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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. I hope you all had a wonderful 2010, and here's to a safe and joyous holiday season! Be thankful for all that you have, and make sure you take time to appreciate the little things!
  2. I really, really liked that guy. He had such a passion about things. I will treasure the memories I have of him.
  3. I don't own a copy, but this might have a few answers to your question. http://books.google.com/books?id=tZxaDhb71gcC&lpg=PP1&ots=GZnVJEZoyY&dq=taverns%20and%20drinking%20in%20early%20america&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false
  4. Fwiw, I believe this is the thread you may have been looking for.
  5. So seeking freedom from oppression is a modern Hollywood notion, or just pirates seeking freedom from oppression?
  6. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking "Mission has a lightsaber" after seeing that photo.
  7. Good interview. Maybe I'll buy the book.
  8. When you sell it, please let me know. I'm more than happy to let you use my photos, but I may not be amenable to someone other than you using photos that I took or that were taken with my camera. Assuming, that is, that you have actually used said photos.
  9. If memory serves I'm the one who bestowed that title unto you, or if not, possibly Lisa did. The burning question in my mind is, did you make any of the pumpkin? If so, I'm stopping by on my way home. The pumpkin cheesecake is something of a legend in the kids' minds. We need to get together sometime. You can show us (the few of us who are left, that is) your most recent stockings slide-show! ps - going to the Pirate Feast this year? Catch ya on facebook!
  10. Mission, I have to say I was really happy to meet both you and Shay. As for Cuisto Mako... he's mad I tell you! Mad! Seriously, I had a great time, and the three of you helped make the event for me. Saturday would have been near total bust if it wasn't for the three of you. Your collective charm and wit brought warmth to an otherwise bleak day. It's nice to know that it is possible to befriend people virtually, and realize that friendship in the physical realm. Mission, I'm also sad you couldn't make it back for Sunday. As dreary as Saturday was, Sunday was near perfect. I don't believe we've ever had such nice weather during the summer version of the event as we had that Sunday. If you ever want to come back for another round with us, the door is always open. Hell... if you ever happen to be in Baltimore again, give me a call and I'll make amends regarding that shot o' scotch!
  11. I'm a table-top, face-to-face gamer type. Just finished up a weekly D&D 4e campaign that ran for about 6 months. Just started up a new campaign -- GURPS Infinite Worlds. I'm looking forward to sending the players off on adventures to a 1930s pulp-era Earth as well as a 17teens alternate history Earth with pirates a'plenty.
  12. Popping in to reply to Mission's post re: Havre de Grace, saw this, thought I'd add my tuppence... Pyrate Phil!
  13. Nor does he have a case for his slow match.
  14. And isn't there some dude in South America who predates the Wrights too? And one in Australia or New Zealand?
  15. Mark, you will laugh at my answer. Paul Newman and Robert Redford... in... Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. It really was the first thing that came to mind. Funny that. Oh well. Maybe someone else will guess it.
  16. You know, if I ever resurrect my Firefly/Serenity roleplaying campaign, I'm shanghaiing all these pdfs to use as props in the game!
  17. I usually do, and often keep it. The trick to keeping them can be as easy as "make it something you like to do." Who said a resolution has to be a "bad" thing. Anyway, my resolution last year was to paint one gaming miniature. I bested that by a good 20 or 30. (and this isn't all of the figures I painted) This year, I went with a oldie but a goodie. I'm bringing back my "stay out of $tarbuck$ for a year" resolution. It's an expensive habit, and I can make better coffee with my French press. Oh, and Happy New Year to you all!
  18. Mission, you necromancer you... raising old threads from the dead... I did get something piratey... a pair of skull n xbones fleece pants for sleepin' in. Oh! And a really, really nice skull n xbones mug that was made in Germany. It is really light, feels like fine china as opposed to some of the more clunky coffee mugs I have. The coolest thing I gave? Either the $100 worth of fancy tea from Harney & Sons or the blu-ray copy of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, but of which were presents to the missus.
  19. Big fan of blood-spattered myself. I always enjoyed this series of pics of my friend Kirk digging a bullet out of one of my pirates. http://www.piratebrethren.com/greatmomentsinhistory/greatmoments002.html Ok, now I'm going back to hibernating.
  20. A belated thanks for the belated birthday wishes! Indeed, the birthday was pretty darn awesome. Swag was a couple roleplaying game books, some paints, the new Star Trek film on bluray, and a Trek t-shirt. Festivites were eating lots of sushi with the family on my birthday, and followed by an all day roleplaying game session with old friends the day after. It's funny, one of the guys I've reenacted with (or maybe against is more appropriate, since he's one of Art's martime regiment of foot guys) for 10 years now, and it wasn't until last year at the Lockhouse that I discovered he was a fellow gamer. I was going to take pics of the game, but I forgot. However, I did take pics of the minis I painted for the game. These guys are all 15mm tall, so in these pics they are probably close to 3x or 4x actual size. http://www.piratebrethren.com/gaming/marines.jpg http://www.piratebrethren.com/gaming/advisors.jpg http://www.piratebrethren.com/gaming/combat%20walkers.jpg http://www.piratebrethren.com/gaming/human%20crustie%20size%20comparison.jpg http://www.piratebrethren.com/gaming/crusties.jpg http://www.piratebrethren.com/gaming/finished.jpg For any gamer geeks out there, the game we were playing was Traveller, but the universe we were playing in was 2300AD. And now, back I go into reenacting hibernation. It's way too cold out there to even think about dressing up in silly clothes. I'm staying in, staying warm, and playing games with my friends until the Spring thaw comes along. See you in three months. TTFN
  21. Thank you all very much! And I hope you all have as wonderful a holiday season as I had a birthday weekend. Cheers!
  22. I imagine one could download a photo into the gallery here on Pyracy, then post a link to that photo in the topic in question, and forgo the flickr, etc route.
  23. Incomplete article on hats. With period pics. http://www.piratebrethren.com/articles/hats/hats01.html
  24. I was just there back in August, when I took the family to Williamsburg and Jamestown. That day was oppressively hot and humid, and here where these guys working with molten glass around this huge furnace. Ye gods it was hot. I didn't buy anything, since I was saving all my money for Dark Ages stuff, but it was fun to window shop. They sell some really nice glass there.
  25. I keep wanting to reply to this thread, and the I think to myself, "I'm not actively reading anything at the moment, just flipping through random books". And then yesterday it dawned on me, I am reading something! I'm reading The Hobbit to the kids as a bedtime story.
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