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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Thank you ma'am. Thank you very much. Well, other than the wonderful birthday wishes from the fine folk here at the Pub, my dad gave me $50, which I promptly spent on rpging stuff. From the wife and kids I received, as I mentioned above, a Real Pirates exhibit t-shirt (though frankly, the best t I saw there was the one my wife bought for son#1 which says "pirates stole my homework"), the guidebook for same, and some map making software designed for the gamer. I didn't get any rum. Nor that bottle of Tokaji Eszencia I was hoping for. But Xmas is right around the corner! But you know, the best gift was sitting there at the kitchen table listening to my family sing happy birthday. Family is the best gift of all.
  2. Thank you sir! And hopefully our paths will cross again in '09. As for the pub... Red Lobster doesn't quite compare... but the Long Island Iced Tea was strong, and the lobster tasty!
  3. Wig flippin' is always fun! As it were, I was able to dodge our Captain for the day (except via email), so all went well. Thanks!
  4. Thanks! There was certainly a little pirate (a Real Pirates exhibit t-shirt, and the exhibit guide book). I'm still awaiting for that dirigible! If you should happen to see one, please send it my way.
  5. Thankee! I got some geeky gifts! So... yes! (My wife bought me a copy of Campaign Cartographer! Now I should be able to make some rockin' gaming maps!)
  6. Thank you kindly ma'am. Tis a shame you are on the opposite side of of fair country, otherwise I'd like to think we'd be raising glasses together.
  7. Thanks! Speaking of dice... what are you doing at the end of February... nevermind... I'll send you an email!
  8. Haha... thanks, and same to you! My favorite dictator shares our birthday. As does Tyra Banks and Marisa Tomei (you can have first pick, I'll happily take whichever is left) Ha! And I didn't know it, but so does Pappy Boyington! (though not robert conrad) http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysbirth/birth_december_4.html
  9. Thanks for the kind wishes. In fact, some of my birthday booty was space cowboy related, but I did get some booty as befits the pirates o' the seas as well. So yeah, I'll be around for awhile. And besides, I really like you folks. Of all the forums I frequent, this one seems to have the greatest amount of friendship amongst its members. For that, I salute you all.
  10. Yes, indeed! Happy Birthday! Hope it was grand!
  11. I've said it once elsewhere, but I'll say it again here, Happy Birthday my friend! And here's to many, many more!
  12. I don't know if it covers any of your neck of the woods, but every so often I pick up this book and consider buying it: The Spanish Frontier in North America http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/book.as...n=9780300059175 I have no idea if it is any good, but it sounds interesting.
  13. I love my doglock, but... it is a real pain in the arse. One more thing to fiddle with in the heat of a skirmish. Bad thing. Flintlocks are much more user friendly.
  14. I have no doubts that they'll totally mess it up. But look on the bright side, maybe it will attract someone to the original stories. That's how I came to love Conan. Never read a single story until years after seeing the films. And wow, what a pleasant surprise.
  15. Bravo!
  16. Hope you all had a terrific turkey day!
  17. Aces! You rock dude! I want to party on your spaceship! I've forwarded this pic to the missus. I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it too. I may just have to buy her some Alliance money for Xmas. I've contemplated getting her the series on bluray. The show looks pretty good in hidef.
  18. Pics of a few of my old 15mm Traveller minis... And an old deck plan of a far trader that I drew in... 1983? Most of our Traveller campaigns read just like Firefly stories. A group of hardy adventurers in an old rust bucket starship try to make a living while avoiding the law and getting in an occasional gunfight. I don't remember if I mentioned it earlier in this thread or not, but we were (about a year or two ago) playing the Serenity rpg. I am to say the system wasn't all that user friendly. Or maybe we're used to a more solid set of rules. I don't know. The last few days I've been thinking about trying to kick-start it to life, but switching over to Traveller as a more user friendly set of rules. I suspect some of my players will balk at the idea (they've been really enjoying D&D4e), but I'm itching for some scifi action!
  19. Ha! I knew I was in good company!!! Right now a good 95% of my goofing off time is being devoted to Traveller!!! During lunch I plan on rolling up some High Guard characters. ;) Speakin' of shiny... take a gander... http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39205 Now if that ain't that a beautiful chart, I don't know what is!
  20. Firefly thread... http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=5426
  21. Welcome. You may need to edit your link. Or just click here. http://www.greatscotproductions.com
  22. There's a whole multi-page thread here somewhere about it... Hell, I even used jayne as an avatar for awhile...
  23. He's outta control! Which is great!!! Love to stay and chat but... Gotta run!
  24. I think the gist of it is that the fall in prices is due to a worsening economy, ergo it is bad. But hey, I paid $1.83 for gas yesterday! Amazing! I don't know if this reduced price will last long enough to balance out the damage done to my personal finances over the summer, but every little bit helps.
  25. Oh what the hell! Me too!
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