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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Sterling Heights, MI AMC Forum 30 with IMAX
  2. For those in MICHIGAN who love Marty the Pirate. He will be appearing at the AMC 30 Theatre on M-59 and MOUND Rd for PIRATES of the CARIBBEAN 3 showing at 2:40 pm June 9th Saturday. (I checked with him first before posting this.)
  3. I knew I had heard this somewhere before.
  4. So you're saying "He that runeth away, will live to see another day"?
  5. The event was twice as big as last year as word of mouth expands this event. The twice daily black powder battles were tremendous and the Time Bandit sailed away victoriously after every battle. The days were warm, but the nights were cool and clear. The moon glittered off the water with a soothing glow. The crowds were delighted and I know I spent a bit of coin, especially at the Poppin Grog (donuts and kettle corn, evil combination). Look for next year for it to grow even more.
  6. Ye be thinking, "This is the closest faire to Yuma?" Mate, ye need to get better maps.
  7. So you want a Pirate Cruise, do ya? And you want it on the Disney Ships? They be expensive. Or would ye be willing to forgo Disney for a lower price? It just so happens, I'm working on a creating a Pirate Cruise. So, tell me what ye want and I'll see what we (www.TravelEventures.com) can deliver.
  8. Okay, not that I'm a perfectionist, anal, or anything like that , but I have to fix this topic title. It's Barbossa with two 's'. Ladies, I'm surprised you didn't say anything.
  9. Mad Jack, I'm sure that Williams and Goldsmith were, somewhere on the seas of the internet, too criticized. If we all agreed, it would be much harder to find the things we covet. I say, let them be, more for me.
  10. Or the pirates of Disney added so many turns, you'll have to pay more dubloons to figure it to yer satisfaction. Bloody Pirates!
  11. Rumba, your post was hillarious! Love your spin on things.
  12. Hmmm, I suspect Ms. Bess shan't be able to answer that one.
  13. Tick Tock, Time is running out for the roll call. Who's up for sailing on the Time Bandit?
  14. After the last movie, isn't it obivious? Although, I think that is what Johnny wanted, NOT to be the most fearsome pirate captain to ever sail the seven seas. I just wish the writers hadn't listened to him when they wrote the script.
  15. Galllery of Pictures from Disney's Pirate Island.Here's a view of the new Pirate Island
  16. My boys saw a "woman" get a shot to the head. Why would you call her a prostitute? There was nothing indicate that she was. My sons' also saw other people being hung, stabbed, impaled, blown up and otherwise killed for standing up for their belief of freedom. On the school bus, they see their peers engaging in oral satsifaction. At school, they see pictures of naked girls giving oral satisfaction to males. They learn how to take pictures of their peers with their cell phone cameras by pointing them under the walls of stalls in the bathrooms. This is what the school terms as "safe sex." On the television, they hear our President proclaim Iraq's independence and see pictures of their cousins being killed...in the name of oil. Personally, I don't have a problem with the violence in the fantasy of POTC. I have a problem with reality.
  17. Ahoy mates, Less than a 1 week to go. Who's up for sailing high waters and cool weather? Aye, I says.
  18. Oh let's take it further, just for fun. The Developer could buy the Argus (1.5 mil), turn it into a pirate ship and then work a deal with Disney for this to be their port for Disney's new West Coast Itenary.
  19. I gave NoSoLittleMermaid a picture of Liberte' and told her to give a shout out to her. I'm still waiting to see if there was stunned look on Liberte's face.
  20. I know one "NotSoLittleMermaid" who got to go to the red carpet. She's was ecstatic about going and I'm waiting for her 'trip report'. She was willing to pay the price and I, fortunate for knowing her, get to live vicariously through her and her spending.
  21. So will ye be at El Capitan early so I can get the back story. I don't mind spoilers. I like to peak at Christmas presents.
  22. May the wind be at your back. Fair winds and following seas, to ya mate. Make way! Off with ya, ye scruvy dogs. just to name a few....
  23. After reviewin me calendar, it looks like Pier Daze is out for us. Too many schedules a conflictin.
  24. Liberte' deserves a new name for that as she will never ever escape it.
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