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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. I had to look that one up, and... whoa. How very odd.
  2. Was there also a rule about after two days time you have to give a hint if no one has guessed it?
  3. I really, really liked Sharpe, and I liked the HH tv series even better.
  4. Yeah, I agree. Talk about fubar marketing plans on their part. I'm fairly certain we've talked about this movie here before... yeah... quite often... anyway, rumor has it that there was an extended version shown in Australia. I don't know if it is true or not, but if so, I'd love to see that one on video. Or at least a deleted scenes featurette.
  5. That is such a classic pic! Love it!
  6. Thank you Misson, thank you thank you. Haven't a clue... but I'll take a logical stab at it... people with guns... relationship of some sort... one knows something about the other... what was that movie with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? Mr and Mrs Smith? They were married assassins or something like that? That's my guess.
  7. This came to me by way of one of the mail lists I'm on. Thought it prudent to post it here.
  8. I'm lucky in that my wife not only loves reenacting, she loves rpgs and painting miniatures too. She's just as geeky as I am. And I suppose that does contribute to a healthy marriage... next year will be our 20th anniversary... and 25 years that we've been together.
  9. Did you actually finish that Steven King book in just a few days? If so, my hat's off to you sir! I can't think of the last book I was able to finish in just a few days, let alone months.
  10. Must they? I don't recall anyone ever having said that.
  11. Sweet! I asked David in our thread here about other reenactors, and he's cool with it!
  12. I'm always hesitant to give people's info out unless they volunteer it... and David has... so... David W. Rickman Interpretive Media Specialist Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation 152 South State Street Dover, DE 19901 Tele: 302-739-9187 Cell: 302-388-5605 Email: david.rickman at state.de.us
  13. You know, all these years, and I always thought you were posting from over in Europe somewhere...
  14. The catch with the Lockhouse is that the battle field is tight, so the number of reenactors who can safely participate is limited. However... the summer version usually has fewer militia, so having more pirates is a good thing, especially when some of them are willing to be militia. That being said, we'd love to have you!
  15. The location is Fort Delaware, in the Delaware River. The date has not yet been set, but I have sent the organizers a big list of dates that are taken so as to avoid conflicts. But that's always tough to do, especially when you consider they want to bring in F&I French to man the fort. So you are looking at avoiding conflicts with not only pirate events, but F&I events, and probably RevWar events too. Also... at present, the only pirate groups that I know are officially invited to attend as reenactors are the Pirate Brethren and the Sea Rats. I'm sure they will allow other crews too, but I'm asking just to make certain. And if not, I don't keep a roster of people in the Pirate Brethren, so if the PB ranks seem to swell for an event, that's cool.
  16. I'd say about a dozen or so of my friends will be there. Me? Unlikely.
  17. Holy crap!!! What a score!!!
  18. Management at work has this annoying tendency to begin emails with a cold, informal "All" instead of a more friendly greeting. In "retaliation" I like to begin mine with "Ahoy" and end them with "Yrs&c". I was working on 3-mile lines for awhile... which supposedly have their origins in the range of shore based artillery. And I did spend the first four months or so of the year working on a paper for a conference that was all about underwater cultural heritage and nautical charting. I tried squeezing as much pirate into that as I could.
  19. I think we are blessed with some top notch reenactors, especially among the militia types. And the Rangers didn't even show up for this one. They'll be there in November, and hopefully Rick will come back, this time with a few more of his guys, as well as the bronze field piece. And yes, we need more rum doxies. Especially since one of mine is going away to England for a year!
  20. I am touched, sir. Your kind words have moved me, so much so that I am going to stand up and bow to you right here in front of my screen. Thank you. And likewise from me to you... it was a genuine pleasure to have you in our midst. Your wit was greatly appreciated, especially on that long walk around the Lockhouse pond to the battlefield. I was getting a kick out of watching you fire Vera (my blunderbuss... my apologies for not making the proper introductions during the event). Sorry to hear about the car. Good luck with the repairs! I hope you can make it back for... "Saturday, November 7th and Sunday, November 8th, 2009: Pirates by the Bay! Visit pirate camps and watch the attacks. Learn the real history of piracy and its connections to Havre de Grace." Also... while we won't have the big "too do" right there at the Lockhouse in November, last year we were invited out for an evening on the cruise boat...ship... owned by the the previous director of the Lockhouse.
  21. That's by far my favorite picture. Now... imagine having all four of them following you around at the big party as an entourage... life can be so grand.
  22. Yeaahhh... I've seen some crazy motorcyclist stunts on highways... there was this dude actually stood up! on his bike! and stretched his arms out to the side! If I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I would never have believed it.
  23. A song I loved that I had completely forgotten about...
  24. I know what you mean. In a way, it's all one big blur. So much fun compacted into so little a space of time, I think it is hard for the brain to assimilate (yes, on Sunday I was a borg!) it all. That being said, it was a pleasure and an honor to meet both you and your crew. You, madam, have made an amazing kit in just a short time. *applause* That's part of the fun! When I was new to this hobby, people were kind enough to lend and share with me. I honor them by doing the same. Thank you for being there. You've done a great job, and I can't wait to see how much progress you have made the next time we see you!
  25. Hahaha... you have that wonderful combination of charm and chutzpah! I knew right away we were going to get along! I love Munk. He is one of the most accomplished casualties I have ever seen! That was great. There I am, thinking everyone is dead and the battle "won", when I turn around and see this red-coated fellow take a shot at me. I slapped my forehead and dropped to the ground. It's always a pleasure to take a hit for/from a friend. Just like when I shot Munk while he was on the bridge. For a second there I thought he was going to drop into the water. And I bet he would have, if the water was a little more "user-friendly." Thanks! You know... it takes "two" to make an event great. We couldn't have done it without all of you. I know I speak for the Pirate Brethren when I say we look forward to seeing all of you for the "Fall Edition" come November!
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