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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. So if you don't care, why did you bother to ask? Why even bother to have, or pretend to have, standards?
  2. Spectacular!!! BRAVO!
  3. Still... ya gotta luv wikipedia... why just the other day I came across this under the article on Bear Attacks... What a hoot!
  4. Since I'm in this neck of the woods checking pms... I agree with Coastie04, which is unusual, because I am loathe to use any later period source to understand this era. In this case, I'll make an exception. Why? Because while the gap of 100 or so years is a dynamic one, facial hairstyles seem to remain static throughout the period. Maybe it has something to do with that shower of sparks from an igniting flintlock? I think I may have posted this here before... or maybe not... either way, I started to slap together an article on hats and hairstyles once... never did quite finish it... http://www.piratebrethren.com/articles/hats/hats01.html
  5. Hey, I wish I could take you up on the offer. But my plan at present is to do my gig, then high tail it for home. With a possible stop at the gift shop/bookstore in Williamsburg.
  6. Email me. I have a few books that might contain things of interest.
  7. When I started doing this, you were lucky to find any period style pieces. People were content to use Brown Besses and Charlevilles. As the hobby has progressed, the number of people producing period muskets increased to what is available today. Sure, I'd love to have una escopeta con patilla, but I know I'm going to have to have it made special, which means extra dinero, and since I'm not even sure I consider myself reenactor anymore, I don't see myself doing it. Or the simple answer... supply and demand.
  8. You have my utmost admiration... Uhoh... gotta run!
  9. I'm going to be giving a short lecture on underwater cultural heritage in Norfolk next week, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any good restaurants in the area?
  10. Awesome! So how did you know to use that as the basis for your kit? (Duh... like, there's gotta be a website somewhere right, or a forum, devoted totally to Alien Reenactors). That movie had some of the best costumes. I can remember seeing a bunch of them at Disney World back in '90.
  11. For this period, beards are obviously the exception and not the rule. The reverse seems to be true among those who dress as pirates today... WAY too many bushy bearded pirates. Somewhere I can hear Kass saying, "don't make the uncommon common..."
  12. For the above illustration, quoting the caption... Four Dutch soldiers of William III's army. One has a soft, fur-trimmed hat, another a leather cap which may resemble those worn by English fusiliers. Plug bayonets and powder flasks are worn on a waistbelt. From left to right the uniforms are: (1) - black cap, red coat cuffs and stockings; (2) - grey coat and cuffs, red waistcoat and stockings, hat edged with white lace; (3) - red coat and cuffs with red waistcoat, grey stockings, hat bound with white lace; (4) - red cap edged with brown fur, red coat and cuffs, red waistcoat, grey stockings. All four figures have white metal buttons and buff leather equipment. The musket locks are difficult to identify, and have in any case been drawn incorrectly, fitted on the left-hand side. Pen and watercolour by an unknown artist. (The Royal Collection © 1993 Her Majesty The Queen) I hope you don't mind violating the Queen's copyright.
  13. Eh... too easy. I'd go with Shanty for Arethusa.
  14. Hilarious. I seem to recall there was one New England regiment that began the war wearing RevWar uniforms. I'm not a CW historian in the least, but I do recall seeing it in an Osprey book. I think the explanation had something to do with them being a sort of ceremonial militia regiment who wore Rev uniforms at the start of the war until they were issued "modern" equipment.
  15. Something in the back of my brain is saying these guys are soldiers of James II from Monmouth's Rebellion...
  16. Agreed. But which one?
  17. But wearing a cartridge box, priming horn, and bullet bag (empty, or course) would look really cool. Dutch is quite right about the safety concerns. That being said, I take some comfort knowing someone on the field has a priming horn. They come in handy when trying to clear a misfire after the battle. Also, they remove that nasty temptation to use half a charge and "pocket" the rest during the battle.
  18. I have this illustration in at least two books on the period, maybe four. I don't recall them being described as dragoons. And note the lack of gaiters. Dragoons, as I recall, are more often than not thus equipped.
  19. The trailers page still seems to work... http://www.thehuntforgollum.com/trailers.htm
  20. If you like LotR, you might want to check this out... http://www.thehuntforgollum.com And it's going to be really bogged down because the whole thing goes online today.
  21. It's on my list. Right now, I'm rereading Dune for the third time, and this time I've actually gotten beyond page 80something. Yeah, I tried reading Dune twice before, and just couldn't get into it, as much as I wanted to. But something has clicked, and now I'm enjoying it as much as I thought I should have enjoyed it on those previous two attempts.
  22. Then there's the dude from Smiling Fox, who has his hand-held, GPS enabled, bluetooth, blu-ray playing credit card reader. The thing is amazing. It's kind of... odd... funny... disjointed... to see a guy in very snappy 18thC attire fiddling with a very 21stC electronic device. I wasn't planning on going. But it's like a class reunion for me. All my old reenacting buddies will be there. So I may change my mind and hit it on Saturday.
  23. Yeah, as Foxe says, it is from a fan in the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum. If I recall properly, the figure in question was not a westerner, but a captive of some foreign nationality. But don't quote me on that. Back when we were originally debating this image, like Rusty Nell, I suggested that the stripes could just as easily be an artistic convention, i.e., someone trying to show shading. I seem to recall someone with artistic expertise debated the opposite. I wasn't convinced. Ymmv.
  24. Take care and best of luck on a speedy recovery!
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