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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Sounds perfect It's nice when there's a bit of belly with muscles underneath, perfect!
  2. Ok, I've been away from here so long and just go a notification for this. I've missed this forum Let me say specificly what i like and not like in a man. Like: Muscular, hairy (not a bear but a fair amount..Hmmm sexy), masculine,little bit of a belly (you know..the sexy wanna touch and kiss kind of soft little belly.. ) tall, dark hair(& eyes if possible) but some blonds can be mighty yummy too , a little adventurous and interested in history, honest, sportive, beard (Not like a lepracon LOL but a short to middle size beard that's kept well, NICE.) and he MUST be hygenic!!! Dislikes: Macho's, men that shave or wax (cringe ), beard that's badly kept or too long, arrogance, dishonesty, uncleanelyness, boring bar or sit on the couch and watch sport all the time types. I guess that's specific enough, now..anyone single who fits the bill?
  3. So sorry for running off again mate's, I've been fighting off headaches for the passed weeks and done tests to find out what causes them. Two days back on top of that i got a bad migraine attack..I'm well and truly in the waste bin right now. Missing ya all and welcome to all new ones! A round of good rum for all to make up for my absence!
  4. Oh the chance to show off my pretty boys! I love them dearly, they're my kids and my friends so, I'm proud to show you my Dusty and Tabby both named after their color. They often think Dusty is black but he's a color named chocolate. That's due to his part Norwegian forestcat (yep, he's small but he had a Norwegian mum).
  5. I'm sorry to hear you had a hard time. congrats on the job and house! Sounds like you're on the up, welcome back and i hope you birthday with be grand!
  6. If anything shows why Jack and Barbossa must be together in the movies, this pic does. Great interaction between those too, it totally makes me pee myself that pic And oh man..does Barbossa look yummy..
  7. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad everyone is safe, my thoughts go out to them. Best wishes to them.
  8. Thanks Luv, had i known another Barbossa made it to the pub I'd run over :angry: LadyB knows though I've been suffering from severe headaches and have been offline. T ís good to be back though, a lass needs a bit of fun and laughter
  9. I've always got this urge seeing those types of women...(Good thing I've never seen one in real life) i want to take a needle and see if it goes PLOP
  10. Ahoy mate! Sory to be late, but a hearthy wellcome! Good luck in making the costume of the best sexiest and handsomest pirate in history! It's nice having another Barbossa fan here, yep me too..the man rules! Here's one on yer health mate CHEERS
  11. Now thát's good news if i ever heard it! I thought it was only rumours..would be great if it continued but somehow i can't see Geoff continuing though
  12. Happy new year everyone, sorry to be late but it comes from the heart anyway :) All the best of love health and happiness and lots of loot. Remember not all treasure is silver and gold :)
  13. Nice one Jack.. I can see ye'll be doin' lots of confessing after Christmas (or..all the time? ) Have fun guys
  14. Oh man..were you wearing muddy glasses? I will if you will mate To answer in similar fashion.. I'd get into a heated discussion to convince anyone you're hot material for this calendar and you should send a pic in because it will be a very excited competition
  15. Now that's a lovely elf, how cute :) Thanks for sharing that little precious elf and the same to you mate, wonderful days :)
  16. Nice Captain Bo..would be nice if more men thought that way but let's be realistic..looks and esp. body shape is still very important to most. Oh well maybe all will learn some day. *Checking inside matter* I think I'm allright on that level atleast
  17. Darn! It won't load Another pal's wouldn't either yet Christine's did, i wonder why that is.. Seems i can't do the voice thing since you have to call an American phone nr. pity.
  18. I would bet my life you haven't.. But, alas it's no contest. About the waxing..i was under the impression more and more men do these days..and everwhere, very disturbing I saw it on tv once and this guy was..let's say NOT HAPPY
  19. Well..darn I've been alone so long I would settle for sweet and honest and just..loving me but hey, i do have likes and dislikes and i must say i love a man who's taller then me and strong..and god PLEASE let him have hair On his body that is, head is obvious but i adore a man who doesn't wax..hair i says!
  20. Well, I'm hardly material for uhm..such things but do i understand that there's a man's version coming too eh? Most men here are pretty yummy to look at so do send in and do tell us how to order this baby in Holland if it's at all afordable
  21. WOW, that's pretty awesome Bess, congratulations That's wonderful, how lovely of them to do that :)
  22. Ahoy matey's! Here's my silly atempt to make a fitting greeting Merry christmas all and be safe, enjoy and may you have many special moments with your loved ones :) I know Barbossa will hate me now..
  23. Thanks, i made a costume with a friend but when it didn't work as it should didn't know what to do so now I've started at the very base of clothe making and doing a course. I think it will be quiet a while before making costumes but now i know it will be done when i know more and i dó intend to try out some things that are simple inbetween to gather self confidence so all help is welcome :) I'll check the site out regularly.
  24. LOL brilliant Christine You make a cute elf! I'm not gathering the guts to do one myself LOL, if i manage I'll post it here shortly
  25. ROTFLMAO!!!!! I am pissing my pants and rolling off my chair reading these They are brilliant LOL.. thanks for making me laugh, i need it LOLOL..
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