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Everything posted by Isabella

  1. Hm....he does custom, could always email him in regards to a different bottom. It could always be framed differently like a larger ship, done with ribs. Not sure how difficult, but I can always show my dad, and see what he would say, he's a carpenter.
  2. I'm getting a contact buzz from must looking at it!
  3. Isabella


    I am not so familiar, but we do have the Lions School of Fensing here, that teaches both Spanish and French styles. I could always try ringing them. Also try SCA folks, most groups have Fencing as part of their main enactment stuff, along with heavy sword also. Just a thought. :)
  4. When I was looking to buy a small boat I has a man email me this link. They are beautiful if you are woodworking friendly http://www.stevensonprojects.com/ Enjoy! The Petal cars rock too!
  5. Isabella

    GARF Faire

    Thanks Cas, we're looking forward to it. :) I've wanted to go for years. :)
  6. I've lived a large majority of time on the water, and used to get seasick fairly often. I've tried dramamine, which made me pass out and sleep, but half or a quarter isn't a bad idea either, I tried it without too bad sleeping side effects. (Also good for those with Galbladder problems BTW, if you have them.) Also consider ginger ale, it sooths the stummock. They also have Seasickness patches, that I've used that aren't too bad. You might consider that. Do some online looking for different Seasickness stuff. I used to get sick a the drop of the hat also. We'd drive to Yosmite, and I'd have my head out the door. We'd go whale watching, or go to Catalina to visit our great Uncle, and be sick as dogs.
  7. Isabella

    GARF Faire

    I'll put up the URL. :) I've never been there before, but it's supose to be a very sweet faire. Faires.com information on Georgia Faire Georgia Renaisance Festivals Home Site Their running a speical on hotel rooms through Microtel, we got a two queen size room with fridge, microwave, and so on, for 49.95 with discount with the renaissance weekend. That's for two. It's normally 59.95 a night, so it's not too shabby.
  8. www.pyrates.com is for Pyrates Royal a great singing group out of Maryland Ren Faire.
  9. Isabella

    GARF Faire

    We'll be there possible Memorial Day weekend all three days...anyone else?
  10. I saw that not long before the movie was released on DVD they sold a lot of orginal costumes, and props on Ebay. If you go to Disneys auctions they might still have listings.
  11. Email ya back. :) Sounds good.
  12. Send ye off a mail. :) Let me know what you had in mind via that. :) Thanks Hon! Isabella
  13. Hawkyns, Do you ever come down for the show in Columbus, OH?
  14. Alot of folks I've seen workin' faires wear velvet, but it's all depending on class. Pirates being pirates have no soical class, so they can wear what every they want. :)
  15. Zorg, those are awesome! Let me wipe the drool off me chin.
  16. Wow, that is awesome. When my best friend AllieSutherland finally starts posting you and she will have to talk Violin shop. She's played since she was very very young. :) Yes, 22K is very bright. They also cut their gold with more copper to make it brassy in colour than we do here. :) I'm a silver and white gold girl myself. :)
  17. Hello Boyos and Girlos, I'm cleaning out my jewelry box of things that I've never worn. Some things I bought tried on once, and was too lazy to return or mail back, and this is one of them. I bought this beauty from the Metropolitan Musuem via their site and tried it on decided I didn't care for it on me. It's beautiful and heavy, on a small curb link chain. This is their discription of the item: "This cross is adapted from a design in The Grammar of Ornament, a theoretical treatise in which Owen Jones (British, 1809–1874) illustrates decorative styles from a multitude of artistic traditions, ranging from Celtic sculpture to Islamic architecture to Oriental decorative arts. It was a major source for some of the most important artists, designers, and craftsmen of the late nineteenth century. Sterling silver, lightly antiqued. Cross length 5/8 in.; chain length 17 in." This necklace is very heavy, and very well made. It may look solid, but the back is open. It looked very danty when I bought it, but it's not. It's a heavier look and size, and would comfterably be worn by a man. I thought I'd see if anyone would be interested, before I tossed it up on Ebay next week. :) I got it for 26.00 but would be willing to let it go for 22.00, less than than the cost that a Met Member would buy it for. I'll take offers too.
  18. If you get irritated, email me, and I can help. I'm savvy with a needle and thread and can offer pointers and help. :)
  19. Oooo that's beautiful! I love Lions. :) Did you all end up selling it to a rightful bidder? Or did it go unclaimed? Mmm...violence....*blinks* Violin! I've always wanted to learn to play. M'best friend said she'd teach me one day. :)
  20. There is nothing more sweet than the smell of the sun warming the salt on the sand, and the sound of the seagulls in Huntington Beach. :) :)
  21. I think it's a interesting idea. My best friend's dad the guy who is as hairy as he is scary, used to tug all up and down the CA Coast, sometimes down to Mexico. Sails would have been a nice change from the chugging of a moter, me thinks.
  22. Consider placing an ad in a paper for Gay and Lesbian circulation for those interested in Historical Enactment. Consider looking into placing ads in Renaissance Magazine, or build a site. There's lot of options. :) Izzy
  23. Well, what to do? Are you happy sad, in different to the idea of being a Captain to off Spring? *steals one of Morgan's IBC Root beers*
  24. There's a place I know of Billy and Charlie, they have very nice belt fittings, and do custom belts. Billie and Charlie>Belts Most things are early for Pirate Gear, but they do beautiful work, and could probably sneak it into your gear. Izzy
  25. I love this song from their Kids Album. It's a great fun song. Juliet Stephen's does a beautiful version of "The Gray Furnel Line" that beautiful. I hope she puts out a new tape/CD soon. Or maybe she has. I haven't bumped into her at faire in a while.
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