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Everything posted by Isabella

  1. Oooo it would give me an excuse to go there to take photos of the my Aunt's ancestors lived in. :) I just might do that! :) Thanks!
  2. Where did you get them orginally?
  3. Rumba, I am proud that you believe that way. So many costumers say "bigger the person bigger the cost" starting to sound like South West and their "if you don't fit into one of our regular seats, you have to buy another" mentality. I am glad there are still fair costumers out there. I always did much for plus size men/woman, and did the same kept the costs down, and the made it resonable. It's the only way to stay floating, and fair.
  4. If you are planning on making it it tends to be less horribly expensive. The other thought is making buying base colours (cream or white cheaper in some instances by the yard) then dying them to the shade you want. It's an idea. :) I'm making my own trim. I'm still working on it, but if you see something you like I can send you the instructions on how I did it. I have some antique books that I got the patterns from that suit this period of time. I'm plus sized myself, and everything I've ever done for enactment I've made myself with the exception of a few pieces that I bought. Sometimes it's easier to make than buy, but that's up to the person doing the sewing. If you want someone to make something for you, haggle about if you can use your own fabric vs. theirs. Sometimes that'll shave cost off and you'll be able to pay for the labor. Smooth Seas Isabella
  5. Dancing!! Woo! I'll bring my jolly roger pasties and fire breathing equiptment! :) :) Oh wait..that's not what you ment! Dancing sounds really good! :) Wow this is sounding nifter and nifter every time I read this thread!
  6. Izzy looks dizzy at the talk of Seafood. Do they have anything non fish on the menu? I'm happy attend a restraunt as long as I have something to eat. Maybe dinner rolls? I know I'll bring mustard packets and Arby sause in my purse! I'm kidding. Really tho, if they have a chicken dish a seafood joint would be nifty with us.
  7. Pete, I'm so happy to hear your kitty is doing better! *hugs* It's hard to say goodbye to our pals furry and other wise, I'm glad yours is doing well. What is his/her name? We've got three furry children going through their teenage years currently, and I wouldn't trade those kiddos work the world! :) Izzy
  8. LadyB: You can HAVE our snow, all nine inches of it. With an inch of sleet on top too. Our complexe decited "Oh let's send someone who doesn't know how to plow to plow." He scaped once, and then left. Niiiiiccccce...thank God we have 4X4! Our county decided not to clear our roads, and it's been fantastic driving. :) But you know what, it's okay. I was warm and there are people now without heat or wont' be home for Christmas, which means I am more fortuante than most. And for that I am glad.
  9. I was first a rennie, now I'm not nothing. Actually there were a lot of pirates dressed in the 1630's garb when I did faire a lot. Come as you are is what I always say, and let those that don't dress try to figure you out. :) We did have a group at Southern CA that were the Sea Dogs, that were pirate enactors for the 1550's assoicated with the faire proper. So it's not uncommon to see pirates at faire, just not pirates as we think of pirates. :) If you need hints or needs for Renaissance Faire garb, feel free to yack at me, I've been doing it for nearly ten years now. I can offer suggestions if you are looking to build a new costume just for it. :) I'll be there with bells myself. :) My best friend is looking to go, so count three of us.
  10. No traveling for me in the near future, we're hitting the store tonight, and tomorrow 8-10 inches is hitting us! NOOOO! Normally I would say something sextual about eight to ten inches, but honestly the snow has me worried! Actually things are looking up, maybe it means I won't have to spend Christmas with my in laws! WAHH! MWHAHAHAH!
  11. I think it's facinating they tattooed the Jerusalem Cross on themselves. It's not often seen now a days, but was common knowledge then. It's quite distinctive and ironic since I thought of getting one tattoo on me! It's historical! *grins* That is interesting, I will have to pick up and read some of those papers.
  12. I couldn't find a MP3. The suggestion I have is buying Treasure Island to get it. I found the lyrics tho, the first portion is Stevenson, then some of the ending lyrics are added by Young Ewing Allison a few years later. 1. Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum Drink and the devil had done for the rest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. The mate was fixed by the bosun's pike The bosun brained with a marlinspike And cookey's throat was marked belike It had been gripped by fingers ten; And there they lay, all good dead men Like break o'day in a boozing ken Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. 2. Fifteen men of the whole ship's list Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Dead and be damned and the rest gone whist! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! The skipper lay with his nob in gore Where the scullion's axe his cheek had shore And the scullion he was stabbed times four And there they lay, and the soggy skies Dripped down in up-staring eyes In murk sunset and foul sunrise Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. 3. Fifteen men of 'em stiff and stark Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Ten of the crew had the murder mark! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Twas a cutlass swipe or an ounce of lead Or a yawing hole in a battered head And the scuppers' glut with a rotting red And there they lay, aye, damn my eyes Looking up at paradise All souls bound just contrawise Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. 4. Fifteen men of 'em good and true - ' Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Ev'ry man jack could ha' sailed with Old Pew, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! There was chest on chest of Spanish gold With a ton of plate in the middle hold And the cabins riot of stuff untold, And they lay there that took the plum With sightless glare and their lips struck dumb While we shared all by the rule of thumb, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! 5. More was seen through a sternlight screen... Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum Chartings undoubt where a woman had been Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. 'Twas a flimsy shift on a bunker cot With a dirk slit sheer through the bosom spot And the lace stiff dry in a purplish blot Oh was she wench or some shudderin' maid That dared the knife and took the blade By God! she had stuff for a plucky jade Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. 6. Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum Drink and the devil had done for the rest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. We wrapped 'em all in a mains'l tight With twice ten turns of a hawser's bight And we heaved 'em over and out of sight, With a Yo-Heave-Ho! and a fare-you-well And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
  13. *assumes here* I'm sure the all male crew would be sooo disapointed! :) *grins*
  14. I loved my kenmore machine! The first machines I beat the holy living...you understand. I heard that Whites are Kenmores etc, which explains my love for both.
