonderful new memories :) I'm getting in the christmas atmosphere and although we get Sinterklaas yet since i have no kids I've got my first little christmas lights and decorations already. I also look forward to winter, that is if we get it and i guess Thanksgiving in the snow isn't bad so let me say.. Happy holiday season!
  10. Rumba, if you check this page regularly, I'm sure at some point the new one will be there too :) http://www.martinklebba.com/swedish_phone_company.htm
  11. ROTFLMAO The new commerical is on Dutch tv and it's Marty as Superman flying to this huge building and landing on it etc.. Cool superman
  12. Nice one! Congrats, fancy meeting him If only..still it's nice to dream..allow me to share my own dream..a "heavenly sunset" (and surely after the sunset it would be nicer still.. )
  13. CJS, I'mn keeping an eye on things, if it get's worse I'll see the house doc again. I'll make caps but can't promise to do them before the weekend, I'm off to bed soon and have lots to do the next two days. Geoff seemed indeed very excited in the footage on the dvd extra's, he was delighted about the head so.. That's something i didn't know he did the voice overs, some people who'd seen him said it was nothing like him either, i felt he spoke the words different, longer but then..that can happen. Oh well, like i said, the honor of being in the ride is great :)
  14. I wish we did, it's going to be 18 celcius here tomorrow In November..insane.. I was looking forward to snow too but here it looks like soft weather for a long while yet but then again you never know, it changes in no time.
  15. Ahoy mate, grate to see you here Sorry for the late replie, and to all other new ones, same thing, been sick a lot this year. Welcome to Atrice and all though, have fun at the pub! It's nice having ye :)
  16. Not really, i've got chest pains and they're getting worse and worse, but the kno doctor (Throat nose and ear) couldn't have me before the 1st of December.. I'm coughing a lot and my throat and chest feel bad but what can i do.. Anyway..trying to hang on and feel better :) Bess, i agree..did the first time i saw some shots of the ride but now I've seen it properly (On the dvd) i was horrified.. He's nothing like him and the way he talks..so slurry and slow..kinda weird.. I truly think it's an honor they have him there but not the way he looks and sounds.. Barbossa head
  17. Nah..Barbossa..who's he Poor Marty, on the extra's of the DMC dvd you see how he get's sick after filming the swaying cage..they actually sway in the air. He started to feel sick on the way over to the set and the cage "Flight" was too much..
  18. Well,Jerry and this guy discuss things, the guy says something like "Barbossa will have the same attitude like..." nothing more because Jerry interrupts him and says "NO Barbossa will say i did ya a good deed!" Then later Jerry says how Barbossa will tell HER, he's done his part of the agreement and i think he says she should keep hers.... My opinion, the Tia Dalma rumours were correct and she resurrected him to get Jack back and now she wants more of him.. If so we'll have to kill her He's indeed doing enough to save the man who killed him..imo Maybe you'll like this pic, Geoff says laughing "Goes to show how goodlooking i am in real life." It's the head of the puppet in the ride before being placed and it's in the shadow, obviously it's not this dark.
  19. I love that, how cute He's so nice and i love the kid with the cartoon, very funny and well made. Thanks for sharing this :)
  20. Weird but true.. Here in Holland we could pre-order the two dvd set at this shop (Freerecordshop) and it would include a film poster and dvd of other movie free. I went and payed and got the poster and movie dvd and..the two dvd set box with the extra's!! I'm so happy WWOOHOOOOOOO So, here's the menu's for the extra's, sorry to say..no deleted scenes.. ??!! Man i was looking forward to that but on the box it always says Bloopers and they're not on it so that's on the first dvd i guess so if it doesn't say deleted scenes at all..i guess that's not on I also hate that there's no spoken comments with actors, only authors. All in all not comparable to the first movie's extra's but still tons of fun and interesting. My favorite bit is the Davy Jones bit By the way, there's a lovely Barbossa spoilers..from Jerry's mouth so..if anyone wants me to blab but i bet you'll see it soon enough anyway
  21. WOW thats so cool! You'll SO love the bit about him on the extra's I know i do even if "Captain Jack" gets most attention again
  22. Hey, a new familiar face at the pub :-D Hi there CJS *waves* I love Marty, he's the coolest sweetest guy, and generous too. He's always so nice to his fans, i know he's been to me and i love him for it and I'm glad he's got a bigger role in POTC2+3 Nice to see him get some attention here too!
  23. Hi all, been gone an aweful long time (sick a lot of the time ) but when i saw this i thought of this place first. I know a lot of you guys love Sarah Brightman and that the origins of the song Scarborough Fair was discussed a while back so you might find this interesting :) Scarborough fair origins and explanation
  24. I thougth that too, peninsula with a channel behind it but.. that's not sand..i didn't notice before but there seem to be bulletholes in the white surface.. It's more like rock..hmm..I'll do some more thinking and looking :)
  25. Thanks :) I've missed this place but it's not going great. I'm eating healthy as i can and all but I'm dead exhausted much of the time and headaches but..hey, still in for a good time so, cheers!
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