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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. Just finished this bag yesterday ...... It started out as a belt bag for valuables or shot or whatever you wanna put in it, but on further investigation I discovered that it will fit a 5th size bottle just like a holster fits a pistol. It will allow you to pull it out and drop it right back in with little or no resistance, it'll fit a quart bottle snugly. As always loop will fit up to a 3" wide belt. Didn't start that way, just a happy accident!! These will go for $20.00.
  2. I was cawwing a fwend of mine in SoCal and he made get awf the phone cause his house was shakin'. Hope y'awl awe all awwight. CNN covered it but kinda pwayed it cawm. Good luck everyone.
  3. This is what I've been woukin on while I recupewate fwom suwgewy (they beat up a newve in my tounge an' now I tawk wike Elmeh Fudd). The Doc says it'll get bettah, but it's gonna take awhile, so faw now I'm gettin' laughs at home and on the phone with my new speech pattewn. If they awe messin' with me they awe leavin' some othew poor soul awone. Just finished these a liddle while ago and thought I'd postum. The Bwack and Wed one comes with a matching tankawd cawwiew as does the Wusset and Bwack. Of couwse you all know I'll pwobabwy type like this fow a wong time, even aftew my tounge heaws. Faw those that are sensitive I am onwy making fun of mysewf!! Imagine Cousin Wobbie twying to wead this. Of course I have no twubble saying Wiwwie Wobble's name now. What about Capt Stew-wing, or Bwack Sywen, cwap I gotta miwwion of em. Hey Cwoss how's it goin!! Dutch, how's Gwace?
  4. Happy B-Day to you Happy B-day to you You're chrispy and crunchy and I bet Nell Thinks so to. Hope you get to go to KW for drinks like ya did last year!!
  5. "Work your fingers to the bone and whaddaya get Boney Fingers, Boney Fingers." Lay off the Slim Fast you were fine before you started dieting. I'll agree with Cascabel, I wanted ta see ye nekkid, too. "Hi Black Syren here for the NEW "Jenny Crab" weight loss program ......." "For 99.99 we send you a Trident and you can only eat what you can catch." Remember 4 out 5 recommend Trident ...... Seriously, have a sandwitch ...... or 2.
  6. Thanks guys .... and Animal Yeah I threw out all the meds and have only been drinkin' rum punch, I woulda been postin' but then Patrick Hand is the champeen drunken poster 'round these waters. Must be gettin' better I hear the workshop callin me, sorta like a "Syren" song.
  7. Good show everyone!! The food looked grand, and the perp ....er .... prep cooks did an awesome job. Witty and great I don't think they made reenactors look foolish at all.
  8. I made it through and am now back at home. Got a big zipper in my neck now. But surgeon says no more tumors. Still kinda sore. Hope y'all found the rum to your liking. Got home in time to see Dinner Impossible, IMO editing did not make us out to be a buncha flakes, kudos to "kitchen crew".
  9. Thanks Mr. Cross for the words of encouragement. I hope that the rest of your "friends" feel the same way. Robbie, I'll be at the Daytona Motor Speedway Memorial Hospital, come see me, please oh please. Not really, I'm going to Winter Park Hospital ..... but Robbie don't need to know that. Will let y'all know when I get home. Probably a day or two. I left a bottle of rum for everybody in the tavern, have a drink on me and drink a couple for me. That's a bottle for everyone, yep just one bottle ......each!
  10. Thanks Salty .... guess guys dig scars too, huh. Oh, what a "trophy" the potter got after the "boarding action"! Aye, Callenish if I were being treated fer a "social disease" ( see Valentines Day greeting, this forum) I would expect it to be treated in the "same old way" .... or I would've had Dr.(?) Mission bring along his syringe and other torture tools. Don't forget the Mercury! Thanks for the well wishes Dutch, and please I beg you in the name of all that is holy, keep cousin Robbie away from the O.R. Can you imagine this scenario? I shudder to think ......... I WENT WITH MR SUTLERJOHN TO THE HOSPITAL AND WHILE THEY WERE OPERATING ON HIM AND I WAS SHOUTING ENCOURAGEMENT LIKE MISSION SAID THAT FRIENDS WOULD DO IN THE OLDEN DAYS I BUMPED THE DOCTOR AND HE ACCIDENTALLY CUT SOME ARTERY OR VEIN AND THEN THEY ALL GOT REAL EXCITED BECAUSE THE DOCTOR SAID HE WAS ALMOST DONE AND THERE WAS A SHOWER OF BLOOD BUT IT ONLY LASTED FOR A FEW MINUTES AND THEN THEY COVERED HIM OVER WITH A SHEET THEN THE LADY IN THE WHITE DRESS TOOK ME OUTSIDE AND THEN THEY GOT ME A PUPPY AND IT LICKED ME ON MY FACE AND IT FELT FUNNY AND I FELT BETTER BECAUSE THEY YELLED AT ME INSIDE THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE I TRACKED BLOOD IN THE HALLWAY AND THEN DUTCH AND GRACE CAME AND TOOK ME HOME ...... yeah no Robbie at the hospital please. While I don't currently have a Parrot (my Norwegian Blue was "stunned") the Cockatiel is quite mouthy and always has a thing or 2 to say. Can anyone guess how the therapeutic value of Robbie allowed me to address one of my biggest fears about this? But I still prefer that he be "kept home" tomorrow.
