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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. http://www.theoldprintingshop.com/history/ Try this. As the GAoP would be after the invention of the Gutenburg Press, I suspect that this method would still be accurate. (Talking off the top of my head).
  2. Here's a taste. AZRF videos
  3. Aye, Laddie, sorry I missed yer birthday. Hopes ye had a grand one.
  4. That is good to hear. I can't wait until next weekend. Huzzah!
  5. Alas it looks like June before I have any dubloons anyways. My Gun Master wants me to get the shoes, but my boots are so good for the sandy soil.
  6. That is awesome. I WANT ONE TOO!
  7. I've sent you two that I work with, one more than another. I've listed the contact person for each. Fair winds, ~BHP
  8. Well, lads, ye've done a fyne job of inspiring me down the slippery slope. I especially like Justacorps. Now the part is how to 'convert' something as I do not sew.
  9. I plan on being in a dress if Miss Irene is teaching another dance class. Otherwise, I'll be in my slops. I suggests if ye can, bring yer own chair. You'll be more comfortable than the splintering wooden benches that be there.
  10. I knows ye visit the Renaissance Festival forum, so I knows you say Cera's post on discount group tickets. I be heading that way on Sunday, Feb. 17th with cabin boys in tow. For others not familiar.....here's a link to Renaissance Festival's forum about the Faire. http://www.renaissancefestival.com/communi...asp?FORUM_ID=16
  11. Alas, I will not be able to attend Estrella again this year. I would be bringing my cabin boys and my 'fun' somewhat limited. I will miss the Whiskey Bards.
  12. Ye took the words right out me mouth!
  13. Sagelion, I'm moving this topic to Captain Twill as those who expound nautical terms and such chat mostly there. (Waves to Coastie). ~BHP
  14. Showing my geeky side here, but it's not my fault. My sister dragged me to it. I just saw the cutest little 5 year old Malcom Reynolds at the Phoenix ComicCon this weekend. Yea, I know, I don't know if I would let a 5 year old watch Firefly either, but it wasn't my kid. His dad was so proud of him, you couldn't help but smile.
  15. Let me get this straight. The Disney Company bought the rights to peter pan from the hospital and made 'billions' on it and only after Depp gave money, did the Disney company pony up some as well. Good for Depp. I'm sure it wasn't Disney's idea to pony up as well. Before you start shooting me with yer flintlocks, I'm referring to the Disney Corporation, not Walt Disney the person.
  16. The site didn't grab my fancy. Now if the premise of the 'show' was to have guests and then slap them, that I might watch.
  17. Tis lovely lass. Will ye be bringing it to LORE? I plan on attending yer class.
  18. Somehow I think this would be more fun as a MerMan instead of a maid. Just my point of view, I suspect.
  19. I purchased my gunner's laynard from Mallory and McCall. I love it. Here's a picture of it.
  20. I be thinkin of making the trip as it alines wit me cabin boys break.
  21. Here's a picture of bundle I took at the American Heritage Festival. He made it from painters cloth that he painted and then wrapped with rope. I understand it made a great seat.
  22. You forgot the 4 - 4lb cannons on board, since you listed the muskets and swords. I've saw the artifacts from the La Belle up close just this past Thanksgiving. The La Belle was found off the coast of my hometown, Bay City Texas in Matagorda Bay and the local Museum had several on exhibit. It was difficult to take pictures as it was all behind glass, but I did manage to get some great pictures of the cannon. Here's a picture of some wooden apostles for holding gun powder.
  23. Pleeeeze. I have been in that situation with 9 cabin boys and one very tattooed leader and I wasn't even on a ship. I was chaperoning a boys' camping trip and I wasn't related to any of them in my cabin. You learn to deal with it. Patrick, you make it seem like a girl wouldn't be able to deal with all this. Perhaps you forgot what your mother went through with you. But then again, I've been known to lie about what I can handle to force someone else to do it. Pirate.
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