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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. ^ - Have someone in love with me that I can not love back. Not to be bragging (yes, I am) but this happens quite frequently when, as a female, you like to play pirate as well as you do know how to sail. < - The way I figure it, as a female pirate who sails, the package is too tempting for them not to try for it. The advantages of having a female pirate companion are: 1. Most females know how to cook. 2. A female pirate likes to rabble rouse. 3. A female companion who can sail is an unpaid crew member. 4. A female crew member beats the heck of paid male crew members or sheep. V - What is your favorite Tallship?
  2. ^ Planning a really really expensive vacation, but knowing while on it I won't have to cook, clean or supervise my children. It's all included in the really really big price. < If you make payments like you do for a car, anywhere is doable. V What was your worst vacation experience?
  3. Not to be sayin yer old white whiskers be mundane, but lad, there be many a fine ole goats with white whiskers. You'll have to be more specifics. Perhaps you can wear an 'P' about ye. Kinda of "Where's the pyracy pub pirate" adventure. I will do the same.
  4. Very cool pictures, Mad Jack. So you're planning on the next one already. Any dates anounced yet?
  5. ^My local fair is in the middle of the desert; in a State where we have more man-made lakes than any other state. Why can't we have the fair at one of the man-made lakes....like Ojai does? <Getting ready to raid the opening day of the AZ Ren Fest. It's suppose to be dry and hot. I'm debating whether to wear the tall boots or stockings and shoes. I'm on my own with the 3 cabin boys. V What part of your garb would you never consider going without?
  6. I'm sorry that Janelle's MS reared it's ugly head. It was great that Carnival refunded your money on the Chacchoben ruins. It sounds like it would have paled in comparission to the ruins at Belize. Now here are your orders. More pictures, pleeeeeaaase. :)
  7. Huzzah! Captain Mad Jack, keep it coming.
  8. ^The day after Christmas, we usually sail on the Lady Washington out of Marina Del Rey, CA. This year, she wasn't there the day after Christmas. <I live for vacations. If I don't have a vacation/trip planned, I get depressed. Even if I don't end up going on the trip, just having to plan it and wait for it makes me happy. V What's the most memoriable trip you have ever taken?
  9. Pictures be grand, but let's hear yer story, mate.
  10. But does she have to tease us so?
  11. Thoroughly looking forward to it, Mad Jack. I'm planning me own for May 2008.
  12. Cruise ship runs aground Talk about not being able to maneuver on a dime/duerstmark(sp?). Even the most trained and experienced captains cannot avoid the shifting landscape of the undersea terrain. AND NOW FOR THE SOAPBOX Especially with global warming deeply effecting changes. OFF SOAPBOX.
  13. The list is long for a raid on the 10th. It includes cast and crew from RenaissanceFestival.com, the Corsairs, crew from Brethern of the Coast and the Scorpion Pirates. So add you name to the list.
  14. Was that the question?
  15. These must be successful stormtroopers; they're not dirty.
  16. Evil, just Evil, I say.
  17. It is better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
  18. Pearl begins to throw rotten tomatoes at Iron Bess, but then pauses... Question: Did the HMS Bounty stand in for the ocean shots for this prop?
  19. Clang, Clang. 10 days to Arizona Renaissance Festival, a bit more than that for Estrella War. After reading Capt. Porthos post and running into a crew from Corsairs, I must be making a run to Estrella War to have some fun. Make all of yourselves known, me mates.
  20. As the mother of a son who attends a school for learning disabled children, I have heard this story several times before. It's a story, but that is all it is. I could give you a dozen reasons why I don't think this story is great, but some lessons you have to learn in life and not be told them. Such as: 1. 'typical' little league teams will not let disabled children play with them. That's why they have 'special olympics' for the physcially disabled. 2. That having a disabled kid hit "homeruns" on every pitch isn't playing with them, it's placating them. Anyway, not to burst your 'feel good' bubble, but ask yourself, how often do you SEE acts of compassion and how many came from you.
  21. When ye can, you'll have to post a pic of it. Describing it to those not even in the proximity of such is just pure evil.
  22. ROYALISTE AGROUND -- HELP IS NEEDED ********************************** Link to Topic discussion on Pyracy Pub.
  23. That Rogue! Have ye lost yer mind?
  24. ROYALISTE AGROUND -- HELP IS NEEDED ********************************** Link to Topic discussion on Pyracy Pub.
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