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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. ^ Photocopy important bit; buy or steal the book. < Just acquired a wooden covered book that was used for guests to write in after taking rides on the previous owner's sailboat. First entry is from June 18, 1944. I wanted the book so I could use it for re-enactments and such. V Save a book or reuse it?
  2. Aye, the website be confirming that March 3 & 4 now officially be pirates' weekend. Bloody royals could nay not make up their minds until after the faire had already begun. Alas, the ship's surgeon with be giving me a hook the week before, so I shall not know if I can attend until that day. I might be on a wee few bit of painkillers (not the pusser's rum type either).
  3. Arrrrgh, here be another pic of Keith Richard's as a pirate, but it be nothing but fool's gold, me mates.
  4. The spammers are posting not to get our attention, but to move their websites up the search ladder engines. The more links to their websites, the higher up it moves on the search engine ladder. The quicker we remove it, the less likely it is to help their cause. So, please, don't respond, don't click on the link, don't email the poster. The quicker we delete the better.
  5. My sister recently met Kaylee aka Jewel Staite a couple of weeks ago. Based on the experience, I would choose Inara because Jewel Staite doesn't want to embrace her time as Kaylee. Too bad. It took several other actors a long time to realize a gift of a character. (Leonard Nimoy). They missed some great opportunities. William Shatner may not be the greatest theatrical actor ever, but he is a gentleman and a fan's actor. Jewel Staite could learn a few pointers about that.
  6. Ahoy, aren't you suppose to be at Estrella?
  7. Happy Birthday, mate. I hope ye had a grand one and perhaps some day soon, we'll share a pint together. Yers in pyracy and play,
  8. I guess it would depend who was chasing him or how much he had to drink.
  9. The pic has already been reviewed and deemed ok to post, but thanks for your concerns. If you should have any issues with any of the pics posted in this forum, please don't hesitate to PM me or the other moderator for Pirate Pop.
  10. Only if we could get someone else to run the paddles. I know, we could put Louie at the paddles and have all the girls chase him in canoes!
  11. Why follow the signs to faire. Shouldn't be too difficult; it will be where everyone else is heading. If ye get lost, listen for the cannons and watch for the smoke.
  12. So it doesn't have any sails, but it doesn't require a motor either. Just paddle. Adventure glass boats
  13. Mapquest from LAX to Big Bear
  14. Big Bear Pirate Faire The Big Bear Valley Renaissance Society, Inc., is having it's First annual Big Bear Pirate Faire June 2nd & 3rd 2007 on the NORTH SHORE ON THE LAKE!!! We will have the "Time Bandit" pirate ship involved in our activities. There will be sailings & treasure hunts both on Land & Sea (lake) for all age's. There will be ship to shore battle re-enactments and battles on the beach, court martial & court re-enactments, stage shows, shopping and food!! All profits go to the youth of the Valley for educational endeavors. Some activities at additional charge. Mark your calendars! PIRATE FAIRE June 2nd & 3rd, 2007 10am to 6pm Free Parking & Shuttle TICKET PRICES Adults: $15 Adult weekend pass: $26 Seniors (55+)/ Military with ID $12 Children 6-12: $12 Senior/Military/Child weekend pass: $20 Children 5 and under: FREE Tickets on sale at the gate. Advanced tickets can be purchased by calling 1-800-4-BIG-BEAR. Sail on 'the Time Bandit' Pirate Ship $ 10.00 Sail Departures: • 10:30 • 12 NOON • 1:15 • 4:00 - Treasure Hunt $25.00 with Real Treasure Times & space subject to change Children's Treasure Hunts times listed in program $3.00 Fee Children's arts & crafts area minimal fee for some activities
  15. Better yet, come meet Master Gunner, Gary Harper in person at the Big Bear Pirate Fair in June. We'll have a blast firing guns, cannons, flintlocks and blunderbusses. Think of it as an appetizer for Ojai.
  16. No mate, she played in the Interceptor in the movie. The Dauntless was played by a barge.
  17. Was this the Modern Marvels, Pirate Tech you were talking about? If it was, it should have Gary Harper, Master Gunner for the Spirit of Dana Point talking about the different kinds of shot. It's been out for about a year now.
  18. I have big dreams, mainly vacations without my children. May the best pirate win.
  19. How to be a Disney Pirate. Hey, don't I recognize some of those blokes?
  20. ^ The list grows since I got the new license plate 4A PYR8. < I think I scored a young CJS entertainer for me group. I know, I know, but its what brings in the public right now. V Ever invite a newbie to come with you to a pirate event?
  21. Pictures? Did I take pictures? A few, but not as many as I wanted to. If you spotted a pyrate walking around with her hand shoved a pyrate puppet's ar$e, that was me. Sorry we didn't connect up. By the way, the puppet's name is Louie Lambe.
  22. There's a huge pyrate community in so cal, but none that find working at Corona worth it. Not even the crews for San Fran will come down for Corona. Ojai is the pirate festival to attend. Corona doesn't offer anything but unkempt grounds and fees galore. Tom would be better off razing most of those buildings.
  23. Mate, I wish the pirates who attend to make this a wonderful event, but I have trouble justifying making it to Tom's events. He just doesn't offer much for those who would provide the entertainment.
  24. ^ - Firm < - I used to live by Lake Michigan. In the winter, I went from my heated house to my heated car to my heated job. Now I live in Arizona. Where in the summer, I go from my a/c house to my a/c car to my a/c work. Cabin fever on both ends of the spectrum except only difference, I don't shovel anything! V - Warm weather all the time or four seasons?
  25. Iron Bess, how could you leave out Lee Arenberg?
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