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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Agreed... two iconic figures passing away on the same day...
  2. Bravo *clap*clap*clap* (ok, now back to cleaning)
  3. Just kidding. Looking at your pic, I'd say most of your piercings would be covered up by clothing. If you are trying to be correct to the times, not much skin would be showing. I suppose the things that will stand out are the facials. There was a female interpreter on the Dove this last weekend who had her bottom lip done, and I guess she must've had some sort of plug in. From a few feet away it didn't show at all. Close in it did.
  4. I think I'll let Mission field the next question.
  5. The next time we are sitting around a campfire drinking, remind me to tell you my house hunting story.
  6. A gutter mind is a terrible thing to waste. Cool! I'm as much an rpger as I am a reenactor. So yeah... having that ability to develop a character comes in handy!
  7. Picts? Are we painting ourselves blue again!?!?! Oooh... those kinds of picts. For the record, I can't speak for what happens at PiP, or most any other pirate event for that matter. But I do have experience in the world of reenacting, and there is a "when in Rome" sort of aspect to the hobby. To put it another way... it is easier to accessorize toward the fantastical aspect of things when your kit is spot on historical, than it is to go the other direction.
  8. Cool. Philosophical question... Do you want to reenact the norm, or do you want to reenact what is outside the norm? And I'm curious, are you interested in a particular cultural background? Somehow I have a feeling I should wait til I get home.
  9. My favorite bit of store bought swag are the wicker-wrapped bottles Bloody Davy Cash found at Target...
  10. Thanks, you are too kind. Same here. But that being said, I am a big fan of going native. Someday I am going to reenact Lionel Wafer! No way. DON'T listen to me. My advice? Do your own research. Do your own thinking.
  11. Lets not forget Lionel Wafer and his silver penis sheath...
  12. Oh their period white laminate cubby wall is just to die for! Good one... You can never have too many snårftis or shnürgis in your camp.
  13. Bravo! That sounds just awesome!!! Did anyone get pictures?
  14. (scratching head... wondering if I have any pictures of turn of that century meat cleavers...)
  15. Ooohhh... I thought he meant... http://www.apva.org/baconscastle/ Some of my friends have done events there as I recall. There's always some talk of doing Bacon's Rebellion. It is the time period "right down the street from us" as it were.
  16. You don't really need one. Seriously. Just stay in the lockhouse. Now if you want one, that's a different story.
  17. Oh I understand alrighty...
  18. Some schools of thought believe history is overrated.
  19. Again, my apologies. The gist of it was, you are coming to the lockhouse, where you are going to open a can of Tartan whoopass on msb and me. And if that Mission fellow even thinks about coming, he better think again. No, wait. That wasn't it. It was something more along the lines of you look forward to meeting us at the Lockhouse, &c.
  20. Oh how weird! I clicked on delete the one and it deleted both! Doh! Sorry about that TJ!
  21. I can fix that! *poof*
  22. Oh c'mon now, I think CJ and I were both excited to meet you. And... we developed a secret handshake for our War of the Spanish Succession group! That's saying something!
  23. We do have an event coming up in July. Hitch a ride with "Where's Waldo".
  24. Thanks! I'll keep a weather eye open for pics of us doing the one firing demo we did before the torrential rains put the kibosh on things. Funny you should mention that, because I actually did spend some time at the event discussing it with a friend. I've tried it a couple different ways now, and honestly, I'm still not sure what my take on it is. I've tried the ribbons around the neck with the pistols hanging loosely at my side. In one respect, I really like that rig. However, any running action causes the pistols to flop about. That in and of itself wasn't so bad, but I didn't care for the fact that the pistols tended to ding each other. Some people may like dinged pistols. I don't. Thus, the on ribbons thrust into a sash or belt seemed like another option. I can say I generally like that arrangement. They don't go anywhere by themselves if you are running. You know exactly where they are when you go to grab one. And you can drop one and... hope it doesn't smack you in the crotch when you next try running. So yeah, not a perfect system. The third pistol is on a belt hook. I give belt hooks the Pirate Brethren Seal of Approval.
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