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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Okay I'm going to say this not for historical accuracy, but from my own practical experience. We are in the Pirate Pop forum, afterall. I LOVE my boots. When I'm on the sea, I'm barefoot. Here are my reasons why: 1. On shore, my feet would get awful dirty if I wore just shoes and stockings. My stockings would be hole ridden and filthy. I can spit shine my boots faster than I can repair a hole in my stockings. 2. Short of steel toed shoes, anything you wear on a ship is not going to prevent you from getting hurt if you drop something on your feet. However, shoes...short of watershoes with nasty blacksoles... will not equal the gripping power of your barefeet. 3. Shoes will get caught on things on the ship. I've never fallen overboard while barefoot (knocking on wood), but I've nearly pulled my leg out of socket and gone into the drink while wearing shoes (Vans;white soles) on a boat. My boots fit like a second skin. If I were sailing, they would be down below and I would barefoot. If I were in a battle, I'd be wearing my boots regardless of land or sea. My two dubloons worth,
  2. Thanks for the update and info. I was little skeptical after I read that the producers of this exhibit were the same ones that did the recent King Tut. I saw the King Tut one and was slightly disappointed as they had little of the head masks that is so prominantly shown regarding King Tut.
  3. "Sail the Caribbean Like a True Buccaneer. Royal Clipper Cruise: February 9-16, 2008" "The polished brass and gleaming brightwork of the 439-foot Royal Clipper illuminate a new age of sail. Cruise the Caribbean islands of Barbados, Martinique and St. Lucia in pampered comfort, experiencing breathtaking sunsets, private anchorages and delicious cuisine. Joining the voyage will be historian David Cordingly, formerly of the Maritime Museum at Greenwich, England. An expert on piracy and author of Under the Black Flag, Cordingly was a consultant for the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, starring Johnny Depp, and has appeared in documentary programs for the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. Cordingly's historical expertise will inform and thrill you as you sail the very same waters depicted in the popular pirate film. Prices start at $1,960 pp, and include all meals, onboard entertainment and ship's watersports programs (except Scuba diving). Prices exclude airfare to departure port. Other terms and conditions apply. Call 212-462-4970 to book by Sept. 30, 2007 and save $100 per person." Star Clippers
  4. I took one look at Lady Alyx's friend's picture and said to myself, "Someone is messing with her. NONE of those gents were in the movie." First, there were way too many hats on those pirates to have been extras. The scenes in the Dominican Republic were mostly filmed on the ships/barges. Pirate extras would have NOT been wearing hats. Two, that guy looked nothing like Geoffrey Rush. His skin was way too smooth and had there been a Rush double, Christine and Lady Barbossa would have been posting all about way before now. This is my un-informed, un-educated opinion before I even read Iron Bess's post. Come to think of it, I have seen the Barbossa "double" before. Did anyone get pics of the guy from Big Bear that came dressed as Barbossa? Although his hat didn't have the holes it should have. Iron Bess, I bet the Barbossa double and his buddy Sparrow double show up at Pier Daze this weekend. Keep a weather eye out.
  5. Let me know when it gets to Arizona, mate.
  6. My understanding is this is the FIRST one.
  7. At the request of Miss Honour Bright , I'm moving a "copy" of this thread to plunder and keeping a link here under Pop. This is clearly some plunder every good pirate should own.
  8. Darling RumbaRue, You are a fine seamstress. I'm surprised you haven't made some for yourself. I know there be some fine fabrics at Hancocks and JoAnnes that would be to the genre. Perhaps you could even sell some.
  9. Shameless plug, Welsh Wench.
  10. I suspect they cut up old lace tableclothes as trying to "age" lace with a cement mixer proved quite unreliable. Seamstresses have been cutting up old lace tableclothes with holes in them for centuries, using the lace to embelish pillow cases.
  11. You're not a unic, are you? http://www.cbs.com/primetime/pirate_master...os/kendra.shtml
  12. I suspect Kendra will take over the ship and become the best pirate captain ever!
  13. Those looked like braces missing the wires to me in that scene. I've seen plenty of braces as of late. I got 3 cabin boys all wired up for the summer. Call it make-up and lighting, but a little CGI or photoshop would have fixed that and with it being the crucial first scene, would have been money well spent.
  14. Thanks for sharing, Captain Jack Spareribs.
  15. Huzzah! I'm glad to hear yer event went off with a bang! I will certainly have to consider this event for me calendar next year. I have to plan ahead as I have to travel as the bird flies for these West coast events.
  16. I don't know why I'm stating this, BUT Jack Sparrow and Barbossa are great facilitators of new characters. Let their travels take us to meet new characters and enjoy the adventure. Another great dual; there is no need for other 'main' characters.
  17. Not yet, but let me know yer opinion of it is. I'm thinking of expanding me library.
  18. Catching up on posts, I remember seeing ye in 'pants' although it was probably bloomers at Spring Ojai. I say, those Barbossa slops would make a nice edition to yer garb as well. Come, come over to the 'slop'py side of piracy.
  19. Aye, just saw yer post. Fitting name for a sword, mortuary. Will I see a match between Iron Bess and Red-handed Jill at Fall Ojai? Now, that I would travel out of the seas of the desert to see.
  20. Thanks for the info, Red Maria. Sounds like he had a wonderful adventure of a life.
  21. Woman defies odds, plans to hand-cycle over United States If an 81 year old can cycling around Arizona makes news, then the world should know about my friend, Kelly. What the article doesn't say is part of the time, her autistic son will be also riding shot gun with her Mom. Go Kelly Go.
  22. What type of firing system are you planning?
  23. Molly Roger products of tanks, flags, stickers will be at Club Fashion Whore this Saturday, 9pm fer their Pirate Party, which be at ShooterZ: 3815 30th Street, San Diego, CA 92104 Molly Roger is the trademark of Pirate Photog Extrordainare Tiger Lee, author of the Hot Pirate Babes Calendar. Just passing along the info, mates.
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