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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. I thank you all and for those of you coming to Big Bear Pirate Faire, you shall see what I have plundered for me birthday there.
  2. Be sure to come by and say 'ahoy'. I'll be the one with the really big cannon.
  3. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I WANT THAT! Ooops, did I say that with my outside voice?
  4. 13 days, mate. Who's coming?
  5. I'm sending positive thoughts your way and lighting candles for your prosperity. I have a friend who is also going through a similar situation. I'm bringing her with me to the Big Bear Pirate Faire where I have arranged for her shoot the 6lb cannon. I will think pink for you, my friend. I already support Breast Cancer Research by funding 2 runners every year. They are teachers at my autistic son's school. {{{Hugs}}}} to a very brave and fun woman, ~BHP
  6. Slops over breeches...yes....when reasonable. If you're out in the North Atlantic and freezing your ar$e off, layers make sense. Hence, slops would have been worn over breeches. If you're in the blue waters of the Spanish Main, slops only makes sense. Sailor isn't anything, but practical first. It's the ship's officers who must appear impervious.
  7. Let me take a stab at this...Christmas?
  8. *wha was that?!* Ohhh, look like Black Hearted Pearl want t' rock the ship a bit... hmmm... Ooh, Look! What Be That O'er Thar?!!! Everyone headin to Big Bear.
  9. I thought I read "NO cannon, small arms only" because the promoter didn't want to pay the price and since when is the American Pride a pirate ship? I thought the pirates were on shore for this one.
  10. Pirates Plunder in the Harbor at Oceanside Harbor Days September 20th-21st, 2008 Oceanside, CALIFORNIA. This long running festival has added a Pirates Cove. Pirates Plunder exhibition, vintage ships, pirate vendors, pirate camps, and more right next to the marina. Relax & save gas -- close to the Oceanside Metrolink/Coaster train station with bus shuttles. Pirate participants and vendors interested in participating, contact Ralph Finistere at (619) 578-4328.
  11. Hi Silkie, Keep posting pictures. This has become my latest obessession. Thanks for sharing them. Say, doesn' that cat have a look on his face that says "Get off my ship"? ~BHP
  12. Hmmmm, I've kissed those gents....on the cheek. I know them well. Achoo!
  13. I know. I bookmarked your photos and have been checking for updates weekly.
  14. Have fun celebrating. Please take more pictures!
  15. Radio Disney! Hmmm, so many thoughts cross me mind, but I'll save 'em for privates, I think. Wait....here's one. Be seen? on the radio?
  16. Lad, volunteering is the english way of saying 'ye work for free', however, depending on the amount of hours ye work, ye can get the gate fee waived. So there's yer pay, if'n you and the coordinator can come to an accord on hours ye give.
  17. I just purchased two ammo boxes from the Army Navy store. Cost me less than $10 each.
  18. Aye Rumba still be on an adventure and not yet be back from her travels. I'm sure she'll announce her return to home port with a flourish when she arrives, mate. Til then, dearies, I'm still watching out for those spammers for her.
  19. Aye, I heard that the fire was considered suspicious because it started just as the faire was to open. Then I heard the temperatures were upwheres around 99 degrees. I know those who favor the faire don't wish it be nicknamed, but it seems the God's' have spoken.
  20. Ye can get in for free, if'n ye be willing to be pressganged (read volunteer) for a few hours working the event. For more information about volunteering, contact karen@bigbearrenfair.com
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