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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. It fits. Think about it. That's pretty much what Little Red Riding Hood is all about. There's a cool and rather lengthy entry for LRR in wiki... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Red_Riding_Hood
  2. Some things never change... reminds me of the bone ships made by Napoleonic era PoWs.
  3. ha! Are you an "I love ya man" kind of drunk? Cool. Those are the best.
  4. It was great fun, as usual. I'm very busy at the moment, but I'll try to get some pics posted soon.
  5. Yes, please send pics if you have them.
  6. Cool! One would think, with Heston now on the other side, they'd want to celebrate his life by releasing some of his classics on video, especially the hard to find ones like this. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
  7. That's ok. And it is cool to see this much enthusiasm for such a neat old film!
  8. I haven't done a tally, and this isn't a poll, but it seems the Heston version is in the running for first. We should get together a petition to have it released on Bluray and dvd. I don't know if this is true or internet rumor, but I have read there was an extended edition that was aired in Australia. Anyone else heard that or able to verify it as true?
  9. (Mod Note. I merged Hawkyns' query into this topic. Carry on.)
  10. How fun! And what a perfect spot for Marion! (Dang, I miss WDW.) I should post pics of Son#2 in his Indiana Jones costume.
  11. Bravo Christine! And now for something completely different... "If you use your mind to study reality, you will understand neither the mind nor reality. If you study reality without using your mind, you will understand both." Zen koan attributed to Bodhidarma
  12. Gave it a second's thought, and the first thing that jumped to mind was... books! I'd buy as many books as I could carry.
  13. The Rifle Shoppe has a couple pics online. http://www.therifleshoppe.com/Catalog.htm Also check out the pics of some of the snaps and matchlocks for ideas.
  14. Alice Anna. One of the buildings on Aliceanna Street used to be a pharmacy run by some distant relative. They had a stained glass window made up with our name followed by Pharmacy, so as kids, it was always cool to drive by and check it out. That area has seen a lot of urban renewal, but that building and window are still there. At least they were last time I checked.
  15. You'd have more luck in getting the Pope to convert to Buddhism than you would have to get Jeff to give up an Irish impression oppertunity! This conflict of dates be a sad turn of events. Fair winds, -Greydog Agreed, it is. I will poke him though. If I can get him to go, I will definitely be there.
  16. Quick version. Find a site that can host pics. Download said pic to said site. Copy the path to the pic. Come back here and compose a message. Click the little icon above your message window that looks like a picture frame. Paste link. Click ok. Presto!
  17. Sea Scouts! How awesome! And she's a pretty ship, she is! Thanks for sharing.
  18. In one respect I hope you are right, that prices will go up come Summer. I'd like to see the world economy get back on track. And I hope all those grand plans to come up with alternate fuel vehicles aren't getting shelved. If the govt bails out the auto industry, the better put that money to good use.
  19. Why? I wasn't surprised when the Republican oil baron was the front runner and oil dropped in the weeks following the election, the rose right after. But does Obama have any ties to big oil? (He says, knowing full well the answer is all these guys have ties to big oil, and other big business.) Ours is not to question why. If my prediction comes true, I have doubts that who gets elected is relevant to the fact that it will go up. Kinda' like my expectation that the stock market will settle down measurably within the weeks following the election. (It actually has more to do with uncertainty than anything.) Still sliding... (knock wood)
  20. Ahoy! I did 15th (Scottish) Recce for awhile. WWII is a real blast! Anyway... welcome onboard!
  21. Sorry, can't say that I have. I'm a Cruzan Blackstrap kind of pirate. But I'll keep a weather eye out for it, and if it's not too pricey, give it a try.
  22. There's probably a copyright violation here... but someone has scanned the contents of "How to Build Your Own Wheelock Rifle or Pistol" and put them on the net as a pdf. http://thedisease.net/functions.php?PHPSES...llock_Plans.pdf
  23. Cool stuff. Airplanes... always wanted to be a fighter pilot... Ok, how about Emile Berliner's early helicopter. It's at a cool little airport museum outside of DC. The world's oldest airport, in fact. http://www.collegeparkairport.org/
  24. Bing! You got that right! I would say incredibly easy. Not to take away anything from the creative minds making great steamy comstumes, but... it's make believe. So anything goes. Steampunk is part counter-culture, part cosplay, part costuming... whereas this pirate thing... well... it depends. It can be cosplay and/or costumed entertainment, which is cool, but for the hard core reenactors, there's a helluvalot of research that goes into trying to get it right.
  25. Not wear weapons? Not wear weapons!?!?! Ok, some places do get sort of odd about weapons, but most places don't. And for some of us, wearing and firing weapons is what this is all about. It ain't reenactin' if we ain't shootin' at wunnuther.
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