  11. Guess I'll let 'em do it here. Might've been fun .... get drunk ..... have surgery ...... a good brawl somewhere in the middle ...... drunken pub members shouting encouragement ..... Mr. Cross rooting for the infection ..... Capt. Sterling hopin' that my scar wasn't better than his, because as we all know ... "chicks dig scars" "Aye, Lass there were more a them da**ed pirate hunters comin' over the rail, my pistol was empty, me cutlass broke (shoulda got one of Matt's) the last thing I remember was takin' a glancin' shot across me neck an' then wakin' up lookin' like this." Or some variation on the theme, whatever it takes >wink, wink<
  12. Matt I'm trying to PM you but it says you can't receive any messages, clean out yer inbox?
  13. Dr.(?) Mission, no anesthetic? That's what the rum is for ..... to keep me from feelin' the pain of your fumblin' round in there. An' ta insure that you're happy fumblin'! These lymph nodes are big enough now that you will have no trouble findin' 'em. Alas, at this point the "locals" have applied their leeches to me "purse" and there's naught but a few drops left in there. So unless you were comin' to WDW guess I'll have to keep ye posted. Just wanted ta give ye 1st option ta "practice" yer craft, and a scar from a rusty cutlass or even a big cane knife would make a great conversation starter ... Maybe Syren can pluck 'em out with the prongs of her trident, hmmmmm ........
  14. I'm going to be off work for a couple of weeks .... recovering. Anything I've got IN STOCK will be 10% off, 'cause I need the dough. Leather stuff I can make when you order it, the Docs don't want me breathin' the sawdust for a while ... so wood I might not be able to do .... we'll see. We'll call it a "Radiation Therapy" sale and will last until the radiation is done ...... toward the end of May so they tell me. So as the end of next week approaches drop me a PM or e-mail me and we'll see what we have available. I'm not too sure how the voice will be for a few days after Monday but I should be able to type. Thanks all,
  15. Will someone loan Mission a rusty cutlass? I gotta have surgery on the nodes in my neck and I think the scar will lend itself to "I survived a boarding action" stories if Mission does it with a rusty cutlass, soaked in rum. Yes, Mission the cutlass and I, all soaked in rum. If Mission is busy then I guess the ship's carpenter will have to do. I will build you a medicine chest if you are successful. Mission can you be here in Orlando on Monday afternoon? If not ..... then ..................................... it's off to the hospital with me.
  16. sutlerjon


    I hope you all realize I was only kidding about roasting the Cranes ....... Yes, they are protected here in Fla. especially in our neighborhood, they brought in some mating pairs several years ago and now we have a whole bunch of 'em. Still protected though. I can only safely collect the "road weary" ones, they pick the strangest places to nap. The eggs are big enough you only need 1 to make an omellette for 2. ......... I only roasted one, they're Waaaayyyyyy tastier deep fried! Yes, Patrick, "second's" are a lot easier to catch! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...... Personal to Graydog, your recipe is great but you should try a bit more bacon, while they're a little fatty being a water bird, the pork fat and salt just add that little extra zing or BAM! (if you like Emeril). Based on their size you can also get by with 4 - 6 cloves of garlic. Mmmmmm good!
  17. I just added some NEW stuff to the site! Some things to perhaps enhance the "Steamin'" side o' life. Thanks for lookin' at stuff everybody.
  18. Here's a shot of the new leather Snapsack. These will be $55.00 + shipping. It's approx. 15" across the top opening. It'll hols a lot of sh....tuff
  19. Happy belated B-day!
  20. Thanks MadL! I just finished up a Leather Snapsack, it's about the same size (a little bigger) than the canvas one in the photo on the website. I will post a photo when I get one of it. The leather snapsacks seem to be quite common in photos from English Civil War reenactment sites and are probably most useful to earliest Buccaneer impressions. By the way, for those of you doing the "SteamPunk" thing I can and do make several items appropriate to the Victorian era, from military and civilian leather stuff to suspenders for your trousers. I've got a shoulder rig for my Colt and Remington .36 and .44 caliber black powder pistols that I need to make a copy or 2 of. I also do flap holsters for the same pistols. If curious check out my CW site and look at the "Progressive" products tab. Those items are made using patterns that came from original pieces.
  21. sutlerjon


    Anybody got any ideas fer cookin' these big chickens? :angry: We been fryin' em ..... but I'm getting tired of wing. We've been workin' on the same one fer 2 days now! They just keep comin' to the house. They are a little over 3' tall! Really loud and funny as heck to watch. They can put up a pretty good fight, I hafta whack 'em with a belayin' pin quite a few times before they go down, claws is sharp too! They're Sand Hill Cranes .... a little tough an' stringy and a bit "oily". Wingspan about 6'.
  22. The things that mouse suggests I do ........ Sometimes they're just Ducky and other times, well, they're sorta Goofy ......
  23. Due to a veritable tidal wave of requests, thanks to the 3 of you, I just set up a PayPal account!! WooHoo! Because of the custom nature of much of my work, I'd still like to personally communicate with my customers, besides it's more fun to talk with folks than just blindly send stuff out. Especially when Mr. Cross and the group in his HEAD call. :blink:
  24. Mr Cross, Thank you (and have a Magical Day) for the kind words. 'Tis nice ta see I've not alienated you, or any of your "friends"!
  25. Hello Capt. Kinchloe, I too make a Whydah box. Check out my website. Thanks
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