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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. Darn it's been a long week or so! Anyway here are few new things. This is a new Belying Pin it's 21" long and would be proper for a ship with rope diameter up 1-5/8" The Pin will be $45.00 and I'll make a belt frog for it too. These Pewter Mugs are $15.00 each and are from England. They have a clear bottom, to be sure ye don't get the Queen's coinage. Maybe Mission needs a new MUG! These Bracelets are copper and polished steel, they're shiny and only $10.00 each.
  2. Happy VD to all of ye! Maybe a Surgeon can cure it. Hey Mission, got any mercury to ease the symptoms?!? Today ought to give ya an excuse ta break out yer syringe!
  3. Many apologies for missing this the other day. Happy late B-Day to one of the people that helped a good bit when I was getting going in this. I hope you received all (the snow) ya wanted and wanted all (the snow) ya received! Kate if you're gonna trade 'im for two 20's when he's 40 aren't you a few years too late? I don't think I need to make the type as big as I did for Sterling, nor do I hafta shout. Yet! Patience Mike, you'll get there!
  4. Happy Birthday, Capt. Sterling! I only hope I am in as as good shape as you when I achieve a similar number of years on this planet! I imagine that I express the same sentiment as many others, exactly how old is "Old As Dirt?" I made the type bigger so you could see it without "spectacles" or a magnifying glass. I also made it bold so you could "hear it" without your ear trumpet.
  5. It's been a rainy and bone chilling 70 ish here in central Fla. today. It got down to below 55 last night, wind chill of 50, brrrrrrrr, I was gettin' quite hypothermic! Had to get some anti freeze ...... RUM PUNCH ...... light ice, please. When's summer?
  6. Let us not forget the archeologists favorite place to dig ...... the ever popular landfill. Be it the filled in hole from the outhouse of old, to the now (350 years in the future) filled in Grand Canyon. The trash heaps of history are invaluable resources. Do we not, now, make many interpretations from what we find in the ruins of yesterday?
  7. Thank you for the recognition!! I'm glad you like my work!!
  8. Callenish, Animal is none of those things. Why he is the kindest, gentlest, most considerate, wonderful man you would ever want to meet! He's quick with a joke, or a light of your smoke, and there's no place that he'd rather be ...... He is truly of a sort that people in "civilized society" want to be around. Why I one time saw him actually assist an elderly person across the street. He's even been seen GIVING candy to babies. I don't think he's ever even kicked a puppy. Oh, CRAP, my nose just grew and broke my monitor. I missed PiP this year, why is Cross a "buyer of boys"? and do I want to know?
  9. Fix my wagon? Oh, great another one is emerging ..... must be gonna be a "half-fast" wood or iron worker of some sort ...... Maybe a leather worker ....... Mr. "Tanner"? He'll never be lonely, that's a given. Hey Callenish, he'll bump is head at work ..... and then there'll be another!
  10. I've been busy as a peg legged pirate in a ship board melee'. I will be puttin' some new stuff up in a week or so.
  11. Well it was either dub my self Capt. Kramden or make reference to the bus brand which is a "Gillig" and thence to refer to myself as "hand" on a "Gillig" or a "Gillig-Hand" and well ...... With the humorous bent of MANY of the denizens of this here pub I would be forever assailed with plays on words about my passengers being stranded on "Gillighands" Island, etc, so in an effort at self preservation I chose the "title" of Captain. Of course I can only take the ribbing of the Pub schizo with a large grain of sea-salt ..... Of course there's always the possibility that Davey Jones could unleash the fearsome ship destroying ...... Kraamden! but that would be far to egotistical of me to assume that mantle. To Black Syren, I'm having a rather large time with the new position!
