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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Happy Birthday RCJ! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating!
  2. These are nice. http://www.engerisser.de/Bewaffnung/weapon...lockmusket.html http://www.engerisser.de/Bewaffnung/weapon...lockpistol.html I'm actually looking for data on wheellocks. If any of you who own them are so inclined, I could really use barrel lengths, overall lengths, total weight, weight of the lock, and length of the lock. Thanks!
  3. Prices have been weird lately. The war in Gaza seems to have pushed them up. In the last couple weeks I've seen them go from 1.50ish to 1.70ish then dropping back down to 1.60ish. And today, even though oil has dropped, the price was back up into the 1.70ish range again.
  4. Prices have been weird lately. The war in Gaza seems to have pushed them up. In the last couple weeks I've seen them go from 1.50ish to 1.70ish then dropping back down to 1.60ish. And today, even though oil has dropped, the price was back up into the 1.70ish range again.
  5. Bruce Hyde played a minor character in two or three episodes of original Trek. He then went on to get a PhD in... I dunno, psych and theatre or something. I once saw him at a con, where he gave a lecture on "the success of Star Trek and its relationship to the balanced character traits of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty." Though you aren't a Trek fan, I think you would've enjoyed the lecture from a human character traits point of view. I wonder if Wash is somehow opposite to River? Wash is a skilled pilot, technical and not prone to believing in outlandish things, and through his comic nature, is also skilled at dealing with people. River, on the other hand, while intelligent, has few if any skills (beyond those programmed into her) and practically zero people skills. She is, due to her background, an outlandish thing herself - a psi programmed death machine.
  6. Look here... http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=3530 I'd say they are 11s, maybe 11.5s. I've been putting stuff on ebay, and was thinking of putting them there...
  7. Dude... you really would have enjoyed Bruce Hyde's Kirk>Spock>McCoy>Scotty character analysis.
  8. I'm curious, what's the "by the book" distance between cannon?
  9. I'm doing the BSG happy dance! The final countdown begins this evening!
  10. Piety? We'll have none of that here! Unless you are looking to turn Ben Gunn on us... "Jim, Jim," says he, quite pleased apparently. "Well, now, Jim, I've lived that rough as you'd be ashamed to hear of. Now, for instance, you wouldn't think I had had a pious mother-to look at me?" he asked. "Why, no, not in particular," I answered. "Ah, well," said he, "but I had-remarkable pious. And I was a civil, pious boy, and could rattle off my catechism that fast, as you couldn't tell one word from another. And here's what it come to, Jim, and it begun with chuck-farthen on the blessed grave-stones! That's what it begun with, but it went further'n that; and so my mother told me, and predicked the whole, she did, the pious woman! But it were Providence that put me here. I've thought it all out in this here lonely island, and I'm back on piety. You don't catch me tasting rum so much, but just a thimbleful for luck, of course, the first chance I have. I'm bound I'll be good, and I see the way to. And, Jim"-looking all round him and lowering his voice to a whisper-"I'm rich."
  11. I'll sell you my pair. I'll even throw in the buckles. For... I dunno... $110? I'll take it a step further... I'll give you my word that I'll never complain about them if you wear them to an event.
  12. The cordwainer in Williamsburg (Al Saguto) is somehow known to many of my reenacting friends. (I'm not sure how, I think he may have been a fellow Marklander back in the day.) Anyway... back when we were doing RevWar this question came up, and from those conversations (of a decade or more ago) I gather that you'd be looking at prices akin to Sarah Juniper's.
  13. I'm suddenly reminded of the time that someone (who shall remain nameless), while in a discussion in Twill, posted a link to some pirate porn chick instead of a link to some historical thingy. One of the best laughs this place has given me.
  14. Funny, but many of my friends who have done WWII did so as resistance. In fact, that's how I met Bob and Kass. I was a Tommie, and they were French resistance. We gave all the cute resistance chicks a lift back to camp on the universal carrier. What fun! The guys I know who still do WWII (other than the ones I know who did 15th Recce) seem to have all migrated to a GI unit doing MPs. There was once a group of them who were trying to do Jedburgh in conjunction with the resistance, but I haven't heard a peep from them in a couple years so I'm guessing that one fell through. Also... if I was in California I know exactly what I'd do. I'd hook up with the Long Range Desert Group reenactors out there. They've got the truck and everything. Sweet!
  15. I've been hearing trailers for Defiance for days now on my trip into work. I've been meaning to delve deeper but haven't had the opportunity, so thanks for the links. I have to say it stirs my Polish blood too... As for WWII reenacting. Done that. Though I have to say not nearly enough. I was in a Scottish recon unit with lots of cool vehicles. There's something awesome about riding shotgun in a universal carrier. Well... it was actually a Boys anti-tank rifle, but you get the idea. I'm not sure what the state of things is in Cali, but here on the East Coast it's pretty big, with lots of groups reenacting lots of different impressions. And I agree with you 100% Patrick, reenacting Willie and Joe would be my primary goal.
  16. My dog has no nose! How does it smell? Awful!
  17. Objects in Space... good stuff. Best episode imho.
  18. "Watch your top knot."
  19. Hahahaha... that's... AWESOME! "Naturally has vitamin cool" Brilliant
  20. Good idea. I was thinking she's so sharp at the prow, first tactic would be to ram.
  21. I have to agree. Chaos is good, and this place was getting a little boring. What's that you say, I can't hear you over the awesomesauce...
  22. hahaha... Could it be that it is a men's club for just one guy?
  23. If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times... “There’s nothing on it worthwhile, and we’re not going to watch it in this household, and I don’t want it in your intellectual diet.” Quote attributed to Phil T. Farnsworth.
  24. [parenthetical moderator mode on] (and I really want to fix the punctuation in the title...) [parenthetical moderator mode off]
  25. Good point! Hey, I'm hoping my fortune cookie wasn't fibbing when it said "god will give you whatever you want." So bio-diesel... is that like, I can take my chicken bones, through 'em in a trash compactor, and have gas come out the other end?!?!
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