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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Well... I'm kinda partial to the Gibson Girl look... or the Minoan Snake Goddess look.
  2. Ha! Somehow appropriate given that I chanced upon said article when I did a search on "Vandal reenacting".
  3. You, sir, are a heretic. Remind me to shoot you at Lock House. Hawkyns You may have to wait in a line.
  4. Think of it more as me being curious about how people think and feel about things.
  5. I want to throw some fuel on the fire... http://wesclark.com/jw/delusion.html
  6. No worries! It's all cool! If I were listening to anything, it would be... "All I need is a tv show, That and a radio. Down on my luck again. Down on my luck again..."
  7. (Admin note - I merged Red Jessi's new thread with the existing thread.)
  8. Hey. Good one. Thanks!
  9. Everyday Life of the Barbarians: Goths, Franks and Vandals
  10. QFT! This, from another forum I look in on from time to time. It must be something in the Autumn air.
  11. Interesting. I didn't get that impression myself. However, I do believe the conversation here is starting to parallel at least one existing thread.
  12. Me either these days. I don't really see the point in it anymore.
  13. Oh! Ok! Cool! Glad to be of service!
  14. Exactly. Funny thing is, at this point I don't even remember what thread this was split out of! My two bits... yes, philosophizin' about authenticity is good! As for the umbrella group and insurance thing, well... I get to use on of my favorite quotes! "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
  15. Was someone going to split these posts into two different topics? This thread really has evolved again. (Yeah, I know I could do it, but I'm still fiddling around with the Quotes issue.)
  16. So far, I'm stumped.
  17. blackjohn


    Wow! great pic!
  18. test test test... Don't mind me, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on with Sterling's quote button.
  19. Interesting statement. Are you limiting yourself? If you have no experienced with a so-called "elite event" first-hand, how would you know for sure? And just what is an "elite event"? And are there "non-elite events" too?
  20. blackjohn


    Our hometown . . . . Indeed!
  21. I am personally celebrating my 30th anniversary of reenacting. Hooray for me! Most of the people I hang with have about the same amount of time in. Fwiw, our lineage goes something like this. A bunch of people in the medievalist group I was once a member of held a feast many years ago (circa 1985), the theme of which was Pirates, as opposed to the normal Vikings, Saxons, Normans, etc. It was so much fun, it became a yearly thing. Each year, after it was all said and done, we'd kick back and say, "you know, we should actually reenact this period." Fast forward about 5 years, and most of us had migrated into RevWar. But every year we'd still go to the Pirate Feast. And every year we'd say "you know, we should actually reenact this period." About 1994 I decided to do something about it. I made my coat. Started talking to some others. A bunch of us got together with a notion of putting together a camp for Military through the Ages. I was quartermaster. Joe Marek was captain. The lot of us went down to Jamestown for the event... and lo and behold once there we were told "pirates aren't military so you will not be allowed to participate." This was about 1995. May have been '94 or '96. But anyway, that's the first time I know of that someone got together to make an attempt at "reenacting" pirates, in the sense of the term as I am familiar with it. I know people have been dressing as pirates in one fashion or another and celebrating the pirate ideal for much longer.
  22. blackjohn


    It would appear that the event has come and gone. http://www.ccbeer.com/beer-bacon-fest-brewery Ye gods I love my home town.
  23. That's awesome! Bravo! My dad still has my grandmother's Singer, which looks to be the same model as this. I hope to inherit it someday, and give it a home like you have done with this one.
  24. Wise move Hawkyns.
  25. My thoughts exactly. I'd steer well clear of it. (Also, if memory serves, ebay no longer caters to sales of functioning firearms...)
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