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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  2. Okay, so I thought Barbosa was ugly in a beautiful way, Keith Richards is just plain...... scary.
  3. Estrella War is the following week starting from Feb. 13-19th. I say, Come Early, Pyrates. Start with AZ Ren Fest and then move onto the Estrella War. This year, it will be just down the road from AZ Ren Fest. So who will join me for some raiding and pillaging on Saturday, Feb. 10th? I shall buy you a round.
  4. Since this appears to be an solicitation for some of our more forthright pirates, I'm moving this to "A Way to a Pyrate's Heart."
  5. POTC already has writers, but fanfic is always welcome. Try crossing-blades. They have a big fanfic forum that sounds perfect for your Black Rose.Crossing Blades
  6. Just as long as ye don't spit on it. Ye don't know where that DNA may end up.
  7. Jan 5 2007 8:30P Speisekammer Restaurant and Bar - Pirate Party Alameda, CA Sounds like the place to be on Jan 4th, if I lived in the area.
  8. Frontpage News...Search for Gainey's daughter suspended - Associated Press
  9. So who's going to come and play with the me?
  10. Laugh now, my friends, but when CJSS is offered $350 for it six months from now, ye won't be laughing. One man's joke is another man's treasure. (I scored with a tickle-me-elmo in 1996 for $17.99 and then....)
  11. Here's praying for her strong reserve and safe rescue.
  12. Warning to my fellow pirates: Spammers have infiltrated the waters. If you are not sure if the person posting is a spammer, please don't hesitate to verify their credentials through the personal profile. Only those with approved letter of Marque are worthy of the pyracy pub. All others will be thrown overboard and keel-hauled. Happy Holidays, Moderator BHP
  13. I have it from a good source that Pirate weekend is going to be the first weekend in February. That would make it Feb. 10 & 11. So who's going to come and play with the me?
  14. Apologies to Iron Bess, but I have to share my pain. Today, I click on my Disney Shopping order to check on the status of my pre-ordered POTC:DMC Dvd. The link for tracking doesn't work. I call Disney Shopping Customer Service, the recording says it I may have to hold up to 20 minutes. No, that's not a typo, 20 MINUTES! While waiting, I fire off an email. I finally get through on the phone and they say, "Oh, you have to put a 9102 in front on the USPS tracking." I reply, "Your link isn't working because you forgot to put the '9102' in front of the tracking number on your link. Perhaps you should fix that and then you wouldn't have people on hold for 20 minutes!" After hanging up with the Disney Shopping Experience, I get an email back from Disney Shopping. Read it for yourself. Dear V*****, Thank you for your recent inquiry. Our records indicate that your order shipped on November 29, 2006 via FedEx. Please allow 7 - 10 business days for shipment. For your added convenience DisneyShopping.com offers online order tracking. To access this please go to the Order Tracking option at the bottom of any page. Once you select the appropriate carrier, you will be asked for the tracking # which is 043656516272024946. Please note that if the package was shipped via FedEx SmartPost, they will deliver it to your local Post Office, who will be making the final delivery. When tracking your package on the USPS website, you will need to key 9102 in front of the tracking number. If you have not received your order by 13th December,2006, please contact us at guest.services@disneyshopping.com. We look forward to your continued patronage. Sincerely, Helen The DisneyShopping.com Team Original Message Follows: ------------------------- Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by (e****@yahoo.com) on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at 11:41:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- message: The following tracking number does not track to the carrier stated on the order page: 1 62123 DVD-POTC:DEAD MNS CHST- 2DSC-WS-SPE EDTN $24.99 YES Shipped 11/29/2006 USPS Tracking #: 043656516272024946 TRACK It has not been worthwhile to pre- order this DVD through Disney, only a headache of waiting. Waiting for the tracking information and then the waiting to talk to a Disney "cast member" about the missing package.
  15. Could this be it? A Pirate Christmas Twas the Night before Christmas, When all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, Not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The Children were nestled, all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter! I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Drew open the curtain and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow Gave the lustre of midday to objects below. When what to my wondering eyes did I view, But a minature ship, with a Pirate crew. With a little old sailor, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment this wasn't Saint Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he growled, and shouted, and called them by name: "Now Redbeard! Now One-eye! Now Drewry and Jack! On Hook! On Smoke! And you, Little Mac! To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall, Now Blast Away! Blast Away! Blast Away all!" As dry leaves that before the winter hurricane soar, When they met with an obstacle, how the cannon did roar... (This was followed by the ship firing into the side of the house, smoke and everything :) ) So into the house, the coursers they sail, With the ship full of toys, and two barrels of ale. And then in the distance, I heard in the hall, Their laughter and cheers, and that silly little song. As I drew in my hand and was turning around, From ship to the floor they came with a bound. As I watched the cookies for Santa disappear, Deep in my heart grew the oncoming fear. For seeing the Pirates and what they've done in the past, I knew that this Christmas would be different from last. They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work. And began filling the stockings, so I said with a jerk: "But why? What are you doing this for?" He replied "Arrrh, it's Christmas! Besides, it's loot from the neighbors next door." They unloaded the ship and sat around the tree, And began drinking their ale, and even left some for me. Once their task was all done and their break complete They headed to ship for they had other places to meet. They sprang to the ship, to the crew gave a cheer! And I knew that these guys were our Santa this year. And I heard them exclaim, 'ere they sailed out of site, "Merry Christmas to All! And to all a Good Night!" Poem written by Jeff Ballentine, Jonathon Hastings, Bryan Morrow.
  16. Nah, I did a search and could not find a thing.
  17. Oh, but that will be so far away; well over the winter season.
  18. Ah, now love. You be an evil pyrate to tease us so about another pic. I just saw the POTC:DMC snow globe. The folks at Disney are now getting the idea of the beautiful artwork that POTC as spawned is worth its weight in gold.
  19. It gets even better.
  20. My vet's office has moved and I went to their website to find the new address. Look what treasure I found. Figures a pirate like me (here in landlocked Arizona) would have such a vet.
  21. arrgh! ye scurvy dogs, speak up now and it shall be decided without ya!
  22. From Laura at POTC Interactive. Mark Burnett, the creator of Survivor is shooting a new reality series called Pirates! As with his other shows, you have a shot at winning a million dollars!!!! PDF Application Since I know how much all of you have a spirit of adventure, I wanted to make sure you saw this.
  23. Well Pirates, what it be? What day would ye be willing to raid the Arizona Renaissance Festival? I will put in the results to the powers that be and if they take our advice, Huzzah! If they don't, we mutiny. So what say you?
  24. Although this is a pirate test, it seems only Gunner Gary would get half these questions right. Personally, I shoot from the hip with my guts and it works well while under fire. I bet the professor didn't consider that in his equations, but kudos for him getting his students' attention.
  25. Hmmm, all this is very interesting. I prefer the head in Charity's picture, even if it's a little on the dark side, it looks more like the skeletal transformation face used in POTC 1. The coat on Barbossa on the ride doesn't look anything like I remember from the movie, but I love what constuming did to the sleeves to make it work on the Animatronic. I have a beautiful leather coat that has sleeves to tight and I think this will work for me. Thanks, Iron Bess. From what CJS states, I think I should pre-order my DVD now. However, it sounds like lots of different deals from different vendors. Which one to choose?
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