I'll keep a weather eye open for pics of us doing the one firing demo we did before the torrential rains put the kibosh on things.
Funny you should mention that, because I actually did spend some time at the event discussing it with a friend. I've tried it a couple different ways now, and honestly, I'm still not sure what my take on it is. I've tried the ribbons around the neck with the pistols hanging loosely at my side. In one respect, I really like that rig. However, any running action causes the pistols to flop about. That in and of itself wasn't so bad, but I didn't care for the fact that the pistols tended to ding each other. Some people may like dinged pistols. I don't. Thus, the on ribbons thrust into a sash or belt seemed like another option. I can say I generally like that arrangement. They don't go anywhere by themselves if you are running. You know exactly where they are when you go to grab one. And you can drop one and... hope it doesn't smack you in the crotch when you next try running.
So yeah, not a perfect system.
The third pistol is on a belt hook. I give belt hooks the Pirate Brethren Seal of Approval.