  12. It looks as though "Sybil" may be settling on one personality ...... at least for a little while. We'll have to see how long Israel "hangs around" .... would've greatly enjoyed holding an end of the rope meself!! For Christmas I hope ye get more people in your skull Mr. Cross! For all of your personas are very "entertaining" read that as ......... disturbing
  13. Happy Birthday Salty! Hope ye get all ye want, an want all ye get!
  14. Merry Christmas to all!! I've missed bein' on the Pub an' chattin' Been busy earning me Captaincy ye see. I am now Capt. of me own ship ... fine an' seaworthy she is!! Yes I am now Captain Kramden of the good ship Disney Transport sailing frequently from the Magic Kingdom to Old Key West and to the bus stops of the Carribean Beach .... resort. Aye "Old Port Royale" it be the wickedest bus stop on earth! Missed PiP as I was press ganged and had to incite a mutiny in order to ascend to me Captaincy. So if you be comin' to Orlando I will be happy to take ye aboard and we will sail about and wreak havoc over all the World ....... Disney World that is.
  15. That was great! Nice to see Cousin Robbie made it down and tried to save his friend MADogge, in Robbie's inimitable style. I see that the multipersonality afflicted Mr Cross was also made to walk the plank .... you'd think that one of his alter egos would be a swimmer .... Looks like y'all are havin' a grand time, wish I were there too!!
  16. AS a newly qualified bus driver .... It was my pleasure to do the driving and I found it exciting! In any future "under the bus" needs, don't hesitate to call ..... "Who ya gonna call?" (always use a professional) ... BUS DRIVER!!
  17. Capt. Sterling ...... please tie young Mr Cross to the roof fer the ride down to KW. Because if he gets away with his ageism and now hair colorism, what's next? Betraying Pirate Hunterism? Mr Cross has a lot of 'ism issues and multiple personality disorder to boot, poor young fella. Have Fun, don't lose him downtown!!
  18. I'll have you know young Mr. Cross, you weren't insulted by just "some" sutler ..... you was insulted by The Evil Sutler .... ME! "Some" Sutler, indeed. :P As for the old comment, well, you can just keep your "ageism" to yourself. Just remember .... Old Age and treachery, will beat the snot outta youth and exuberance, every time! I hope your "Ride" (read, Capt. Sterling) down south takes note of your ageist attitude and makes you ride on the roof! I hope and pray that no one swaps your Butt Paste for Super Glue! :o That me be most unfortunate, MISTER Cross!
  19. It's all well and good for him ta bring stuff for a chapped ..... well, anyway.... in view of his ..... uhhhhh "Disorder" Y'all know ...... multiple personalities an' all ...... I would think that bringing his"medication" would be of the UTMOST importance .... Heck, he might even want ta share it with Dutchy too ....... just a thought.
  20. Dammit Sterling .... Sick again? Harlotry will get you in trubble ever'time. I do agree that a good bleedin' is probly warranted. Either that or he didn't wash properly after caring for ROBBIE. Well Capt. Spike if'n the Boners ..... errrr ........ BONIES wanna raid me place y'all will have ta come up US 27 ta Kissimmee ...... Real life gets in the way, I'm now a qualified bus driver for the Mouse .... My continued trainin' and the conversion to full time have caused the formerly approved time off ta be cancelled. So this is my official cancellation for PiP this year. Hurts my feelins' I had a great time at Hampton in June an' that's the last time I been out, for CW or Pyratical stuff. However, I will soon be in a position ta loot an' plunder me guests as Capt. of me own land yachts. Just call me Capt. Cramden!! YoHo!
  21. Thanks for recognition of my chargers Capt. Hurricane. You are gentleman and a scholar. For a ruthless cutthroat pirate. 100% agreement a powder horn is essentially a grenade waiting to explode! Always better to cook off a few grains as opposed to a few thousand grains!
  22. Littleneck, I'm here now ... Orlando anyway, next door to the happiest place on earth, where I spend a lot of time lately, but that's neither here nor there ..... Ahhhh Syren ..... an' her Trident ...... after the Cannonball Incident in the hot tub, well there must have been something bad in the water, ( perhaps something the Animal dropped) butt I've been fighting some infections, and I'm worried that the one in the middle may never fully heal .... butt I won't dwell on that point .... UHHHHH correction the sites are back up now!! Huzzah, Huzzah!
  23. ditto the diitoes of #1
  24. Dammit man! Another number on the list! Happy Belated!! I'm missing so much now that I got a real job!
  25. ditto the ditto of #1
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