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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. From CNN - Pirates seize French Yacht The French are up in arms over this, but hello, the coast of Somalia has been a hot bed for the last 3 years. Wouldn't it be prudent to steer clear? I don't blame the people of Somalia. Their country has been in turmoil for years. It seems prudent to steer clear of the coast.
  2. Have fun this weekend. I wish I could be there.
  3. Oh, I want to watch! MadL, they only spar with their tongues. and not the way you're thinking. Get yer mind out of the Captain's quarters.
  4. Watam! (I think that's how it is spelled.) I actually just met Tarrah and Rik last year at Old Fort MacArthur Days in San Pedro. Being a second generation Pole, I found the group quite fascinating.
  5. No, I saw it. Poor taste, if you ask me. It was funny WITHOUT that bit.
  6. Well, that just makes it all worth it, now doesn't it? Here is my dream desk, but alas it is $450 and a bit out of me reach right now. Captain's davenport desk
  7. I don't know if this image will come out, but I thought some of you might find it useful. This carriage is made of Poplar as there wasn't time to make it out of quality Oak. I have other pictures, but there are people in the way.
  8. hmmmm, plying the teacher with sweet words, are ya? Next time, I say hard labor for those who don't try at least.
  9. Do you know how many of my shirts are filthy from black powder? Be careful what you say, Lass.
  10. Love the desktop, dislike very much the online game. The cabin boy are driving me nuts with it as it locks up from time to time when all 3 are trying to play with DSL.
  11. I'm coming in Garb. I don't want to get me good clothes dirty.
  12. Which means if it was in the Verizon commercial, then I'm guessing the full replica of the Black Pearl is sitting somewhere on the East coast. I suspect it is probably sitting in the shipyard that services the cruise ships?
  13. Nay, they usually deposit all the checks for one event together. Yer check will most likely clear after the event, after they receive mine. I would not worry so about it.
  14. I saw the Black Pearl in person. Sailed right up to it in a sailboat. It's a barge, not a ship. The platform was lowered on the starboard side for loading. You can clearly see from it's starboard side that it is a barge.
  15. You could, but I suspect they have your information. They are not the most organized facility, but payments always seem to find their way. This is why I choose to pay on the day I attend.
  16. Captain Jack runs from Carol
  17. The Black Pearl is a barge, not a ship. Only one side of the barge is made to look like the Black Pearl. The Flying Dutchman is also a barge, but is fully demensional from all sides. The last I heard it was still at Castaway Cay. It's been a big draw for the Disney Cruise Line. I was hoping to see it in person this May, but alas that is not to be. The Lady Washington, also known as the Interceptor, is a true tallship and is currently sailing the west coast with this year's ASTA schedule. The Royaliste participated in this on the east coast last year. Rather than pining after the barges, you should go out on a true Tallship. This is much more stimulating than the barges are. Next time Royaliste is in your area, you should make a trip to sail on it. With their black powder guns and tight deck, you will see, taste, smell, touch and hear the life of a pirate. Once you experience that, you won't miss the barges. Fair winds, ~BHP
  18. Aye, that it is and I's planning on being there on Saturday.
  19. my ears are bright red.
  20. I cannot make it. I should have gone yesterday. Alas, it will be the last weekend before I sees me friends again.
  21. Alas, I wish I could attend. Be sure to stop by the Polish Hussars and tell 'em Black Hearted Pearl sent ya.
  22. Blue Ray won the war.
  23. Some handsome Captains visiting from other ports, I say. I had me a grand time on Sunday. It was a beautiful day to visit the festival. I'm planning me next run on Pirate Invasion Weekend of March 1 & 2.
  24. Happy Birthday, Billy Bones. Hope to meet ya soon sometime.
  25. What is really interesting is that SDMM is looking to fit their HMS Rose replica with guns so they can do gun battles with their other tallship, the Californian. Let's not play pirate, let's play war. same thing, different name.
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