  15. I wish that I did have the pieces of eight for this trip, it looks wonderful! :) If that might change, I would love to attend. I would be alone also, since Hubs rarely gets vacation now. Isabella
  16. Gunpowder Pearl Flint and Lock :) Rock on! I love cockatiels! :)
  17. I thought since the orginal topic about Chicago invasion was for the Chicago invasion, it might be better to bring up a possible invasion for Bristol. I had made a note to Morgan that I would grace my presence there when Morgan came home, as reason to have me and my first mate be able to say "Hey you! The one with the face!" and welcome our favorite Captain home. With the invasion of welcome home in April, it'll be a second home coming for him going to Bristol. I have always wanted to see Bristol since it's a home to my orginal home in Southern Califonria. Is anyone game to begin ideas about a possible invasion for Bristol? Yea, I know what your saying.."It's Freakin' Decenber Isabella! You get into the bad rum?" No but I know how hard it is for folks to get schedules in sync so maybe now is better than later :) Isabella
  18. Now that would give me reason to actually sew garb again! This wench hasn't put on anything reminicent of garb in nearly six years. (Pity me I know you want to.) Hmm...let's move this to a new thread..
  19. I believe Merry was aiming for April. Right now it all depends on what the "go orders" are and most likely the largest amount of folks going. I'll be at Bristol during three day weekend regardless of when the invasion for Morgan is. :) It'll be my offically "I'm doing faire again...damnit." celebration.
  20. Totally rediculious idea, but has anyone else seen those American RV's for rent? I saw them over the weekend. Funny idea if we got a group together and hung giant pirate flags on them and in big banners wrote "Captain Morgan Or Bust".
  21. If there is anyone in Ohio, Indiana or Kentucky that is going to head up, let us know, it would be nice to caravan up. It's not a long trip, but you never might know what might happen during it. :) Safty in numbers :)
  22. I used to hand make all my smaller higher class hats for renaissance faires. So I commend you on doing them that way now! In the past few years of living in cold weather my hands have gotten worse and I can't handle a needle the way I could before, so that's why I use the machine now. I wish my hands were better, because I got a great book for embrodiery. Remind me to give you all the name of it, because it's classical embroidery along with how to do needle lace, that is great for the more frufru style characters one might want to make costumes for.
  23. Rumba, my new white does automatic button holes setting. The foot you set a button into the top, then slide it till closes onto the button. Then you put that into your machine. Basically the foot is now set to sew the exact length for your button hole. You set the machine to button hole setting and away it sews. I used to avoid button holes on any project. I still haven't gotten it perfected on this machine yet, but the idea is amazing on it. Depending on the shank and way your feet snap in, you might be able to buy the foot. Maybe Bernina has a version of it now, since white and bernina tend to release similar items to keep on compition with each other.
  24. Honestly, I think I'll end up way south of Chicago, since it might fair cheaper than staying in Chicago Proper. When I talked to Hubs last night he said it was 200 a night where they stayed, plus it was all cab rides, and the parking was expensive even at the hotels. If enough of us bunk at the same hotel, maybe we can get a group rate? I know we get a decent group rate when we do faire, because a large majority of us will stay in the same hotel. It's usually about 10 rooms per "group" rate. I've seen some 2 and 3 start hotels near Chicago for 90.00 to 116.00 as their "April" rate. So maybe doing a group rate would be better to shave some off the top?
  25. Rumba-watch the tention with the metalic threads. Also it's usually a top stiching thread, so it's thinner than your regular cotton/poly threads, so it will break. Sounds like your tention is too heavy for it if it keeps snapping. I worth with three machines. Their all Whites. One is an old one that can sew through ANYTHING. The next one is from the 70's that has a ruffler foot on it that makes awesome Elizabethian ruffs, and other great detailing things. Then I got a White 2999 from ebay for really inexpensive. It was brand new and 300 bucks off the retail price! That was a berfday present, and it's paid for itself with all the fun stuff it does. One thing I love is it has a free movement feature so you can do crazy quilting, or even write in handwriting with it! It's so cool! I actually wrote out my name on scraps with it to see how cool it would look.
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