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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Regarding a film by the name 1612 mentioned upthread. I'm about half-way through (had to stop to run some errands) and... WHOA. Talk about some beautifully shot graphic violence. One of the most artistic violent films I've watched in a long time. So far, I'm giving it two thumbs up!
  2. (I hope you don't mind, but I removed one of your eyes. I figured I'd try using my powers for good instead of evil for a change. I changed Saiilor in the title to Sailor. Pardon the intrusion. We now return you to your regularly schedules topic.)
  3. Are you sure? You might want to double check.
  4. 1960s... how awesome! Gotta love it!
  5. My hero! (I'm glad someone else has this pet peeve besides me.)
  6. No stealing the cheese... well, if we have to share, someone needs to cut the cheese! Happy Birthday Rats!
  7. I had a dream last night in which Mission was my next door neighbor. How odd.
  8. Well, it's jumped to about $2.78 on average around here. Unless something untoward occurs, I think we'll make it quite comfortably. (If we hadn't been hearing so much about the recession, I still think it would have made it by at least Jan/Feb.) I paid... I think it was $2.43 or $2.48 this morning. While traveling to Southern Maryland over the weekend I saw $2.30something.
  9. Proximity to transshipment points?
  10. Here's to Carolina! Skoal!
  11. Dude! You rock! Two big thumbs up from me!
  12. http://instantrimshot.com/
  13. I agree. Fun film. We took the kids to see it at the Smithsonian last Saturday, so we had the extra fun of visiting the museum too.
  14. Funny you should mention him, I just found my photoshopped art for my Quaker Oats pirate avatar from a few years back.
  15. Yes, there's a link to a Frappr map at: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=6046 And welcome!
  16. If I had any musical talent, I'd ditch my firearms and take up the hurdy gurdy. I love it so. Good music! Thanks for posting your link!
  17. Mine smell ok. However... they haven't gotten wet in years, and as I recall, that's when I first noticed the stench, when they got wet.
  18. Awright... I'm going to go find my pair to see if they've ever lost the stink! Last time I saw them they were stuck in the passenger side door well of the RV...
  19. My hats off to them...
  20. For reference purposes, the post in which I provided the text of the email is found here.
  21. Yeah, my friend David Rickman posted that to our mail list some years ago.
  22. Any friend of Guinness is a friend of mine!
  23. Right you are. I fondly remember all of my great uncles who made it back from WWII. What an interesting cast of characters. All gone now. Gone but not forgotten.
  24. I didn't include Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead on my list! Doh!
  25. If you love that one, you would've loved the old version. It was Mission's favorite smilie as I recall.
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