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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. I was going to say "Amen, Hawkyns, amen" but then the irony of that hit home. So instead I'll say right-on, brother!
  2. You must have picked the correct two. I have one, and I'd give it a rating of... not all that good. Then again, my day job is quality assurance for an actual nautical charting group, and I have very high standards.
  3. a nice, piping hot cup, of coffee...
  4. Thanks. And hey, it's always nice to see you back here hanging out with us old pirates!
  5. I'll blame the education system, which I think is a bit Amerocentric. The book I have goes on to talk about how, in the 1760s, a machine stamping process was invented for buckles. They stamped stamping out buckles like crazy, and as the 18thC progressed, the grew and grew in size, becoming more fancy, with open work and filigree and all sorts of cool stuff. Someone also invented a process to silver-plate copper during that time. It seems like the late-18thC was the real hey-day of the big buckle.
  6. There's probably more I could add to our thread since last we discussed the topic. A buckle-making industry was established in Birmingham in the beginning of the 18thC. By the middle of the century, they were producing over 2 million buckles per annum.
  7. Not to be confused with the Boston Molasses Disaster! Which would you prefer? For drinking, or dodging?!?!
  8. Not to be confused with the Boston Molasses Disaster!
  9. Fun article. "Later, Calagione and McGovern re-created the dinner at the tomb site in Gordion, with locals dressed in period costumes taking part." Drinking recreated alcoholic beverages while dressed in period attire. That's what I call an evening of fun.
  10. The one that springs to my mind is one with bucket boots (as I recall). There was a woman who really got rather upset, and complained that the authentic types were being abusive. It went round and round for awhile. She left. Yada yada. And now, I'm going camping!
  11. I was just thinking the same, then decided I liked Fantastical instead. Fantasy has swords and sorcery implications to much of the population these days. And for the record, I've voting against "stitch-counter". Being of a military bent, I'd prefer something more martial, like hobnail-counter or rivet-counter.
  12. The infamous red shirt debacle in Plunder of October 2006, no doubt... http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=8810 Sweet! I look like a good guy in that thread!
  13. Ah. My mistake. I misunderstood and took community as being something larger. So, are you saying that you think dividing groups is a better solution than trying to find ways to peacefully co-exist or try to cross cultures, so to speak, to expand (knowledge, horizons, membership, understanding, what have you)? I believe there will always be a yin and a yang. That is the way of things. I also believe they are not mutually exclusive. Oh heck no! I was just wondering if you were heading towards making some sort of suggestion about getting rid of Twill, or some other sort of thing.
  14. Really? How would you define the pub is not a community? It is a hub where some pirate reenactors and some pirate enthusiasts and some pirate aficionados come to trade ideas. It is a community. But it is not the only community. In fact, I'm often surprised by the other pirate communities I find out there. Some of them right under my own nose, geographically speaking. Some like to do things one way. Some another. Human nature on the tribal level. Given that, what do you see as your choices?
  15. Personally, I prefer cider and brothels. Hawkyns A man of refined tastes.
  16. Between you and me, I sometimes wonder at what sort of good we could do if we put all of this energy into something that would benefit mankind. You don't see benefit in what we do? Because I actually do. Check the winkie emoticon. But yeah, sometimes I do wonder. But I'm a wondering kind of guy. Sometimes when wondering I come to the same conclusion you just did. Sometimes I don't.
  17. Btw, bag that "teaching the public" stuff. The public wants bread and circuses! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_reenactment
  18. Between you and me, I sometimes wonder at what sort of good we could do if we put all of this energy into something that would benefit mankind.
  19. Possibly. But, I don't believe there is an overall community. I believe there are many and varied communities. Sometimes and in some places they overlap. Like here, for instance. "And by being passionate about her hobby. And because [an example of how people wade through stuff] the stuff you write here doesn't go away." Sorry if that was confusing. Is it safe to equate sentiment with feeling? I would assume so. If you felt a certain way, doesn't it follow that your feelings colored your expectations? If not, what exactly was the sentiment that changed? That we are not one big happy family?
  20. How long does it take to get a word or a new definition added into the dictionary? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_reenactment I believe that is fairly accurate. Though it does use terms some may find questionable.
  21. Due to a lack of tactfulness on her part. And by being passionate about her hobby. And because... The stuff you write here doesn't go away. Those who have been here a long time have hopefully noticed people's attitudes evolving over time. Those who have just joined us see years worth of conversation condensed down into a few days worth (yeah, I know that's compressing it a bit) of reading. I believe the affect is that attitudes that were expressed years ago, that to me seem like water well under the bridge, might seem like some to be current events. So upon starting your journey here you had set a certain level of expectation? And those expectations weren't met?
  22. "There are a lot of long words in there, Miss. We're naught but humble pirates." To answer your question, yes, it does speak to me. Hence my anecdote, the point of which is The Notorious Thread Counter isn't as notorious as people believe.
  23. I was once at an event with a notorious thread counter. Said notorious thread counter and I were talking, and this is what she said, "you know, people always think I'm going to go over their crap with a fine-toothed comb and be critical of them at events. The truth is, I'm so busy going over my own stuff that I don't have time to be concerned with how anyone else looks at an event, even if I wanted to." I think people worry too much. Certainly people worry too much about what they believe other people may think.
  24. As an Admin here, my job is to make sure things run smoothly. I personally believe things do run smoothly here. But I want to make sure I'm not deluding myself. Ergo, I was asking you to address specific problems as they occurred inside of actual Twill threads (other than these debate type threads, where we see more headbutting than is usual).
  25. If you don't mind, would you please be so kind as to produce examples of "the insulting language, the condescension and the need to put others down" found in Twill.
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