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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Did you once tell me that you were a Marklander?
  2. Agreed on all counts. Very funny Callenish. Bravo.
  3. I can believe it. It's not a finesse weapon requiring training. Nor is it a dangerous weapon that serves no other purpose and is therefor worth passing legislation on that limits who can own one. It's a handy tool that I imagine can be found in any a shed the world over. I know when I was a kid we had one in the garage on one of the shelves. Talk about a great weed whacker!
  4. He may not be, but I know I am! ;)
  5. (spit-take) The what...???
  6. Very pretty. Not too long ago, while at the newly refurbished American History Museum downtown (in DC), I took a bunch of pictures of period musical instruments. I was particularly enamored of the 1690s guitar, which had a very ornate... whatever you call that hole-thing in the middle of the guitar. It sort of reminds me of the one you've got here.
  7. And for day two of the total immersion, you do the exact same thing as on day one, but while totally inebriated. Pirate!
  8. Yeah, the undead always get to play the sympathy card... but they aren't so defenseless when they come a-chompin' for brains!
  9. hahahahahahahahahahaha... You just made my day. Thanks!
  10. Well shucks! I thought only Yankees spell yall with an apostrophe! Do pirates spell it yawl?
  11. When he is done with those, I have about ten (or a dozen) Lockhouses worth of photos he can do.
  12. I just hope someone got pics of the after hours fencing. And even more, the "lets beat John repeatedly in the head with larp swords" that went on after the fencing. That was a blast!
  13. Which prompts me to ask a question long on my mind: where is this Lock House? Havre de Grace, Maryland
  14. Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I miss it. Most of the other languages I have studied have one. Of course, English does have a couple unofficial version - youse, ya'll come to mind. But we digress. This may have been the last one. I'm not positive but there is a chance that it was.
  15. Thanks. And thanks to youpl* for coming down. This was probably the biggest turn out we have ever had for the Lockhouse. Which was great, but it also stretched the limits of the battlefield. I know when we came around the last bend there on the causeway, and the govt troops finally came in to view, the reaction amongst the pirates was "oh crap, look at 'em all!" Of course, my answer to that was to threaten them with a rotting fish head. Probably a bad idea, since we spent the weekend shooting at each other after that incident. Anyway, thanks to everyone. It was a pleasure, and maybe (crosses fingers) we'll be invited back some day. ps - I'm really looking forward to the pics, especially pics of the fish head * I'm trying out a new version of you (plural).
  16. Our collective hobby is dressing up in funny clothes. I don't know if it is wise for people who have that hobby to take themselves seriously.
  17. Well in that case! Me, as a pirate, but 1000 years earlier!
  18. How many keystrokes would you have saved if you used it instead of s/he?
  19. Nice choice. One of my favorite pieces of music. And the lyrics fit too, in a way. Does anyone other than me remember this whole 2012 thing from In Search Of, with Leonard Nimoy?
  20. You just can't beat being behind an oar! I wish I had more pics out on the water, but... I was kinda busy rowing! It was a really windy day. I'm surprised we were even able to make any headway against the wind. But we had 12 people on the oars, so we were able to do well enough.
  21. I remember when we discussed this on the Pirate Brethren forum. For some reason I'm thinking there was evidence suggesting he made one, but I can't find it. Our thread there was short, and it ended with me finding a link to something that sounded interesting. http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=no:023618118 or... http://books.google.com/books?id=zNjyQAAACAAJ&dq=Thomas+Savery+%3B+Edmund+Dummer
  22. An interesting article... http://www.levantia.com.au/theory/rescue.html Btw, Happy Birthday Greg!
  23. I know there is record of some dude having a crossbow show up in his probate. http://nautarch.tamu.edu/portroyal/archives/Inventories/Vol3/3-228.htm Just tell everyone you are James Lemings, and there is documented proof that you owned a crossbow.
  24. (Note from Admin. Post relocated due its 'sales' related nature.)
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