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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Rundown..just exhausted. More stuff with dad, he's been going to hospitals for tests almost a year now and after 7 antibiotics cures and lots of tests and scans etc it's now found he has to be operated (full anesthesia which scares me for someone with high blood pressure and mild heart problems on 70 of age) and his liver needs immediate treatment..it's no good I'm just tired..you know that feeling "I wish for once things were normal and right.." I'm missing all of you guys here and other friends on messageboards but i've no energy to write much, even my blogs are behind so..that's me right now.. Western Experience tomorrow, biggest western fair in Europe, POW WOW AND HORSES (that's the most important for me on this fair) I'm planning to let my hair hang down and relax for once :)
  2. Thanks for all you always tell us, i have one question and i hope you can answer it, is Paris going to be adjusted too? I'd love to go and see ol' Barbossa and Jack in the ride Nice having you back too ( No not for that reason only LOL)
  3. Noo voodoo, but a witch...interesting All sounds cool to me..bring it on!
  4. BIG HUGS I know the feeling, i've got good friends but they live all around our country, my destiny i guess but i can assure you if anything it will make you independent and that's a plus. I hope you'll soon get time to spend with friends
  5. Thanks Jill :) Back at ya! Thanks Today i'm sad and angry and just in shock really.. Some morons threw fireworks through the mail opening in a door of a petshop and it burned down, burning alive hundreds of animals including rabbits, birds, fish, reptiles etc.. How anyone can do such a thing..must've been a very twisted person. I think the man himself is a dumb head too, for the longest time i have my mail opening in my door closed, when i had one..on new year's eve and before and after..
  6. war, of the sexes
  7. I recently added Charity pirate of the lowlands to my nicknames. Lowlands as in being from the Netherlands.
  8. Court's jester
  9. Ah but aren't we pirates? Surely it's not wrong to be "Infamous" as a pirate..never hurts to be known with the enimy in a "certain" way But, i get what you mean
  10. Oh no..come on I intend to be positive, it's only the beginning of a whole new year, full of new posibilities.. Things cán be set wrong but i choose to be positive
  11. Thanks guys, no worries i intend to! It's just hard work out stuff when you're alone and lot and my dad&aunt are the kind of "No use talking about it". I've got specialized help now to help me deal with it. When one and half year you live just for one thing and person and it all falls away you fall into a deep hole it's hard climbing out of but hey..make no mistake, doesn't mean i'm not having fun either I'm still about to have fun..now it's a matter of bringing the two sides in balance and i promise ye i'll not let ye down guys THANKS (and i'm back LOL..no more hiding out )
  12. Nice thought to be immortal..gives me more time to live and set things right
  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know in many countries doing fireworks yourself isn't allowed so i made video clips from my front porch and it was fantastic! It was hard to film because it was all around but i think it gives an idea of how millions of Dutch people spend millions of euro's each year. I also added two clips from tv of the London fireworks, MAGNIFICENT! All put together in a wmv with effects and music, enjoy :) PS sorry if the sound is a little crappy at some points, i filmed it with my digital camera and the noise was eardeathning but i think it's worked out well for my cheap little camera :) And in the beginning it's getting going slowly but from about the middle towards the end it get's bigger and bigger NEW YEARS EVE 2006 12am fireworks SHOOT..i just watched the uploaded file and the parts of London have gone weird during upload, sorry for that but it's still pretty cool.
  14. grieving..i want to be happy Also loose weight, live and eat healthier!
  15. WOW mega cool! It's 2006 guys, we're over the longest time of waiting, how quickly 2005 went Thanks for sharing!
  16. I'm not sure if this is POTC2 or 3 but BARBOSSA FANS READ THANKS TO WWW.WHERESTHERUM.COM AND MOSTLY MISCHIEF FOR FINDING THIS! What can be more wonderful then THIS in the beginning of 2006? YAYYY... It's confirmed by DarkHorizons.com "Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) owes a blood debt to the legendary Davy Jones, ruler of the ocean depths and captain of the ghostly Flying Dutchman. His problems merge with the wedding plans of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who are quickly involved with the misadventures of Sparrow. After evading death at the hands of Davy Jones and his army of sea creatures, the couple returns for their wedding and Jack plans to sail off into the sunset. Then, suddenly, the villianous Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) reappears, having been newly-resurrected by Chinese black magic, and ruthlessly murders Jack before he can flee. Knowing that he can still save his friend's soul, the newly-married Will begins a journey into the Far East, which sets up the adventures to take place in Pirates of the Caribbean" HAPPY NEW YEAR BARBOSSA FANS!!! Ofcourse that is relevant LOL, comfirmed or not, we have to wait and see if it's true..
  17. A little lonely, i'm all alone on new year's eve but not really as i'm online chatting with people who are home alone too :) I've been less then happy lately and been in bed a lot but i've given myself a kick under my butt and 2006 will be different, i'll make it different!!! Everyone a great new year's eve and 2006
  18. Rumours are rumours until we see it before our own eyes but..i say GO HECTOR!!!!!!!! Thanks to Mostly Mischief of wherestherum.com for finding the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_th...the_Caribbean_3
  19. Oh i've got that, i love the movie. The musketeer himself isn't all bad either but yes, i got the movie in hope of great sword fights (which i love) and you get them alright! Great movie
  20. All old news. I think they're all true, most of these little bits you can see in the trailer.. :)
  21. Interesting test :) My resault was: Hmm i'm not too crazy about "Kings" and others who think they're above me but i wouldn't betray my land etc..
  22. Maybe it is, maybe i am wrong..who knows. I won't say i know i am right or i know it all..i just know how i feel and it's just my opinion that's all. I am very sorry for anyone who goes through that and i am sorry for your losses but i still think in such a position you cannot be expected to be rational. I am not either..i want to kill off the bastard who abused me, bit by bit and make him suffer..but i also know that sort of thought is very wrong and i am not better either so i try to fight the thoughts as we are supposed to forgive..says so in the bible..that one you all read i'm sure. And..pay per view? That is plain sick..sorry And now..i will be wise and get out of this because no one here will change their oponion, it is not what this thread was about anyway :) No hard feelings, it's just a discussion nothing more :)
  23. Great pics :) Thanks for sharing them! It's fun looking at them, it feels as you are sort of part of it.
  24. *Sigh* I already said..and i will say it again, one who has a thing such as that happen cannot be held responsible for things you say. In such a case you simply cannot be objective.. I find that therefore not a good excample but that's just me. And, you may all think i'm an idiot..but to hear such harsh words about another human being is horrible to me, it doesn't make the world better at all. I'm no nun myself but i try to be human and humane even if someone is "bad".
  25. Frankly, i'm too tired to go into big arguments etc but i'll answer one more to try and make people see what makes a person human or a beast.. Because it shows YOU are cyvilized! If it's wrong to kill it is wrong for all..i always believed the USA is one of the most religious countries in the world.. inda hypocritical, Tou shall not kill..only if it's conveniant? Yes, what goes around comes around is a famous proverb, it means (for those who believe it which does not include me) God will take care of persons who deserve punishment, who made you god? If you treat a human as a beast you do not show cyvilized behaviour therefor you are are no better. Sorry this is my believe..i want to give the right excample of how to treat other humans and that means i will not fall to their level and kill another human being but again this is my opinion and since most people here feel different if not all which is your right i will not shut up. I forgot to say, many rapists are NOT beasts they are human beings who were damaged by other human beings, often by the very person they called father. They are often victims themselves.. One last thing..calling a beast an animals is an insult to the animal kingdom..
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