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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. I did some hunting. is it this one? If so, it does appear to be complete! Cool! I have always wanted to read the Venus books, but 30 years later and I still haven't gotten around to them. I should fix that and read at least one.
  2. All REH's Conan in one volume? Or one of the volumes of the three volume set that is in print right now? Awesome! I loved ERB as a kid. He was in my top five authors. Maybe even third, after Tolkien and Niven. I have all the Mars stuff, in both paperback and hardback. I love that stuff. So much so that I'm very tempted to purchase these.
  3. Hitman! So good to see you again! Where you been a-hidin'?!?!?
  4. Boy, has it ever! I have seen the way we communicate go through at least three technological leaps... with a couple sidebars along the way.
  5. Beautiful ships. Thanks for sharing!
  6. It certainly has the advantage of being a better story than Pirates 2 or 3. Well... maybe equal to 3. I know many people in the gaming community to think the story is "all that" but I found it missed a few beats. Probably due to the fact that I knew more about the period than the author, thus some things didn't ring true. But most of that stuff could probably be glossed over in a movie. Soooooo... if nothing else, at least it has a good twist ending.
  7. That weekend just prior to 9/11 we had one of our best pirate events. Talk about going from the height of happiness to the pit of despair. The world hasn't been the same ever since.
  8. Uhhhh... do I know you? If so, my apologies for not recognizing your name. If not, by using my groups' name "Pirate Brethren" there is probably going to be some confusion amongst many, thinking that we have some sort of association.
  9. On Stranger Tides?!?! I wonder if Tim Powers knows about this?
  10. Price reduced... the above tarp is now $275.
  11. An interesting choice... though I might go for hyper-intelligence or hyper-education instead. I just watched The Watchmen for the first time a couple nights ago, and of all those characters, the only interesting one was Ozymandias who had the power to use his brain (and body too) at full capacity.
  12. Yeah, good luck with that. Though I suspect, as always, there are a few who really get it. I saw The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki at Borders during lunch and was tempted. Sounds like it is related in some way to Beowulf.
  13. Excellent. Since you are just up the road from me, I'll send you our classwork and notes. Do try and keep up. Heh... I may have taken this class already... like 25 years ago! Which version are you reading? And do you have a translation you would recommend?
  14. I've been thinking of reading Beowulf. It would fit in nicely with my current dark ages obsession.
  15. Hand sewn shelter-half/lean-to/tarp/ground cover/table cloth... Made by Tom Apple, who also made many of the canvas objects for Master and Commander. I don't recall ever using this. As far as I remember it has just sat around in a bin and been gawked at for the last 7 or so years. That being said, somehow it managed to get splattered with something. Could be blood. Might be chocolate. Maybe it's both! Dimensions - 2 yards by 3 yards. Pics: (folded in half) It can be yours for the low, low price of $350. Yeah, that might sound high. But look at the craftsmanship on this baby. You would be hard-pressed to find a better example.
  16. Ok, time to start selling pirate stuff. I'm going to start with the seldom used items, and hope I don't have to go too far into the stuff I really use. But... I have an Adobe Acrobat Pro training class I must go to, and I haven't taken any pictures of stuff... soooooo... I'll be back later.
  17. Also, I think the notion of the Spanish being constantly defeated is just a matter of perspective. The Spanish Empire lasted from what, about 1500 to almost 1900. A 400 year empire is pretty impressive if you ask me. Compared with that, the Pax Brittanica was just a flash in the pan. And the Pax Americana, maybe nothing more than a spark?
  18. On the outside chance anyone is interested, here's what I'm selling. British Reconnaissance Corps Cap badge Black Beret Helmet (pre-war American?) Helmet net x2 Demin Jacket (size 42) Denim Trousers (size 36) Ammo Boots (about US 10.5) Lanyard, Dark Green Small Pack (dated 1942?) Large Pack (dated 1940) Map Case Web Belt (dated 1952, with braces dated '42 and '44) Compass Case/Pistol Ammo Pouch? (dated 1940) Water Bottle, wool cover and cork Patrol Pouches (pair, both dated 1952) Gaiters size 2 (dated 1952) Gaiters size 3 (dated 1952) Mess Tin (outer half not dated, labeled ML J, inner dated 1945) Boyes Bandoleer (1943) Enfield 303 Cleaning Kit w/ Metal box Trouser Braces (repro) Rain (Anti-gas?) Hood Map Reading Flashlight (in box, with felt packaging material) Bren Gun Pouch (1943) Bren Gun Pouch (1940) Web Belt (dated 1970) Pistol Holster (no cleaning rod, 1955) Reconnaissance Shoulder Patch (pair, repro) Bandoleer with .303 blanks Osprey Men-at-Arms 187 British Battle Insignia 2 Osprey Men-at-Arms 354 The British Army 1939-45 (I) North-west Europe
  19. They were sitting at the top of the heap... they became complacent... it happened with and will continue to happen to all empires...
  20. But they don't. They want ratings. It's like Capt Satan says above. They aren't looking for things to go smoothly or work well. They want dynamic conflict that will attract viewers.
  21. I used to be able to do that before I had a wife, and kids. Now, my reading time is relegated to my lunch hour during work. So I'm lucky to get 100 pages in a workweek. But it's a matter of choice. Instead of clicking keys right now, I could be reading. Looks fairly interesting. Any good? With September approaching, I'm very tempted to dive into some Tolkien. There was a phase I went through some years ago when I would read LotR every year.
  22. Gun and armor are spoken for... lots of interest in the clothing from other forums/venues... but I do have a spare copy of Osprey's book The Pirate Ship, 1660-1730 that I'd be willing to part with if anyone is interested.
  23. Exact size, I'm not sure. I'll find out if you'd like. Approximate size would be "medium". I'd put it at about a men's size 42 or 44. DMS boots about size 10 US.
  24. Ahoy, I'm going to start with a caveat. Nothing here is pirate related. Yet. I'm hoping I don't have to dig that deep, but just in case, I posted it here. That being said... I'm having a yard sale in order to fund my Vendel Invasion of England! As some of you may know, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the group I started reenacting with (the Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia). It also marks my personal 30th anniversary of reenacting, as a member of Markland's group The Viking Horde. In order to be able to attend Markland's 40th anniversary event, I need new stuff. To be able to afford the new stuff I want, I think I'm going to have to sell some stuff that I haven't used lately. For sale (at present) 1 size "medium" chainmail shirt, in fairly decent shape, butted steel links, with the quirk that somewhere a row was missed so that it has a bit of a dangling edge to it. Not really noticeable, nor does it affect the wear of it in any way. Selling it for... $60 1 complete WWII British soldier's uniform, repro clothing, original webbing, assorted odds and ends like mess kit, flashlight, etc. Make me an offer. I don't want to, but if I have to, I will sell Old West stuff (can be used for Steampunk) and lastly, pirate stuff. Regards, John
  25. Finished Dune the other day! Yay! it only took 10 years. And wow, such a great book, I signed on for Dune Messiah and Children of Dune!
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