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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. Tonight we're gonna p-arrrrrr-ty like it's 1699!! RUM PUNCH AN' GROG ALL ROUND! In spite of it all let's have a great new year!
  2. Good Tide-ings to all! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Let's hope 2013 is a good one. Break open another Barrel O' Spirits .... Drinks all 'round on Me! BTW, Happy late B-Days to all the Decembers.
  3. Mr. Hook, As I seem to resemble your remark, Sir, you did get all the stuff you ordered from me, didn't you? Mr. Silver, as a Sutler who tries to get stuff done & delivered on time .... I hate to hear that others aren't as diligent. Good Luck to you ... Mr. Cross I'm still waiting to hear from you!!
  4. Hi Syren glad to see yer back in the Pub ..... Ye been keepin' yer Trident sharp, I trust.
  5. Hope it was a Happy Birthday and that you didn't go off "half cocked" !!
  6. Happy Late Birthday! Hope it was good one.
  7. I'm ready to head to work now, too. Just saw the weather channael and it looks like the thing will get just past the Keys as a tropical storm and then "wind up" in the Gulf heading for LA or MS & AL ..... batten down on the upper Gulf Coast!! Swab ,,, your boat's in Florida Bay, right? The wind will push out all the water and you'll be aground ?!? Hurricane Party in the Keys ..... be safe you guys. Cap'n Jim the pic you posted looks like a bowl of spaghetti .... we've already had a little band come over us in Western Polk County this morn ..... most likely be drivin' home in squally crap tonite on the way home from "Fantasy Land". Magic Kingdom has "extra magic hours" til 1 am in the morn! Business as usual!
  8. To all the South and South Western Florida friends ..... make a bowl o' rum punch and settle in for a bit of a blow!! To everybody in the Keys, loosen the storm moorings and fuel the generators. Southwest Friends, I think y'all will be OK, just put the TV up on blocks and break out the sandbags ... Those of us in Central Florida ..... no real excitement just business as usual ..... a few squall lines -n- feeder bands. Looks like L. A.* & the Panhandle are gonna take the brunt of this one. Above all be safe and take care of yourselves. Probably makes Mr. Redwake happy that he's in the mountains for once. *Lower Alabama
  9. Happy Birthday Fayma!! We sure have missed ya at the Pub ..... Hope this Birthday finds you (and Poppa) well. DRINKS ON ME, RUM PUNCH ALL ROUND!!!
  10. Happy Birthday Poppa!! Hope you're feeling better, you have a good nurse!! Nurse get this guy a shot ............ ........... a shot O' Rum!!!
  11. So glad to see everyone is safe ..... we saw on the news about the weather in Hampton ..... no mention about the encampment ..... my 1st thought was about y'all. I can relate to the experience as a multi-year campaigner meself. You are all so fortunate.
  12. If anyone feels they want try the stuff we can get it in the Caribe Markets, here in the Orlando area, by the ton! We can get cassava bread pre-made, I'm not sure about the flour .... but if I look that's probably available too. I work with many people who grew up in the Islands. One of my Haitian co-workers was reading over my shoulder (Buccaneers Realm) and filled me in on what they were taught in school about the "Flibustiers", (Filibusters in English). He called them "Forest People" and said they were "very bad men".
  13. I know I'm jumping in on an old subject here .... but the season getting into gear so here's my 2 shillings .... Don't do a false floor, it's hard on the headroom, as Mike said. We were on the road for 40+ weeks a year with our 7'X14' 2 axle. I added a false wall for about 10' of the length of one side. With 3 shelves for poles, store fixtures and such. It's about 18" wide .... off the top of my head ..... the "wall" is 1/2" plywood. On the other side I put in more shelving the same width out from the wall for the trays of small stuff and some other display cases. There is still enough room in the middle for 1 cot and a walkway the other cot goes across the front. I built a large "chest" across the front wall of the trailer for bedding and other soft items .... it's built like a window seat & has 2 separate hinged lids. I've got space for all the poles shelves, racks, plastic boxes of merchandise a clothes rack across the front for hanging stuff and I don't have to stoop over when I'm inside. For the last year that we were on the road constantly, I got a marine battery and inverter and we ran a small flat screen and the computer as well as a fan and some lighting. Some of the comforts of home ...... a propane stove and a coffee pot and we were livin' it up. We saved a ton of money on motels by living in the trailer when were at events. Just my thoughts on the subject.
  14. Oh Wow, I am sooo glad I didn't miss the chance to wish you Happy Birthday. Mike get 'im really drunk when ya see 'im! I especially wish there we a font for sarcastic on this one!
  15. I'm in "Hog Heaven" at the moment, my neighbor .... who's a hunter ..... gave me some wild pig ..... I've been smokin' a shoulder all mornin' and it's getting close enough to done that I'm able to start sampling ..... This might be better'n bacon!! Of course I'm not aiming to dry it out, we're having a mini pig roast here at the house, I have to mix up some RUM PUNCH to wash it down. I took the shoulder and covered it with Garlic Powder and Adobo, threw it on the smoker ..... fat side up..... with Mesquite charcoal and tossed on Oak logs cut to fit the fire box and let it go. We're roasting some yams and Acorn Squash to go with it ............ Joyous tidings ........ I found a bottle of Rum Punsh, that wasssss already mixxxed up .... Mistakenly thought it wassss Pussssserrr'sss until I tasted it!!!! Huzzah!!!!
  16. Happy Birthday Patrick! & Rum Drinks all'round!!
  17. Happy Birthday Lily!
  18. You don't suppose Deadeye told you undress her simply because he likes lookin' at "Nekkid Skinny Chicks", do ya??? Remember Occam's (spelling is suspect here) Razor. Went and checked it .... spelling is correct whaddayaknow
  19. Here is picture of the larger leather powder flask. It's on a shoulder strap but can also be slung from a belt. It's about 11-1/2" tall as described in the previous post. These will be $65.00. An improved spout assembly version should be ready about the end of May.
  20. Let me be the 1st to say Happy Birthday! Have some rum and maybe whack a couple of "unrulys" at the lie-barry! Everyone keep an one your flints ...... 'e's a known flintnapper!!
  21. Sorry, I'm late ...... hope ye had a good one!!!
  22. Dang it all! ... now I'll have to make one that's watertight! ..... well, that won't leak anyway ..... water .... yikes!
  23. Here is another NEW thing I've been doing, this is the 1st one ..... A military style leather powder storage flask good for the belt or with your cartridge box. This one is about 8-1/2" tall overall, including the spout,and 3-1/2" wide. I think it'll hold about 1/2 to 3/4 lb of powder. It'll be $45.00. The large one will be 11-1/2" tall and 5" wide and should hold over a lb of powder, will post pictures when it's completed.
  24. Oi, Dutch! I'm good how are y'all doin' up in Virginny? As you can see I'm keepin' busy, not buildin' a ship .... but stayin' busy. Thanks for the compliments!
  25. As alluded to, several months ago, I have been working on some new sh ...tuff. This is the 1st of several new pieces that I'll be offering soon. Soon as I get 'em finished. This is a Sword Belt, the loops for your scabbard can be made to accommodate your sword's width. The price is $65.00 Riveted construction and can be made in Black, Brown or Natural, or Hand Sewn for $75.00. Keep watching this space for some more stuff coming soon.
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