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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Aye, that I will. Ye shall have a return shot aimed at ya.
  2. Did anyone get pictures of Plank by chance? My camera fell in the lake, so I have none. If you do, I'd appreciate your sharing.
  3. Ye didn't need yer glasses for it, did ya?
  4. REMINDER since AWE is hitting us soon and everyone will want to talk about it. If you haven't seen the movie the opening weekend, don't come in here and click on a thread and then complain it didn't warn about spoilers. Every thread in Pirate Pop is subject to containing spoilers. Pirates, ye be warned.
  5. Hopefully, I'll be there working as gunner's mate on the Time Bandit.
  6. Here I am moderating the Pirate Pop forum and what's this I see above...A 2 movie set of POTC 1 and 2 coming out in High Definition and Blue Ray on May 22. Hmmm, I know I loved seeing the trailer in HD on my new flat screen...am I willing to buy YET AGAIN the POTC movies so I can watch it in HD on my new tv? You'll have to guess which way I answered.
  7. Iron Bess: Teaser or Torturer? What say the rest of you? I say, Torturer!
  8. Mate, I searched for your name/display name, but it didn't come up. Do you have the url?
  9. I beg yer forgiveness. Of course you are the Cap'n of me fan club. (However, me mate may have som'in to say about that.) Will you be at Pier Days? If'n so, I will have your marque for you then. The lads had a grand time. There was a certain fair wench named Lexi that had the oldest wrapped around her finger. Much to the consternation of me middle lad who had core roused her into helping him with his treasure map earlier. But the oldest won out because he tried to kidnap her from the playground and sell her into slavery. She was mighty upset and got her father involved, so the oldest apologized by giving her a treasure of jewels (a necklace he had won in the treasure hunt.) Me middle one isn't likely to part with his treasure easy, not even for a fair maiden.
  10. Oh I didn't catch that, but I can fix that.
  11. Harder to improvise for a woman than for man, I say. Now I will pay it back, "Pictures, we want to see pictures."
  12. I took pictures of Port of New Providence and then the camera (thankfully, disposable) fell in the water and sank when I was tying up the Privateer. Jacky Tarr is a cutie! One of my best groupies! It's taken me two days to recover from Ojai. Too much too soon, I think.
  13. These videos are going to be great to intersperse snippets into our own homemade videos. However, I do love pirate videos from youtube for my own. Why bust yourself trying to take videos while on vacation when someone else will do it for you and then you can pirate it for your own use.
  14. Thanks, now I'm hooked.
  15. fangirl? I'm a fan of POTC, but I'm no groupie! I only go to places where I'm treated like royalty. I'd say, Diva Pirate is more like it.
  16. Those of us who attended the Ultimate POTC Fan event got a free beta version of this game. Beta = Bugs galore. I tried logging on and couldn't get on. I know they have been doing quite a few stress tests on it lately, but I really haven't had the time to test it again. However, I did get a cool limited edition lithograph from the game for attending the event. I was going to donate to my son's school for their auction, but dh said "no way". I'm not much of a gamer, so it doesn't fit in with my other collectibles.
  17. Hey, did you ever get Captain Morgan's to help sponsor this shindig?
  18. Okay, here are a few of my favorites from youtube. Not quite piratey....but I love it. Whale of a Tale This would be awesome to see in person. Live orchestra playing POTC theme And last but not least,
  19. Yes, but anyone else who would like to go to the POTC 3 Premier at Disneyland HAS TO PAY $1500. I don't think it will require any arm twisting to get the celebrities to go. If a celebrity doesn't want to go... I can disguise myself as them. I know I could pay the $1500 to go, but that wouldn't be on the red carpet. That would be 'crushed by the 90210 Depp/Bloom groupies for $1500.' Oh, I bad.
  20. John Young and I have reached an accord and therefore I'm locking the thread for now. Sorry, Matusalem, but that's what you get for posting about Spiderman in the Pyracy Pub.
  21. snarky 1791 up, 450 down A witty mannerism, personality, or behavior that is a combination of sarcasm and cynicism. Usually accepted as a complimentary term. Snark is sometimes mistaken for a snotty or arrogant attitude. Not that I don't have a reason to be snarky, I wasn't trying to be in this post. Just stating a fact of business, you should always reward employees who bring in the money. Going to the POTC 3 Premiere at Disneyland is certainly a huge reward in my book. BONUS TIME!
  22. That is about rewarding the celebrities who signed up for 'Dancing with the Stars', not about the fans of POTC. It's also an incentive for the next list of celebrities they're courting to do DWTS.
  23. Pirates ain't nice tis true, but you can never really tell when we're telling you the truth or not, now can ya?
  24. I'm changing the Topic Title because I can't stand to have something say Spiderman three times in a PIRATE POP FORUM.
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